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A New Beginning

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 5:01am by Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: A Starbase to the Arcadia
1089 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure


A Starbase

Raiden made his way through the busy pub that was popular with those in Star Fleet liked to hang out at. He nodded towards a few that he knew at least by sight or from those whom he had known in his academy days. Mina Petrowsky, a friend of his, waved him over to take a seat with the rest of them. Mina was in security and had been trying to get him to leave helm and join her security team.

"Raiden, they don't believe me when I told them you should have been in security and not be a pilot." she commented, motioning for the others to move over which they did. Mina looked at the others. "Really, you should see how well he moves and he can really fight!"

They gave Raiden a bit of a assessing look then turned to Mina. "Right, we've not heard of his fighting skills."

"Really, his moves are sweet to watch." Mina protested.

"What, is my piloting that bad?" Raiden quipped as he sat down to enjoy his roast beef sandwich.

"Well, no, its not like that at all, I just think that your talents in fighting are just being wasted." Mina said gruffly.

"Like you have been letting me know, time and time again." Raiden taking her protests in stride.

She hmmphed a little, just glowering at him.

"Are you afraid of fighting?" one of the others asked.

"No, I am not, I am just someone who loves to fly" Raiden replied.

Mina glared almost standing up to confront the person who asked that question."He is no coward, and he does know how to fight."

Raiden put a hand on Mina's arm and shook his head, she looked at him then sat back down.

"Then if you know how to fight, why be a helmsman, and what made you decide to join Star Fleet?" one of the others there asked.

"You could say, I love to fly, and I wanted to follow in my uncle's footsteps. He loves to fly, and also, he noticed my interest and heard my dreams of wanting to fly. He taught me how to fly and to work on runabouts and shuttle craft. He is in Star Fleet." Raiden replied, then picked up his sandwich taking a good bite, washing it down with some of his drink.

"What does your dad do, is he in Star Fleet? " another asked.

Raiden was about to take another bite of his sandwich, laid it down on is plate and looked at the man whom asked that question.

"My father is not in Star Fleet, he's a Sensei, and has his own school." Raiden replied in an even tone.

"Then why aren't you there with him, teaching classes?" the man asked, obviously rather inebriated. "After all, if he can't make the grade of being in Star Fleet, what good is he? And you, with your so called skills in fighting, why waste your time flying? I'd like to see how good you really are." the man seeming to be itching for a fight.

Mina hissed at the man. "Duffy, don't do this, just back off. Do you want to end up in the brig again?"

"I don't care, I've heard enough about this guy, that it makes me sick.
What does he have that I don't have, hmmn?" Duffy groused, unsteadily rising up from his chair.

"He exhibits that he has more brains than you do apparently." Mina growled, motioning for Duffy to sit back down.

"I've had enough out of you, Mina." Duffy taking a swipe towards her, only to find his swing not reaching its target.

It was stopped, by what seemed a grip made of steel. Pain was shooting through his wrist and up his arm. He felt himself being sat down rather hard on his chair, and pair of intense dark brown eyes staring into his eyes. He could have sworn there was flames coming from the man's eyes.

Raiden growled, "Don't you ever try to lay a hand on Mina or any other woman like that again. If I find out that you've harmed a woman in an abusive way, I will hunt you down, and you won't know what hit you. " a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Duffy's eyes widened and nodded. He wasn't a coward but, he didn't like the look in Raiden's eyes.

Raiden stepped back, looked at the others. "Well, guess its time for me to get going. I'll have to eat this on the run." picking up his sandwich, he wrapped it up then looked at Mina, "I prefer to do things as peaceful as possible. I didn't feel the call for being security, I felt the call to fly, and I'm answering that call." slugging back his drink he set the mug down back on the table.

" And one more thing." he looked at Duffy, "My father lost his brother in the Dominion War. Don't talk badly about my family nor about anyone else's family. You don't know what they've been through, learn to listen and find out information, before shooting your fool mouth off." with that Raiden gave a wave and left the pub for his next assignment.

Loki System

Raiden had to catch a ride with the Gladiator, having had missed his connection with the Arcadia. Once they were out of the slipstream, he got the chance to take a good look where his new posting would be at looking out an observational window. Raiden was impressed, and a bit excited as well. She was a beautiful ship, and he could feel his fingers aching to touch the console and feel the ship respond. With the personnel transfers he found that his gear had been settled on the USS Arcadia, and it was his turn. Stepping onto the transporter pad, his form shimmered into nothingness, then finding himself on the transporter pad in the transporter room of the USS Arcadia. He stayed there for a moment or two, as if to make certain he was in one piece, all seemed in order and he stepped down off the pad. Raiden wanted to explore the ship, but that will have to wait. Next stop, to see if the Captain was available for him to report into. With a bit of a jaunt to his step, Raiden smiled thanked the transporter chief for bringing him on board safely and made his way out of the transporter room. It was time to report in.



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