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Curiosity Up Close

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2021 @ 4:50am by Commander Liala Ziyal & Captain Callisi Verra

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Fighter Bay, USS Arcadia
1663 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Liala had never really spent any time amongst the star fighters that Starfleet had brought into being so long ago. She had been in most usual transports, shuttles, Captain's yachts and such but never a fighter. She was never one for fighting, so maybe that was why but given that she was XO now she wanted to take an interest in all areas she had neglected before.

As she entered the bay she noticed the sheer vastness of it. So many fighters lay in wait for their big moment. There were a number of crew attending to their normal duties, some maintenance, some just cleaning the outsides but they truly were a sight up close.

There were a few things in the hangar that could be classified as 'Never before seen'. Fighters, sure, but that one over there in particular was unusual. Sleek black hull, curves and a streamlined look as opposed to the grey spoon look of most Federation craft. The other ships were fighters. Aggressors. Provokers... but this one ship...

She was a predator.

Gently polishing the hull to an odd matte finish was the wing commander of the Arcadia, the resident rabbitess Callisi. She hummed a tune to herself as she ran a blue fuzzy glove over the hull near the cockpit. An alien being, caring for an alien craft. A tune no human had heard, a craft no human hand had assembled.

"That is a very interesting style of fighter." Liala said as she found herself standing in front of it. "Not quite like the others."

"She's a blink fighter. A product of the minds and hearts and strength of my people." Callisi stood, removing the blue fuzzy glove. "She's unlike anything the Federation has ever produced, and what she lacks in top speed, she meets or exceeds everywhere else." the cyclopean rabbitess explained, pride in her tone.

"Callisi. Wing element commander. Call sign Dead Eye. Previously Red Lance leader."

"Oh, Liala Ziyal, ships XO. Pleased to meet you." she said as she went to touch the frame of the craft. "She is beautiful, and getting things done quickly is not always the best way." she smiled and her hand hesitated. "Do you mind? I sometimes feel a connection with something more when I touch it." Liala stated.

"By all means." she motioned to the craft. "It's mostly for aesthetics, the craft doesn't shine." the wing commander walked along with the XO. "There was a time when the Blink craft were the fastest craft in the empire, until the Emperor themselves asked the question: Is Blink the Fastest?" ominous, "The Emperor's own personal science division, designed solely to answer the Emperor's curiosity, toiled for three years before giving their answer: No."

"One year after that, a demonstration. Two years after that, and the Ts'usugi were exploring the stars." she smirked softly, "But that's ancient history."

"The Blink fighters are our aerospace superiority element. Aerocombat, tactical harassment, short range recon, resource denial, and strategic deployment. Her only limit is she cannot achieve warp velocities. The frame is too small for everything required."

It felt cold, smooth and strangely loved. Liala could see, but more so hear, the love for the craft from Callisi. The history of it was fascinating to hear even if it was just an off the cuff rough version of it. "Well hopefully if you are out in this we would not leave you behind." she joked.

Callisi followed the joke in suit, "A human suggested I stick out my thumb. Or show some leg." she offered. "And hitch a ride." she giggled. "Back home I hear they have the Mark Two up in service. More firepower, more range, and a second seat. A Blink Pilot doesn't have to be solo anymore. They're breaking up responsibility between pilot and support." she crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't know how I feel about it, since I had to prove myself in a single seat, but if it gives more people the opportunity to be their best, I'll support it."

"I'll still fly circles around them, though." she added with a smirk.

"Humans are a weird bunch." Liala said out loud. "And I am saying that in my professional opinion as a Psychiatrist."

Callisi continued to speak and it was nice to see someone open up so freely and easily. She was not short on confidence, and knew her fighters well. "I am all for team building but sometimes taking the decisions away from one person, especially in a situation where a fighter is needed, can be dangerous." She said before looking at the woman in question more thoughtfully as something flashed through her mind. "Tell me, do you have ideas of your own? For fighters? Own specs, things you think would work?" she asked.

"Do I have designs for fighters?" Callisi asked for clarity. "Not since I was five. And those were with colored wax." she offered with a soft smile. "I can plan a strike, I can code a system, but actual design work? Not a clue."

Liala nodded with a little laugh. "Some pilots have better designs than those that sit in front of a design board having never flown in their lives. I was just curious. Voyagers pilot designed and built the Delta Flyer class and I am always interested in seeing if anyone else has bright ideas."

Callisi shook her head, "Engineering and design never took to me, ma'am. Maintenance, yes. Design, no." she shook her head. "Now, I heard that the Delta Flyer class was designed by a pilot, but it's good to have confirmation." a smirk. She was silent for a moment.

"Oh please, call me Liala. I never did like anything else... Commander, ma'am... all sounds like your talking to someone else." she said softly. "Tell me though, and I am sorry if this offends you, can tell me off if I do but what's your hearing like?" she asked nodding and looking towards Callisi's ears.

Her ears twitched slightly, "Better than a human's. For good and bad I assure you." she paused, and then motioned to her eyes...

Her eye. Pale. No reflection, just a matte painting inviting a view into the soul.

"Our vision is accustomed to low light. I'm most comfortable at about seventy percent of Federation standard, but after a moment I can cope with the bright lights. I can see better in dim light, but in the dark dark I'm as useless as most ordinary people."

"Oh I can imagine you hear all sorts of unwanted things." Liala mused as she listened on. Callisi was quite interesting as Liala had never met anyone of her species before and was full of questions but did not want to stereotype her to the Earth animal and bore her with endless questions.

"How are you finding the Arcadia? Do you have everything you need?" Liala asked.

"A great deal, yes, but I've gotten used to a lot of it. Nothing in recent but, well... People can be cruel to those with injuries." she said, and left it for the moment at that. "As for finding the Arcadia, that's... an interesting choice of words. What I need sometimes is a *map*." she stated with a smirk. "This starcraft is enormous. Vast and yet sometimes, so empty. I walked down six hallways yesterday before accidentally bumping into someone. Turns out they were on the entirely wrong deck for what they were looking for."

"I wonder if that's the future of the Federation? Vast starships dominating the stars, crewed by people who hardly ever see each other." a pause, "It sounds so lonely." she started, "But, it makes those chance encounters so much more worthwhile."

"I hope not. To wander a ship aimlessly and not see the people who live there would be a great shame. I like to talk to people, if you had not guessed, find out about them. Ask questions, see what interests them... but I think that is the inherent counsellor in me." Liala admitted.

"My people prize the pursuit of knowledge very highly, but there's a protocol to these things." she smirked. "Protocol is the lifeblood of my people. Tradition, execution, expectation." she looked away slightly at that. As though, on some level, she didn't live up to those. She looked back quite quickly though. "Three is a very auspicious and lucky number to us, if you believe in such a thing. Signs of good luck, good fortune, and good tidings. It helps that we have three home moons." she cited.

"So, be that the case, traditionally we limit questions to three. If you can ask as many questions as you want, you can ask pointless questions as well as monumental questions, and there's little distinction between the two. If, however, you're only allowed to ask Three questions, then the question you ask becomes almost as important as the answer you receive, and you can gauge a person's character by the question they ask."

She paused to build up the tension of the moment, before she giggled gently, "I won't limit your curiosity, Liala. I might, however, ask if that's the question you want answered." she spoke, ominous. The smirk broke the specter of doom, though.

Liala's badge chirped to life instructing her to join the Captain in his ready room. Her heart jumped a little as it almost felt like being called to the head masters office for doing something wrong. Had she? No!

"This has been nice Captain." she said. "I will remember the questions of 3 for out next meeting. I will be sure to have good ones prepared."

"Duty calls. Be safe." Callisi called, a low nod as she started to leave. "And I'll answer them as best I can."

With those words ringing in her ears Liala left for her next chat with Captain Hawkins. Leaving one Captain for another she swept down the halls to her next destination.


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