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Arcadia's Very Own Swan

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2021 @ 4:44am by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant JG Holly Swan

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Chief Counselor's Office - U.S.S. Arcadia
1524 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

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Still getting used to the Arcadia's deck listing and layout first hand, David had finally made his way to deck 11, he took in the site of the suites and dedicated section of the ship devoted to the department. It was truly like a miniature starship with a warp core. The shear mass of the ship and design, he was truly impressed and unsure at some of the missions and cases they were about to tackle. He was used to being in the hot and heavy issues that resulted in the front lines with this rolling onto the scene. The sight of the ship dropping out of warp or slipstream would shadow even the sovereign class starship. A slight smirk came on his face to that thought before he walked up to the front check in for the counseling department.

"Can I help..." a young female started to speak noticing the presents of someone new before her desk as she finished what she was doing on her console. But once she looked up, she looked worried and shocked as she stood up from her seat at attention about to call the room to attention. But he waved at her real quickly.

"Don't... I am just another person working on the ship," David reassured her as he waved his hand slightly.

"Yes sir... but you are also the captain... of this ship..."

"My turds stink as the next person," he countered before he thought about his wording. She chuckled slightly before he shrugged. "Sorry about that. Very un-professional there."

"It is all good, sir. How can I help you?"

He looked around slightly still taking in the marvel of design of the section as he spoke. "I am here to check in with our new counselor on the ship. Is she in?"

"Umm... Yes sir. I'll let her know you are here," the assistant replied as she sat back down. "Of course, you are more than welcome to check the area out."

"Don't mind if I do!" he countered with a slight nod and grin as he relaxed with his hands in his pockets while he walked through the section and checked out the area.

News of the Captain's unexpected arrival traveled quickly through the department like a tender dry wildfire.

He'd had wondered very far through the complex before Lieutenant Swan approached him from behind. "Enjoying a stroll Captain?" she asked.

The captain turned on his heel once he heard her voice behind him and nodded. "Honestly, she is much bigger then I'm used to. It will take me several months before I'm used to her. But yes, I'm enjoying her for sure. What do you think, Counselor?"

"Sophisticated, grand and perhaps a little daunting," Holly answered brightly. "Or at least in my opinion, though the trepidation part I hope will wear off soon."

"Glad I am not the only one that feels that way," David replied as he walked over to her and reached out. "David Hawkins, how are you?"

"Holly Swan," she introduced herself shaking his hand feeling her nerves bubble upward in his presence. "Nice to meet you, sir. I must admit I'm received to have met you on such a casual manner. The first time I met Captain Styles, my previous CO I knocked her teacup flying." She blushed at the memory, "She was sickbay for an hour afterwards. Luckily she found it amusing and gave me a tea set as the leaving present."

This story made him smile slightly as he released her hand before straightening his top. As he did, David took in a deep breath before allowing her to take lead. He relaxed his hands in his pants pockets after adjusting the holster on his left thigh with his TR pistol held in place. "Well all I can say is give it some time. I can assure you I have a habit of surprising everyone I work with. It keeps people on their toes."

Falling into step alongside him Holly felt her eyes drawn to his holstered weapon and suppressed a shiver. Was the Captain expected something untoward to happen on his ship tour?

Dragging her eyes away she willed herself to concentrate on his voice: "Good or bad surprises?" Holly asked.

"Over the years of my command of the Resolute and the Gladiator, I have lead many people in several missions of conflict and scientific investigations. I have learned over the years that I do not fully command the same way as you would expect some other commanding officers to lead. But I am sure that has to do with my background of being a marine for several years prior to transferring over," he explained as he allowed his eyes to scan the layout of the counseling offices and staff. It was truly a marvel. "I hope that my background and my forwardness will not be an issue, Counselor."

"I guess that explains the sidearm," Holly glanced downward again. "Has it in the past, your leadership style I mean?"

To the question, he shrugged as they walked slowly. "Not everyone likes how I command, or the concept of my leadership skills, but when it comes to my people, I treat my people as though they were my own family. So I take care of them as long as they take care of me."

"That tight bond of comradery among soldiers certainly stays with you doesn't it? My advice, if I may?" she continued to talk without much pause. "We're all new to this, even the ship is sparkling new, there's bound to be some hiccups, some personality clashes along the way. I'd try and reframe from any of those surprises for now, or at least until we find our feet."

"I leave that into your capable hands as the counselor. I can't promise things will go smooth as I do not have full access to everything in the universe. My job is to complete our mission, but I put their safety first," David remarked with a slight pause before he looked her. "I promise to not go over board, though."

Holly inclined her head slightly: "That's all I can ask for."

"Is that so?" the captain asked as he stopped and looked her over. "I got to say, you aren't very talk like are you?"

Stopping too Swan responded quickly, so quick she hadn't really though through her response or what Hawkins was saying: "And you're rather intimidating."

Her eyes boggled at what she'd just said: "I mean..." she tried to back pedal but it was too late for that.

"... Counselor," He raised his head slightly as he got her attention. He took a deep breath before he continued his thought process. "It is just me and you. I want and expect my crew to speak their thoughts and opinions to me. When it is one on one, like this, I want you to know that even though I may be intimidating and sometimes offensive, I want you to speak your thoughts. Tell me what you feel and what you hear. That is what I expect, especially, with you. I want you to be my counsel, my good angel on my shoulder, as it were to say. I need you and our executive officer on me if I am out of line. But in the end, I expect that you and everyone else to follow my final orders when I give them unless I am medically uncapable. Sound like a plan?"

With a red hint still flushed upon her cheeks Holly released the breath she was holding having been concerned Hawkins would not take kindly to her loose tongue. Instead he surprised her with his musing and expectations having seemed to take her honestly at face value and recognized it as an element for personal improvement. Maybe it was connected to his Marine background, his people skills were on the harsh side and his tactics daring or dangerous. Commander Ziyal will have to stay on her toes. Holly smirked.

"I'll try to pick my words more carefully," she smiled with a hint of lingering embarrassment. "Otherwise, yes, that sounds like a plan."

"Oh do me a favor," he smirked back as he stretched his shoulder before rubbing it. "Don't worry as much to carefully choosing words, I'm more concerned about you getting your thoughts out to me for the betterment of our people and myself."

"I understand Captain, I'll keep that in mind," Holly nodded.

"Is there anything you would like to go over while I'm down here? Otherwise, I can get out of your hair and deal with other matters at hand," he asked as he made a mental note to prepare himself for the next location on his to do list. "I have other department heads I can go bother."

"No, I think we covered everything. Enjoy the rest of your tour, sir."

"I'll do that. Nice meeting you, Holly," he nodded as he started off his own way. Something told him it was going to be an interesting time with this new counselor. But only time would tell.

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