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New Blood

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2021 @ 3:33am by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Medical Bay - U.S.S. Arcadia
2024 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

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Doctor Timia Svidi pushed her way passed a crewman, shooting him a look of annoyance as she rushed down the hall way towards the transporter room. She knew the ship like the back of her hand but with all these new people around it was like chaos on her boat. New supplies meant crates of items being transported around, new crew looking lost rather than the old crew who got from point A to point B with out being in the way. Change was annoying.

She darted in to the Transporter room and saw the command crewman standing there with a padd in hand, awaiting the arrival of the new Captain. This temporary aide was to help the new Captain get settled in, find his around, take first orders, etc...

Timia stepped just in front of the crewman, closer to the transporter pad and glanced back at the operator. "Transport." she ordered.

"We haven't received the signal yet, Doctor." the operator commented dryly.

Timia sighed and glanced down at her wrist, giving it a flick, the chip in under her skin activated and displayed a clock on the back of her hand. "I was told he would be ready precisely now. I have things to do." she commented.

"Maybe he is running late." the command crewman offered.

Timia glanced back and pushed her loose brown curls over her shoulder, "Just be glad I do not find myself late when you have a medical emergency." she said, casting a smirk of humor at the crewman. She then let out a laugh, but frowned when neither of the other two people in the room returned the laugh.

Timia cleared her throat and looked back at the transporter pad, but she was certain she caught the other two roll their eyes as she was turning away.

Without a moment's notice, the transporter beam came alive with multiple people came into view. They were all pointed towards the older man in black uniform with the outlines of the red uniform. But like a marine, he was wearing a holster with a tr pistol holstered on his thigh. He seemed to have been in mid sentence as he had his hands slightly in the air. "... and that was the second time I had cra..." he paused and looked around along with the rest of the group. " I didn't give the order to transport."

David Hawkins turned and looked at the transporter chief at the controls and gave him the silent question of 'what the hell?' but was met with nudge for him to look at the new female before him. She wasn't bad looking, but had a stern look. She seemed to hold herself high and mighty as he looked her over before looking at his young assistant he had met before. "Did you order him to transport us aboard?"

"I did, your scheduled time to transport was several minuets ago Captain. Once you were all placed on the pad there is no reason to wait." She stepped forward and held out her hand, "I'm Doctor Timia Svidi. I wanted to introduce myself and show you around the ship." she said with a bright smile, "I uh. assume your critter problem is an old story or do we we need to stop by sick bay?" she asked him.

He blinked for a moment before he took a deep breath and nodded to his group he was with. "We will catch up later. Get settled in on the ship." As they all stepped down, David stepped down as well and took the doctor's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Alrighty. I'll bite. Who hired you?"

She pulled her hand back and arched her brows at him, "Hired me?" she scoffed. "Well I thank you for thing I'm attractive enough to be hired... but I don't do that, and even if I did, I'd refuse any one who has a history of..." she looked down her long nose at him, "critters..." she said. "Either way, I wanted to show you around my home." she said, ignoring the fact his aide was standing there looking annoyed.

David smirked as he stepped completely down from the transporter padd and nodded at the transporter controller. "Speaking of critters, do you have confirmation of lock on the Gladiator?"

"Aye sir. I have transporter lock."

He smirked and nodded as he turned. "Bring them aboard!"

With that, the transporter came alive and a squad of marines with personal equipment was brought aboard with two canines in the group. Once materialized, the captain grinned and slapped his hip. "Come here, buddy."

With that, the one canine without a leash on his collar hopped off at his command and came right up to his master. A low bark came from him but it was obvious that the animal had missed its master and was happy to be petted. He needed the attention he hadn't received from the man in a while.

"Good boy, I missed you as well," David reassured him before finally looking up at the new female. "I'm sure you meant, Serge here, right?"

She looked down at the animal for a moment, "A dog?" she asked. "Two dogs?" she frowned looking at the other one. "You are aware we do not have a veterinarian on the ship, we will need to use an EMH with programming for their care." she said, "And I now have ten people I'll need to inform and update their allergy treatments."

"So you are the Chief of Medical aboard?" David asked as he waved at his marines. The marines nodded and headed out but the canine that was his pet stayed behind sitting next to him. This was a loyal companion to say the least. He was happy just the keep the master safe.

Timia nodded, "That I am. Well... I'm the most senior on the ship at the moment, the last Chief of Medicine was transferred with the last batch I've been filling in the role for at least three months. Not too hard when the ships been sitting here getting updated and all." she said. "She's nice and shiny." she grinned widely. "Can I walk you to your quarters? Or do you need to go any where in particular? I can take you. I know this ship very well!"

"My personal belongings were transported to my quarters earlier. I will mess with that later," He replied as he waved her forward toward the corridors. With that, he allowed her to take lead. "Show me this medical department of yours. Heard you had a couple decks in one section and a secondary sick bay. Sounds like we need more than one head medical officer."

She nodded, "Honestly the size of this ship needs a chief of medicine, and then filtering down from there, like a stationary hospital." she said as she led him towards the lift. "We have labs, we have surgical sections, different medical bays set up to see enlisted, civilians, officers. Quarantine areas, meeting rooms, training rooms, even our own holodeck." she said. "It services the needs of this floating city, and can handle anything that our missions can throw at it." she told him. "I'm rather proud of the medical department, I've worked hard with the former Chief of Medicine, and when he was transferred I kept it running smoothly." she said.

"Senior Medical Bay." she ordered the lift to take them as close to that section as possible. "My office is attached to the Senior Medical Bay, it is where you would generally go if you have needs and will not need to worry about being gawked at my civilians or enlisted."

"Senior Medical Bay?" David raised an eye brow as he processed the information given to him from the doctor. As he did, there was a part of him that didn't sit well with him on the different ways of treatments. But for now, he was going to listen and see how it was set up. There was no need to change it up without seeing it all. "So how does the medical department handle such a split in serving people differently? Has it shown improvement with the special treatment?"

She nodded, "In my experience, yes. Its like anywhere else in the universe, people have the doctors they like to go to, and generally they only see them. Me and my direct staff are dedicated to the senior staff on the ship. THat isn't to say that if an emergency of a civilian or junior officer walked in we would reject them...." she said waving her hand. "You have to understand, with a ship this size and a medical department this size I can't have just any one walking through the door whenever. You'd never be seen! I personally handle the senior most officers with my staff, and any other particular cases needed. I also fill in if needed. I also have to run the entire damn department. That's a lot of paperwork and reports." she shrugged. "The junior officers, enlisted, and most civilians are handled by the medical residence on the next deck. We have a nice office down there with plenty of exam rooms, diagnostic stations... The system works fairly well." she said.

Still not completely sure on how he felt about this whole set up, they continued down till they found their medical location in which was the main medical section of the starship. It was massive and just like she said, several areas which were sectioned off by glass walls and barriers to which were shiny. Most of the technology was more modernized but they weren't alien to him. It was the shear size and magnitude in which caught him more off guard more then anything else. The feel that this was almost a small starbase is how it came off to him and knew that deep down, he was going to have to surly get used to this.

"Bridge to Captain Hawkins." voice came over his ear piece and sighed as he tapped his ear piece while raising his hand towards the doctor.

"Go ahead," David replied before taking a deep breath.

"Station Ops is requesting a communica with you right away. There has been a mission change."

"Understood, I'll be right up there, Hawkins out," he replied before tapping his ear and turned to his medical officer escort. "This will have to wait, but I'll be back soon enough. I'll be back later for a rain check."

"You better be. I will come after you if you don't. I take the health of my people very seriously." she said.

"Sounds good, Doc," he replied as he started for the hallway to head to the turbolift before pausing and looking over at her. "Oh and Doctor. Take in all people, treat everyone equal. Rank means nothing to me, lives matter more. Make it happen."

She made a face at him, "Um. I think we should discuss that more. I would never let life fail because of rank. I did say that. Its just normal treatment and check ups are seen here, where as normal check ups and treatments are seen in other locations, and every one is assigned a team of medical professions so they can build a working relationship with them. To cancel that would be stupid and irresponsible and cause lack of proper medical care. So no. I will not be changing things." she said and fleshed her hair back. "If you would like to talk about this further let me know once you deal with the bridge." she said.

Before walking out of range, David stopped and turned around to look at her for a moment before smirking. He knew her type of people and how stubborn headed they could be. Hell, he was one of those people as well. "Doctor, something tells me that we are going to have some fun time now aren't we?" With that, he shook head head and headed out. There was time for arguing, but not today. He had some work to do.

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