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Update, And A Risky Plan

Posted on Sat Nov 19th, 2022 @ 1:05am by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi
Edited on on Sat Dec 10th, 2022 @ 10:57pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Before the final battles
1545 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Raiden got an update from Ensign Mishra, one of the security officers who had gone on the extraction team with Aarfa, Walken and Wales. In his report, Mishra fessed up on almost messing up the extraction and finding out information that was necessary in order to find out where the main branch of the Unholy Trinity was. Then Mishra told Raiden about the current idea and the XO was a bit uncertain about this plan. It was risky, but Raiden felt that it would work. However he needed to get the Captain to sign off on this one. And that was where Raiden found himself going to go see the Captain.

"Captain Hawkins, Kosugi here, I need to speak with you in your ready room. It is of utmost importance. I am already on my way." Raiden stated.

When he arrived on the bridge Raiden made his way to the ready room and without any preamble or pressing the chime or waiting for Hawkins to say come in, Raiden just stepped inside. After all, Raiden had given Hawkins fair warning he was on his way. Even though he wanted to launch into his report, Raiden actually waited to see if Hawkins was ready for the report or was he even there?

"Go ahead and enter, Commander," David verbally pushed the younger officer as he came up from behind him. He had damp hair and was holding his top to his uniform in hand as they walked in. The commander walked up half way into the room and the captain walked around him to his side of the desk. As he threw his top over the back of his chair, he started to speak to his executive officer. "You summoned me?"

Raiden took note of the Captain's attire, and the wet hair, he must have been already getting prepped for the day.

"Yes I did, Sir, I received a report from the extraction team consisting of Lieutenants Wales, Walken, Cadet Barakzay and Ensign Mishra. They successfully extracted their target."

There was something different about the Captain that Raiden couldn't put his finger on but that wasn't important at this time. Raiden continued.

"There was a minor difficulty they had faced. One of the team decided to shoot their target before they were able to gain information. An idea has come up though, and that is Wales, Walken, and a couple of others pretend to be prisoners and are members of the Unholy Trinity or were seeking out the Trinity as true believers. An escape will be contrived and they have gotten away from their captors in order to make it to the main base and be a part of whatever is going on there, where ever that maybe. It is proposed that Tarala Ligginash and Chief Petty Officer Logan Cale, be a part of that scenaro."

Raiden walked over and slid the Padd towards Hawkins. "Tarala Ligginash could be the pilot that has stolen a runabout, and Chief Cale would be under the guise of someone who wants to become one with the Goddess. Hopefully this will work and we find where they are and hopefully find where the rest of the crew hopefully are being held prisoner, instead of being the worse case scenario, killed." he stopped for a moment, then said, "This can't happen unless you give them the green light sir."

"Sounds a little risky," David thought as he leaned over and pulled the padd over to look over. "But it sounds like a workable mission. What are your thoughts on this modification to the plans?"

"Well with the er too enthusiastic actions of Ensign Mishra, it almost messed up whatever plans they had previously. However, this other plan is proving to be creative and workable. Shows that they are adaptable. And it would still make certain we find out where the Unholy ones are hiding. If they can convince Tiger Lily of their true intent, as in being one with the Goddess, we can end this mess once and for all. I think it is workable, yes it has its risk factor. Also Ensign Mishra according to the plan, will have been said, been killed." Raiden stated, "Said Ensign was in agreement with this and truly sorry for the trouble he has caused."

Raiden gave a slight nod of his head at his next thought as if coming to a decision. "How does the plan sound to me? I think it is worth this gamble. We need to rid the cosmos once and for all, of this parasitic destructive cult. Far too many have been lost, Captain. Far too many. And I am sure I am preaching to the choir when I say, we need to finish this, and get to something a little more mundane of exploring, finding undiscovered systems, meeting new people, that sort of thing. There are many strange new worlds out there, even the aspect of seeing changes in a planet's surface or a moon that is being terraformed into another place for people to live. I do digress though, what are your thoughts about this Sting that is being suggested and hopefully put together?"

There was another question he wished to ask and that was about the Captain's current demeanor, he seemed to be slightly different at the moment.

"Typically last minute changes adds more risk factors to consider but if this is the only best suggestion, I back it. Hell, I doubt I would have thought it up as quickly. Make it happen, Commander," David ordered as he leaned back in his chair and popped his neck real quick. "As for the Ensign, I think that would be a great growth opportunity for you to handle. It is your responsibility to deal with subordinates at that level. I deal with those that report directly to me. Actually, who is Mishra's direct supervisor?"

"It is Lieutenant Josey Wales, Captain." Raiden responded.

"That is who should be dealing with it. Then should report to you as to the outcome," the captain remarked simply before bringing his monitor to life with a tap to his console.

"This is true, thank you for the reminder, Captain." Raiden making a mental note to remember the protocols of who is to deal with what. He still had things to learn about being an executive officer. With it looking like the captain was getting into his day's business, and the away team needing to get out as soon as possible, Raiden determined that he had better go.

"Sir, I'll take my leave now to let Lieutenant Wales, and Lieutenant Walken know that they have been given the green light on this next part." Raiden simply stated. He didn't have anything further to say and even though he was curious about the Captain's state of mind, it still wasn't the proper time. Raiden was focused on getting things done.

"Sounds like a plan. Good hunting, Commander!" David replied before raising a thumb and winking before clicking his tongue. After the fact, he went to focus on his monitor. He was stress free and almost seemed more like he was focused in what needed to be done without letting the stress overwhelm him. He had been concerned and so off, that he could not think straight. But now... He knew completely, without hesitation as to what to do next. "Once you are done, have helm get us into position. I am reaching out to the local task forces to send any available backup possible."

"Okay will do that sir." Raiden giving a bit of a nod. "I'll see you on the bridge later on." with that, the XO turned and headed out of the ready room, at a fast pace.

The door slid shut behind the executive officer and this caused David to lower his wall. He was relaxed but as he looked at the door. He wondered if all this was going to be well. The simple fact that Tayla and her crew had been assaulted, and some killed, it was unthinkable. Tayla had ... no... was a skilled and knowledgeable officer. She deserved her command and assignment. She chose her crew and the best of them. So how in the hell had the Gladiator's former crew been overtaken so easily and so quickly. The only thing he could come up with was the possible chance of a spy among their crew. He needed to make sure that wasn't the case, but nothing else made sense to him.

"Computer, bring up all ingoing and outgoing message for the past month. I want all text, audio, and video," David ordered as he looked at his monitor. The computer chirped in response. "And seal the doors. Then deactivate all recording and prevent entrance to this office without my authority. It is probably best that I do this on my own."

As the computer replied with the female voice's verbal confirmation and the magnetic lock engaged for the doors, David mentally reassured himself as he had already pushed his crew hard for this mission. It was only fair to cut down the work load and take over this set. Plus... he wanted to make sure that he was wrong, but the possible chance of their own spy...


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