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Drink to take the Edge off?

Posted on Mon Nov 14th, 2022 @ 9:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken

Mission: The Goddess
1165 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Kyle if anything was a creature of habit, even with the limits placed on what they could all bring over to the Gladiator he still managed to smuggle a few of his liquor bottles with him. Bottle of whiskey in hand he made his way to sickbay, entering he walked to the CMO's office. "Hey Doc, figured now is as good as time as any to say thanks for fixing the arms." The marine states holding up the bottle.

Timia looked up from her new desk. She hated the shape of it. The office on this ship was so much smaller, but she was forced to make do. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." she said her face brightening slightly.

Walken paused and looked behind him, "I don't think anyone has called me that before." He fully stepped into the office, setting the two shot glasses down on her desk followed by the bottle.

Timia looked at the bottle eagerly, "Well any familiar face is good in this tiny ship." she said. "Gladiator is so much smaller than Acadia... and my quarters smell like the old CMO's cologne..." she said making a face.

"I'm pretty sure that is everyone on the ship, only people here are from the Acadia other than two." Kyle opens the bottle and begins to pour the glasses full. "Sounds to me that you this old CMO either were not on the best of terms or something," He guessed as he raised his glass.

She shrugged, "Never met him honestly. He was one of the ones killed so star fleet packed up all his stuff from the quarters yesterday. Its being cleaned today so hopefully it wont smell any more." she said. "Have you gotten official quarters yet?"

"Nope, not that it bothers me. It wasn't that long ago I was in the marine barracks as an NCO, so a little lack of privacy is nothing that bothers me." Walken began to drink from his glass. "I get the feeling you are not happy about trading the Acadia for the Gladiator?"

Timia grunted as she leaned back in her chair and took a sip of the drink. "I went from a new top of the line medical department... twice the size, newest and updated equipment, clean and pristine... and here... I mean come on. This ship is getting older these days. Its far more cramped. My office alone is half the size it used to be. I used to have a privet lab, a couch, and bathroom in my office." she waved her hand around at the large screens, windows, and just the desk. "And now its this...."

Kyle laughed, "You would hate being a Marine." Pouring himself another glass he leans back. "I mean I'm sure it would be nice to have all those things but sometimes we just get dealt a terrible hand. I should know I more than a few of those over this past two years."

Timia sighed, "See thats why I didn't want to take that kind of job. I likely could have become some sort of medic in a specific branch, but I wanted to keep moving up. Hell I was submitting applications to run medical departments on hospital ships!" she said. "I'd never want to be a marine, cramped up with other people." she sighed, "The fact I have to share a lab with my staff is bad enough right now."

Walken erupts into laughter, "Wow you got this cold-hearted bitch thing down to an art form, but I can see where you are coming from. Different folks like their work areas in different states, I take it from your statement you would rather be left alone and isolated from people that work under you."

"If they're idiots, yes. If they have a real brain between their ears, I'll give them a chance. There are a few nurses and staff I actually like." Timia said. "But yes... cold hearted bitch has become a nick name for me. Eventually I'm embraced it." she smirked. "Can't hurt me if I embrace it!"

"If that is how you feel about it who am I to tell you to feel another way." The marine shrugs before finishing his drink and pouring another.

Timia followed suit and shoved her glass across, asking for more. "No one, but then that comes off as more mean than I intend." she laughed. "I mean I know I'm grumpy, I always have been. I know what I'm doing, and no one can tell me other wise unless they are qualified to, so why should I just bow down hmm?" she asked. "I don't often bow, unless I want to." she winked and laughed.

Walken poured Timia another glass before pushing it back, "Well if I had a choice between a doctor who I know will save me or just tell me nice words, I'll take the one who knows what they are doing." Kyle laughed at the last statement. "That doesn't surprise me, you don't seem the type to bow even if you did want to."

"Oh it takes a very particular kind of person to make me bow. I haven't encountered that person yet." she laughed. "And see that is my mind set as well. Who needs nice words when the truth is more important. That isn't to say that a bedside manor isn't important, it is. But there can not be a hiding of the truth due to nice words."

"Honesty is normally the best policy at least when it comes to that, best to be straight up with the person they are gonna find out one way or another." Walken shifts in his chair, "Judging you I don't think this mysterious person who could make you bow down exists. Even if they did I doubt they would be able to stop you for long." the marine laughs quietly.

Timia grinned and winked, "Certainly not. I am a force to be reckoned with and I rather like that about myself." Timia smirked at him. "Don't mind the challenge though. I'd welcome someone to try." she smirked and finished her drink, "This is good stuff. If I didn't have to stay on duty i'd finish the whole bottle."

Walken grinned at her response before standing up, he only took his glass in hand leaving both the other glass and bottle for the doc. "Then consider the bottle a gift, should you want more you know where to find me. Can't keep the CMO to myself when she is on duty."

Timia smirked as she looked Walken up and down. "I don't know. You might try." she smirked with a bit of a wink. "I'll see you around?" she said before she stood up and closed the bottle, lest she tempt herself to drink more. "Thank you for the gift."

"I'm sure you will Doc, I'm sure you will." Walken answered as he turned and left the CMO to her duties.



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