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Crossroads to the future

Posted on Mon Oct 10th, 2022 @ 6:10am by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Cadet First Class Pallas

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Security Office USS Pioneer
Timeline: TBD
2200 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Josey had just turned in his mission gear and went to his office to write the debriefing mission report for the Captain. But before starting he went to the the replicator. " Grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a large mug of coffee. " The machine hummed as the requested items appeared before him. He took the items and sat at his desk. There were some items he really wanted to highlight in the report about how the team had functioned while they were planet side. Just then his door chimed and the duty officer at the desk stepped in. " Sir, there is a Cadet Pallas requesting to speak with you. What shall I tell her? " Josey wondered what the Cadet wanted to talk about. " Send her in." He remained standing until the Cadet entered.

The cadet entered and saluted sharply. “Cadet First Class Pallas, sir.” She stood at attention before the Chief Security Officer. “Thank you for agreeing to see me. Congratulations on a successful mission.”

" Thank you Cadet Pallas. " Said Josey. " I was about to have some lunch, Would you care for anything to eat or drink? If so the replicator is on the wall next to you. So what would you lie to talk to me about? "

Pallas's eyes flickered over at the replicator, but quickly returned to the Lieutenant. She shook her head. "No thank you, sir. I'm good for now. But please go ahead," she mentioned to the meal in front of Josey. "I know you must have a lot to do, so I will try to be brief. It's a hectic time on board, and I'm sure your department especially is extremely busy. I just wanted to introduce myself. I had the honor of meeting the XO when I first arrived aboard, and Commander Kasugi made clear to me that, even though I am still a cadet, I am a member of this crew and the mission of the Gladiator is also my mission. So I thought it was important to introduce myself to the Department Heads, in case anything comes up where I could be of assistance. As you're aware, typically a cadet is expected to rotate through all the Departments during her Training Cruise. My first rotation is officially through Medical, but I didn't want to wait until we got to my rotation through Sec/Tac for you to know who I am."

Josey smiled. " I appreciate you taking the time and initiative to come in and make your introduction to me. So what specialty did you train for in the academy? I knew I wanted to go into security by the end of the first year in the academy, it just seemed to come to me naturally. There is more to security then just protecting the crew on a ship or watching prisoners in the brig. We apprehend criminals, repel ship boarders, respond to distress calls and rescue the crew, undercover work at times, Anti piracy detail, breaking up smuggling operations, and even planetary evacuation if need be. There are even chances to go into the intelligence division if you have the talent for it. So what are your interest? " He asked as he took a bite from his sandwich and had a swig of coffee.

"To be frank, sir, none of that, though I both recognize the essential role of all of those activities in keeping both starships and the Federation safe, and I also know that I will benefit greatly and learn a lot from my rotation through your department." She handed over her PADD with her Academy record pulled up on it. "I majored in exobiology, engineering, and xenoanthropology. So on first glance, Engineering and Science would seem like solid fits for me, but I am trying to keep an open mind on this Cruise. My first rotation right now, through Medical, has been really rewarding; I'm learning a ton from Doctor Svidi. Not just about medicine, but about her approach to leadership as I watch her keeping Sickbay running smoothly during difficult times. I didn't have a lot of time for extra electives, so I never took any leadership or command courses beyond the basic required ones; I'm excited to learn about the different styles of management that you all use."

Josey read over the academy record and tucked away several bits of information for a later date. " So you were the co captain of the boxing team as well eh? It seems you have and athletic side as well. I can tell you that my style of command is pretty easy going most of the time, but when it hits the fan and things get ugly fast ,I expect everyone under my command to do their duty and safeguard the ship and the lives of our crewmates. I also like to take some time and run some training drills to sharpen our skills so that we are prepared to take on whatever challenge comes our way. "

Pallas nodded. "Yes, sir. As my coach used to tell me, 'Better for you to get out that aggression inside the ring than outside of it.' But... I am not sure how useful being a sport boxer will be when it comes to actual Security work. My guess is that the folks you go up against are not usually following the Federation Sporting Authority rulebook. Being prepared, though, that is something that I can do. If it's okay with you and depending on how frequently you run them, it may be helpful for me to participate in your department's next scheduled training drills, even if I am not yet officially on your rotation. I wouldn't want to miss out on that opportunity."

" I wouldn't say that I'm excessive when it comes to drills." Stated Josey. " If it's a busy week, then about once a week. If we're slow and have excessive time on our hands, then I might run two or three in a week. It's always best when people are trained and know how to react to a situation, I'm even planning on a joint training session with medical for a ship wide disaster scenario and learning basic first aid to help the wounded and get the victims to sickbay. Such training can save lives. As far as I'm concerned, that's part of serving and protecting that we do. I've got to get that set up with the CMO first of course. "

"That makes a lot of sense, a joint drill with Medical. I look forward to it." Pallas turned to her other question. "If you don't mind me asking, sir, how did you decide on Security? My faculty advisor and guidance counselor both told me to keep an open mind coming into this experience. I'm hoping that by getting some insight into how senior officers made their decisions, I can make a better one for myself. I know that there are some, like Lieutenant th'Villos, that pretty much knew what they were going to do for their whole career before they started at the Academy. Was it the same for you?"

" My father was a museum director back in St. Louis and my mother was in Starfleet, how those two ever got together I'll never know. Most of my siblings followed in my fathers footsteps and stayed on earth. My I always loved seeing new worlds and living on a ship was exciting to me. While mom and I were aboard the ship, the rest of my family was back on earth, yeah we kept in touch a lot of the time, but for me there is nothing that compares to living amongst the stars. "

Josey paused briefly. " Living on a ship can be exciting, but it is also dangerous. While on the ship I met and befriended Lt. Commander Hanson, He was like a father figure to me when the rest of my family wasn't around, He was also the Chief Security Officer and kept me out of trouble and treated me like one of his own sons that were aboard ship. I admired and respected him and by the time I was fourteen I knew what I wanted to do with my life. The day after I turned eighteen I tested for Starfleet Academy and was accepted. Lt. Commander Hanson is a man I highly respect and is still willing to place his life on the line for others before even thinking about himself. His morals and ethics are beyond question as far as I'm concerned and he is the reason why I decided to go into security. He even took time off and traveled back to Earth just to attend my graduation from the academy. that's what made me decide that I wanted to choose security as a career. "

The cadet nodded throughout the story. Although it sounded like the Lieutenant and herself had very different childhoods, she strongly identified with having a Starfleet officer that she looked up to, and having that person loom large over her career. "Lieutenant Suvol. That was my 'Lt. Commander Hanson,' starting around the time I was five. She was an ensign when I first met her, just the most brilliant and insightful person I could imagine. She really could fix anything. Made me think that if I joined Starfleet, I could fix any problem that came up, too."

" I take it that Lieutenant Suvol was an engineer? " Asked Josey. " She sounds like she was a wonderful person and went out of her way to help you out. That's what I really love about Starfleet, even if you only have one person that your living with and they're not there for you all of the time others will help out and take an interest in you. There are a lot of good and kind people in the service that will help nurture others even if it isn't their responsibility. We've got some of the best people around and we have plenty of benefits and perks that go along with the job. As for what department that you finally decide to go with, The advice I'd like to give you is to tell you to go with your heart and make sure it's something that you love doing. What are you passionate about? Where can you contribute the most? And where will you be happy at? No one wants to be stuck in a job that they hate, Only you can answer those questions. "

"Yes, she was an engineer. Is still an engineer, so far as I know. It has been a few months since I last spoke with her." Pallas nodded in agreement at the Lieutenant's assessment. "Certainly the crew I have met so far on the Gladiator are examples of the kind of officers you are talking about. I have not met anyone yet who seems to be working from anything other than the best of intentions and a desire to help others. And that even includes Doctor Svidi," she smirked. "I appreciate the advice, sir. I think I suspect what that will be, but I also appreciate the opportunity that comes from not having to have to decides that for a little bit longer. And I very much look forward to your drills. They actually sound fun, to be honest. I guess I am used to drills while we were training for our fights, and I miss that part of it, the camaraderie of physical challenges with my teammates."

" Here on the Gladiator we have a first rate security team, they are dedicated and intelligent and do they're job to the utmost of their ability. I am proud to serve with them as they are a credit to their uniform and the service. They are good men and women who place the lives of others above their own and are willing to do what needs to be done to protect the lives of crew mate and stranger alike. I believe you'll find that the men and women that serve this department have the same type of dedication and work ethics as you do. They strive to work towards self improvement and teamwork to assure that they can achieve the best they can be in they're everyday lives. "

Pallas stood up straight at the high praise that Lieutenant Wales was giving his staff. "That is what I have been looking forward to coming onboard, sir, and I am very happy to hear you say that." She looked at the chief's unfinished lunch. "I should get out of your way and let you finish your meal, but thank you for taking the time to talk with me." She saluted sharply, feeling better about the ship she had joined after the encounter.

Josey stood up and nodded. " I look forward to the time that you'll be rotating through our department Cadet Pallas. It has been a pleasure meeting you this day. " He watched as Pallas departed and thinking that they had some new bright recruits aboard the ship and smiled. He looked down at his ice cold lunch and dumped it in the recycler and made himself a new hot meal and finally sat down to enjoy the simple repast.


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