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Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 7:48am by Cadet First Class Pallas & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi
Edited on on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 8:56pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Pallas Backpost #3 (after “First Timers”)
1382 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Pallas paused in front of the doors to Sickbay and took a breath. It was something she had learned in therapy, to slow down and center herself. Still the anticipation that seemed to always be at the forefront of her mind. It was only sporadically successful, but she kept trying anyway. At least it stopped her from running over the little she had gleaned from the crew manifest about the woman who was to be her first boss: some kind of medical prodigy, trained in a non-traditional medical school from a young age, one of those Innies whose parents were also starship officers, both of them doctors. Pallas was still here, though, and was certain she had something to contribute. Her counselor at the Academy warned her that the first rotation might be the hardest, as she would be learning the department and work at the same time she was still learning the ship. At least she hadn't gotten lost on her way here, despite her previous night's nightmares of exactly that scenario playing out. Two minutes early. She stepped forward and the doors opened into her new workplace.

Timia had her hands on her hips as she leaned over one of the nurses, "Do you have any idea what would have happened if I had not checked?" she demanded. "If you ever mix up like that again I will ensure you are drummed out of the service and will never work in the medical field again. From now on you will not touch a damn thing with out Nurse Grace double checking it all, until further notice!" she growled.

The other person, clearly another MD was trying to hold back tears as she nodded. "I'm... I'm sorry." she stammered.

"Oh not yet sweetheart, but you will be! Get out of my sight." Timia growled before waving her hand to dismiss the other woman. She turned her head seeing a new person walking in. "Cadet." she stated flatly.

The younger woman's salute was as sharp as a razor. It would have been, anyway, but having caught the tail-end of that dressing down of a fellow officer and doctor, the newcomer certainly had all the motivation she needed to appear on top of her game. "Cadet First Class Pallas reporting for duty, sir!" she said, before pulling out her PADD and presenting her credentials and orders to report to Medical for her first rotation. The commander had maybe an inch on her, but her imposing presence made the doctor seem much taller.

"I'm a doctor not a sir." Timia said snatching the padd from the cadet. "I assume you know the difference between 10 milliliters and 100 milliliters?" she said as she eyed the young woman up and down.

"Of course... Doctor." Keeping eye contact as best she could, she held up her thumb and index finger and closely approximated a four-tenths of an inch, paused, and then extended them to about four inches apart.

Timia arched her brows as she watched the hand movements, "Congratulations, You're officially smarter than a medical school graduate." she said. "What classes have you taken in medical?" she demanded as she turned around and headed for her office.

Pallas jumped to follow quickly behind. "One of my majors was exobiology, s...," she caught herself just in time, "...Doctor. As you know that is one of the more common majors for those hoping to attend Starfleet Medical, so I have all the prerequisites covered: behavioral sciences, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, nanotechnology, biophysics.... I also majored in engineering, so my physics and mathematics coursework was extensive."

Tima rounded her desk and dropped the padd down as she sat in her chair and leaned back a bit. "And what are you hoping to get out of working a round in my department if your interest is in engineering?"

"My interest is not strictly in Engineering, Doctor," she responded, honestly and confidently. "I joined Starfleet to help those in need. On Andara, where I am from, that aid came from the Starfleet Engineering Corps. But it became clear to me quickly, as I worked through the Academy Preparatory Program, that there are many ways to help and contribute to the well-being of others. At the risk of sounding indecisive, Doctor, I've come into my Training Cruise with a very open mind about my career in Starfleet. I realize that is unusual, but I'd prefer not to prematurely close any doors. And my albeit limited experience so far has been that the reality of Starfleet is usually quite different from the expectation."

Timia resisted a smile, "Well then, I'll make sure you get a hell of an experience here. This is not a department you will just fly through. Its hard, you see a lot of crap, especially with our current mission." She tapped a few buttons on her computer and pulled up series of picture still of the blood drained bodies they had discovered. She watched the cadet for a reaction. "This is a massacre we found, and we are hunting down the culprits. Our work is helping that happen. The whole department has been hands on with processing and studying the victims so we can bring them justice." she explained. "Medical is not pretty. But it is valuable."

Pallas stared at the screen for a moment, taking in the gruesome images. Then she simply nodded, her face grim but steady. "A despicable act, and I look forward to assisting however I can with the forensic analysis." She looked back at the commander, realizing she was being studied for a reaction. "These aren't the first dead bodies I've seen," she explained. "And I don't just mean cadavers at the Academy. I've seen more than a few before, up close, who have died in a violent manner. Not as horrible as that," she motioned to the monitor, "but death is not pretty. It's also not the deceased that concern me, Doctor; it's the ones we might still be able to save, or at least to alleviate their suffering."

Timia closed the images and looked at the cadet, pleased and a little surprised how unflappable she was. She was also able to provide a heartfelt answer in the face of such horrific images. "There are a number of missing people from these attacks. Most notably, a pregnant woman who is... or was, the Captain of the ship. We hope that we can find something in all this mess to find her and the other missing and save them before they all face the same fate." she explained.

She nodded once, slowly, as she absorbed the information about the attack. "The XO met me when I was first coming aboard the Gladiator, and explained some of what happened and the current mission to me. I am not a physician or even nurse, clearly, but I have spent time doing biochemical and experimental physics lab work. I'm officially detailed to you for this first rotation, Doctor, and I will always put in the best effort I can, but I also understand that what has happened here is extraordinary. If there is anything I can do, even beyond normal duties, I am at your disposal. Especially if it means there's a chance of saving lives."

Timia nodded slowly, "Well then. For today, I need you to take inventory in our stock room. I am not confident the last CMO was keeping good records and I want to confirm what the station reported was listed there. That will also get you familiar with items, what they're called, for, and where they belong." She handed her another padd.

Pallas took the PADD with a nod acknowledging the assignment. “Yes, Doctor. Thank you for the opportunity to learn. And to help.” She saluted again, and then left for the stock room to being the inventory. This, at least, she would get right.

Timia watched the girl leave as she tapped her cheek with a finger, she liked to test cadets. It wasn't that she wanted to chase off people from the medical department, however, she wanted to make sure that those who made it were worthy of the field, and serious about it. This one was smart. She might just impress Timia, which was damn near impossible to do.



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