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Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2022 @ 8:37am by Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
3482 words - 7 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden arrived at the predestined spot, wondering if Hikaru was there. At the moment there wasn't anyone around and it gave Raiden an eerie feeling, reminiscent of the dream/nightmare he had. It caused shivers to run up and down his spine, and Raiden had that sense of dejavu. An almost imperceptible scuff of a shoe caused Raiden to spin around, already going into a fighting stance, poised on the balls of his feet ready to defend or strike.

"Who's there." Raiden growled out, his voice echoing slighty. He listened intently for any other sound

"Well you certainly weren't kidding when you said you were into martial arts." Hikaru remarked stepping out from the shadows. "I didn't know if you were actually going to come meet me." he flashed a grin, "I thought that Ichi-" he stopped when he saw the thunderous look in Raiden's eyes, and the clenching of his fists.

"Woah hold on there, was just going to bust your chops a little bit." Hikaru responded.

"Not cool talking about a lady and her personal activities." Raiden retorted through clenched teeth.

Hikaru stared at Raiden for a moment or two, then he chuckled, "Not a kiss and tell kinda guy are you." watching the man closely.

"Not at all, I don't believe in doing something like that." Raiden spat out. "Look you said meet you here, what's going on?"

"To be honest, I want to see just how skilled you are. And the best place I know of is right there behind that door. This is off the record, are you game or will you just walk away and not see what lies behind door number one." Hikaru giving Raiden a challenging look.

Raiden saw Hikaru's challenge and answered, "lets do this." It wasn't as if Raiden had anything to prove to anyone, except to himself. And when was the last time he got into a match that would test his mettle.

Hikaru gave a firm slap on Raiden's back, "Okay lets go." directing Raiden through that door.

The Arena

As soon as he stepped through the door, Raiden felt he was transported into another world. He could hear cheering, and shouts from both male and female. Hikaru led him through another door where he could see the combatants fighting, and then they went into the back area. Hikaru gave Raiden an assessing gaze, "Glad you aren't wearing your fancy duds. I would have sent you packing."

Raiden quirked up an black eyebrow at that. He was wearing a grey tank top and black bdu pants, with a pair of combat boots. "Okay when does the action start."

"Right now there is a match going on." Hikaru gesturing towards where a fight was going on.

Obav was sitting on one of the benches, leaning back against the wall. He was dressed in a pair of trunks, his ankles were wrapped and he had a pair of padded gloves on. He eyed the two people that walked in, his antenna twitched a few times while he observed.

"You talk to Lessi yet? She's the one that can get you on the fight card," Obav spoke up. "It's rough in that ring though."

Raiden cast a glance towards the Andorian, and gave a nod in acknowledgement "Thanks, it maybe rough but I've not come here to play pattycake. " flashing slight smile, which died away.

There was something about the Andorian male that seemed slightly familiar but Raiden couldn't put a finger on the reason why. "Where is Lessi?" he asked.

"Lessi should be out front, likely around the cage some where. Just look for the Orion woman who is clearly running the whole thing, she's kind of hard to miss," Obav nodded towards the door.

"Who's hard to miss?" Came a feminine voice from the same doorway as a pair of heels clicked on the floor.

As she stepped into the room, her green skin and raven black hair were evident. She was wearing a pair of tight leather shorts that were tied in the front, black heels that didn't look very comfortable and a black mesh top with a black bra under it.

"You are," Obav gave her a look. "We got some new meat."

Lessi turned and looked at the man and raised one of her brows, "You want to fight? The fighters I got will break you into little pieces. You sure?"

Hikaru ran an appreciative eye over Lessie, "looking good as usual Lessi" the man giving her a flirtatious wink. "I wanted to see what his skills are, just to see if he was all talk and no action."

Raiden cast a glance at Hikaru, giving a smirk towards the man, then looked at Lessi giving a nod, "I'm sure." a determined set to his jaw. It wasn't lost on him as to the attractiveness of Lessi, at this moment though, he was just itching to fight.

"Gonna get some gear for him." Hikaru remarked.

"Yes, because that isn't the hundredth time I've heard that tonight," Lessi watched as Hikaru walked away and let out a soft sigh as she looked back at the other guy. "You want to fight alone or with a partner?"

"I'm open for either." Raiden remarked, with slight lift of his chin and a slight smile. "If you've got someone who is wanting a partner then sure, if you don't, I'll fight alone. I would like to see if this is on the level of playing Rugby with Samoans or Tongans. I found it interesting to hear them yell Fresh Meat when I stepped onto the field." his slight smile turning into a grin.

Hikaru arrived with the gear, and paused to look at Raiden. "Rugby with either of those two races is almost suicide." he glanced over towards the Andorian. "Obav here, he's great in the ring and would definitely give those you had mentioned a run for their money. Or put them to the ground." he handed Raiden some gear, "get changed."

Raiden looked over towards Lessi and Obav. "Let me know what's on the docket."

"Sounds like I have a fan," Obav's antenna both turned inwards in amusement.

"Yeah, well, those aren't the kinds of people that come fight down here," Lessi looked over the man again. "I could put the two of you together. What do you think blue?"

"I could take most of the apes that fight here, even if there were two of them," Obav said with a shrug and a smirk. "Who do you have to pair up?"

"Gatz and Nukala, they work well together," She smirked as she looked between the two of them. "Get acquainted with each other."

It didn't take Raiden long to change out of his original clothing and into the gear Hikaru provided, trunks, gloves.

Hikaru looked over towards Obav, "Yeah I'm a fan" he chuckled, then turned his eyes over to Raiden scrutinizing the man. The guy did look physically fit, with lean muscles. "I guess he'll do." giving Raiden a smirk.

Raiden just shook his head at Hikaru giving a laugh, then turned his attention to Obav, "How long have you been fighting in this circuit? What's your style of fighting?"

Obav snorted, "Punch them harder than they punch me." His antenna turned inwards in amusement and he shrugged. "I'm an expert in kharakom, basically Andorian kick boxing. It hits hard and fast. I have been on the station for a while, so for that long. What's your style?"

"Kodan Khan Karate, which is a mixed martial arts style with elements of Krav Maga, Karate and Wu Shu to name a few." Raiden replied. "Always best to put an opponent down as quickly as possible." Raiden paused, then asked, "Gatz and Nukala what's their weight and size or will I get to find that out when we get into the ring." flashing a smile.

Obav couldn't help but chuckle, the question was a valid one but he really hadn't been here before. After a few moments, he answered, "Gats is nearly two meters tall and a generally pissed off Nausican, I'd clock him at 106 kgs. Nukala is a Bajoran, she fights like a she devil but weights around 68 kgs and is about a meter and a half. He's faster than you'd think and she relies more on agility."

"Fights like a she devil and is Bajoran." Raiden mused. "With the exception of being Bajoran, Nukala sounds like she might be a bit like my younger sister, Li Na. Agile, hard to hit and nasty when she hits. As for Gatz, I don't consider any one who is a bit taller and heavier than I am, to be slow anymore. I only made that mistake one time when younger, years back. " Raiden rubbed his head ruefully. "I learned my lesson the hard way."

"Yeah, not sure where he learned to fight but he's good. Nukala is part of a small mercenary group that works out of the station. I'd hate to be on the other side of a fire fight with her," Obav admitted. "I'm still confident."

Raiden nodded, "Okay, good to know this as well. At this moment even if it isn't a fire fight, one of us will be facing off with her. And with her being part of a mercenary group, she will prove to be a challenge at any rate. Who do you want to take on? It doesn't bother me either way."

Hikaru stared at Raiden, "What? You're going to be hitting a girl?" his eyebrows raising. "I thought you were a gentleman." trying to get a rise out of Raiden.

Raiden slowly turned his head towards Hikaru, "Out in that ring there are only combatants, doesn't matter if it is male or female, they have one gender, warriors."

"And if you take it easy on her, she will go out of her way to make sure you get hurt," Obav chuckled. "Of course, she has a healing touch that can be quite lovely if you're lucky enough to feel it. I would recommend taking the big guy."

"Yup sounds like what my sisters have told me. I take it easy on them they would hurt me and have." He had turned back to face Obav, "Okay, what you said sounds rather interesting.. a healing touch.. I wouldn't be pulling punches." He gave a slight smile, then a thought occured to him, Raiden then turned to Lessi. "Lessi how often are Gatz and Nukala teamed up together?"

Lessi arched one of her brows, before she glanced back at the other man, "Here and there, but they aren't a regular partnership. I think they'll have an advantage over the two of you in that."

"I've seen them fight as a team and fought both of them myself," Obav's antenna turned inward in a shrug. "Gatz is quick and strong as hell, but he favors his left and telegraphs his big hits. Nukala tries to ware her opponents out by keeping them moving and using smaller but more frequent attacks. We might be able to use that to trip her up with Gatz, if we don't let them get into a rhythm it won't turn into a slug fest."

Raiden nodded, the more information the better. He also was taking note of the different ways Obav's antenna were moving. He had heard from someone that the Andorian antennae was a good indicator of the species moods, or even ways of communicating.

"Good information." Raiden stated, "I'd like to think we can find our own rhythym when we go out there." Raiden making sure his gloves were on snug and giving another small smile.

"I can start out strong, make myself a target. It'll be harder for them to get a read on you right away," Obav raised one of his brows. "That is of course if I can trust you."

"We are partnered up, I don't believe in attacking a team mate. Would be utterly foolish especially out there." Raiden nodding towards where the matches are going on. "So yeah you can trust me to not backstab you or sell you out. I'm not that way." Raiden responded. "Plus your strategy is sound as well."

"I meant more trust you to know how fight, but that's good to know too," Obav's antenna waved.

"As lovely as this is, I need to get back out there. Your card will get called in about ten minutes. Be ready," Lessi said, before heading off with her heels clicking as she walked.

Raiden gave a nod. "Oh that's what you meant." giving a wry look at his misunderstanding of Obav's question. "And as for the question you were meaning. I do know how to fight."

"Thanks Lessi." Raiden replied as the woman walked away.

"We'll see about your ability to fight." Hikaru remarked to Raiden, as he watched Lessi walk away then quietly added. "I love the way she walks."

"And I bet that she is pretty dangerous too." Raiden responding to Hikaru's statement.

"It's all for show, she's tough as hell and doesn't take up with the fighters. She knows better considering this is her lively hood," Obav's antenna turned inward again. "I've tried all the tricks, although I got the feeling you two were an item."

Hikaru was quiet for a moment, then answered, "Yeah we were at one time. I still have a thing for her." the man stated, turning towards Obav, with a flash of a smile.

Raiden quietly listened to the conversation, and just waited for the time to head on in and fight. At least he was getting a bit more information on Hikaru than he had before.

"I meant the two of you, but if you got with Lessi you and I need to compare notes and I need to figure out how," Obav laughed, as he looked between the two of them, before he stood up with Raiden. "No mercy, my new friend. No mercy."

Raiden shot a glance over at Obav at his remark while Hikaru guffawed,

"Lighten up will you, Kosugi." Hikaru said slapping Raiden goodnaturedly on the shoulder. he looked back at Obav, "He's too easily teased much like Ichika is. Now there's a woman, she's in the diplomatic offices." Hikaru does a chef's kiss after speaking of her.

"Hikaru..." Raiden growled out, jerking his shoulder out from Hikaru's grasp.

"Save it for the ring, my friend." Hikaru laughed, then looked at Obav. "Okay he's ready now." giving a smirk. "And Obav, when you ever come back this way maybe we'll compare notes."

Raiden then said, "No mercy, definitely no mercy."

Obav looked between the two of them a couple of times, before deciding that he did not care to inquire any further. Instead, he stood up from the bench he'd been sitting on and pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the locker he was using before closing it up. "Let's get to work."

Raiden had noticed the Andorian male's look, and just shook his head. As they headed down towards where the fighting would happen, Raiden didn't glance back towards the locker room. As they neared the opening to the arena Raiden simply commented, "I'm not into guys, don't care if you believe me or not." giving a shrug. "I just came to fight. Lessi's sexy, very sexy, just don't want to have any distractions on my mind."

The roar of the crowd grew louder as the two made their way down the hall towards the ring. At the edge before they entered Raiden caught sight of the Nausican, Gatz, and the bajoran female Nukala and even though one was taller than the other, they looked like they were going to be tough like what Obav had said.

The time came for them to enter into the ring, Raiden did so, standing still for a moment, letting the sound of the crowd just wash over him like the roaring waves of an angry sea. Then the signal was given, Obav had told Raiden he'd be going in strong and would make himself a target. From what Obav had said, he had fought both Gatz and Nukala before, so they would be familiar with his moves and the way he fought.

Raiden thought he heard someone yell out "Fresh Meat!" which caused a bit of laughter. "Get the body bag ready, he's going down!"

"Make sure a medic is present, if he survives this."

"Hey Obav, you got the short end of the deal here!" shouted another one.

"Oh come on, I could take these two bums myself! We're just trying to get the fresh meat comfortable," Obav played the crowd, enjoying that more than he should.

Raiden at first seemed to be the reluctant brawler but then Raiden waded in, drawing Gatz attention and it was on. Fists hitting bare flesh, a head turning to one side as someone went for a jaw. Knee blows to the ribs, the feeling of nothing else mattered but to hit and be hit. It was glorious, his opponent was great! When it was all said and done, Raiden stood there looking down upon the unconcious Gatz, breathing heavily, bathed in sweat, a trickle of blood from a cut above his eye, one across his cheek. On his back, Raiden could feel pain there and thought he could feel bruises forming. Gatz was tough and Raiden thought the Nausicaan was going to win. He looked to see how Obav fared with his opponent.

Obav and Nukala had fought several times before, they'd been friends and more so the two had a short hand with each other. There was no back and forth to ease them into the fight, the two of them just went straight at each other. He was stronger and a better striker, but she was more agile. He landed a couple of heavy blows early, before it turned into her hitting him quickly and him trying to land heavy blows. He finally got his moment and took her down with a huge right hook and manged to get her down.

Taking the opportunity to do ground work, he managed to get her into a wrist lock and cause her to submit. After she tapped she gave him a look that he knew all too well.

"I'll see you in your room later," he whispered into her ear, after he'd helped her up.

Once they were back in the locker room, Obav patted Raiden on the shoulder before he headed to his locker. "Not bad for your first time out."

Raiden flashed a grin at Obav, "Thanks, that was fun, and thanks for the team up, I hope that happens again sometime." He went to his locker to get changed, wondering if Ichiko would like to go grab a bite to eat, he'd like to see her again. Raiden hoped he'd have time before he had to get back to the ship. He sent a message and got a quick response, she was agreeable. He needed to get cleaned up.

There was a message, a reminder to go find Lieutenant Obav th’Villos as per what Captain Hawkins had wished him to do. Raiden brought up the file, to get a look at the image of the lieutenant. His eyes widened, no way, he had been teamed up with the helmsman he was to go find, in a fight.

"Son of a..." Irony, it was sheer irony. He looked to where Obav had gone, and walked over there. Quietly he said, "Lieutenant Obav th'Vilos, I'll be seeing you on the USS Gladiator sometime. Captain Hawkins had wanted me to locate you. Talk about sheer dumb luck on my part." a broad smile going from ear to ear.
"No wonder you looked slightly familiar. And just to let you know who I am, I'm Lieutenant Commander Raiden Kosugi, the XO of the Gladiator. Pleasure to meet you. If you fly as well as you fight, then the Gladiator will be in good hands."

Obav's antenna went up as he looked at Raiden in surprise, he was quiet for a moment before his antenna turned inwards toward each other in a shrug. "I hadn't heard back yet, good to know I got the job and my new boss isn't a total bore. I fly better than I fight."

Raiden gave a nod and chuckled, "Good, then I'll see you later. You enjoy the rest of your evening." with a wave the XO turned and headed back to his locker. He had a hot date and wasn't going to miss it.

"I'm going to have a great night, I'm pretty sure Nukala is going to want to go another few rounds," Obav smirked. "Enjoy you evening."


Lieutenant Obav th'Villos
Chief Flight Control
USS Gladiator


Lieutenant Commander Raiden Kosugi
Executive Officer
USS Gladiator


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