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Distractions Part 3

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 5:33am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos
Edited on on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 5:33am

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Starbase while Gladiator was being put together
3074 words - 6.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The ship was starting to taxi towards the shuttle bay they’d need to park in. “So, you still want to hang around me once we land? Maybe grab drinks?”

“Oh I think you owe me a drink after that.” she said with a smirk, “And you said you’d show me around, that includes showing me the good spots to get smashed in.” Timia said as she watched the stations shuttle bay get closer and closer.

“I supposed I did,” Obav nodded.


Obav lead the way out of the turbolift once the arrived back on the promenade, He waited for her to step off, before he turned and started to lead her through. They passed by a few places, a coffee and tea shop, a bakery, a florist, a pet store and a whole lot more. They went by a few restaurants as well, before he brought her to a place called Valor Ale Works.

“This place is good, I’ve had more than a few pints and they have a small menu,” Obav explained. “It’s quite a fun place.”

Timia looked around and smiled, “Its nice.” she said. It had a rustic feel, on purpose. She could see the tanks along the wall where they brewed things, and she could smell the scent of the ale. “So did you start the day off planning on finding a pretty visitor to hang out with all day?” she asked him. “Is this what you do for entertainment?”

Obav looked over at her, his antenna arched towards her for a moment as he gave her a look. “Believe it or not, I am but a lonely visitor myself. I have a temporary room while I’m waiting for a long term assignment. I might have had a couple of dates, but honestly you’ve been the most memorable.”

Timia blushed as she smiled. She slid in to a round booth and slid around towards the back so she could see as much of the place as she could. “Am I? Don’t tell me that the others you’ve taken out on a date were not thrilled by a ride in a shuttle?” she smirked with some pride.

“Two of them just wanted to hit up all the clubs and the other we grabbed coffee and did little else,” Obav shrugged as he slid in with her. He tapped in an order into the center table for a drink and something to eat. “I don’t think she liked me very much, but that’s all right. I think she was just trying to humor me.”

She started to look over the menu and finally punched in her own order, “Thats no fun. I don’t humor a man. If I have to humor him he’s not worth my time. I know what I’m worth, and no one can tell me differently.” she said firmly.

“A woman that can be bought is not worth spending time with,” Obav replied almost just as firmly, his antenna turning inwards toward each other. “Whenever I’m not in the rotation for flying the tug or helping to move ships around, I am in one of the shuttle bays helping to do maintenance. My first few years in Starfleet were spent flying and maintain smaller craft. As much as I’d love to say I was running around the station partying, I really wasn’t.”

Timia leaned back in the booth and watched him, watching how his antenna moved. She was aware they expressed through them as much as most others did with facial expression. She wasn’t very well practiced in observing and translating it. “Who has time to really be on the party scene? I tried when I was a teenager, and then again when I was in medical school. I went to a school that wasn’t too big on that though.” she shrugged. “Tried again in Starfleet Academy… Honestly I’ve tried to be a party girl many times, and sure I have fun sometimes, but it just is not sustainable to do all the time. Fun sometimes, but beyond that I just can’t do it.”

“I honestly had a blast when I was younger, but I was in Starfleet academy as an engineer and flight student. We tended to get pretty wild,” Obav smirked slightly. Before he could say more the drinks were delivered by a waitress. He took a drink, before he continued. “As I got a little older, having to fly ships and recover the next day was horrible. Can’t say I regret what I did, but I have a lot less interest in it now.”

“Imagine having to perform surgery with a hangover.” she laughed. “You move slightly the wrong way and the person dies on the table and your career is over.” Timia shrugged, “But the stress of medical work is intense enough to drive many medical personnel to drink even still.” she said before she raised her cup to her lips.

“Substance abuse is common for pilots, thankfully most Starfleet ships have decent shifts but long haul civvie pilots take a lot of stimulants to stay awake and focused,” Obav made a face. “I’d be lying if I haven’t dabbled, but it was never really my thing. Except maybe the beverage variety like coffee.”

Timia grunted, “The ship I grew up on was very strict with substance abuse. The owner used to be an addict so he was heavy handed on ensuring it didn’t exist on his ship.” she said. “But alcohol did flow pretty freely, and all sorts of coffee too.” she chuckled. She took another drink of the ale. “I’ve had long shifts in hospitals or even surgical suites where I wished I could have taken some stimulants to keep awake. Sometimes I feel like it would be useful.” she chuckled.

Obav took a drink from his mug and nodded his understanding, “I’ve had to fly quite a few missions where I was stuck with the ship but had to be ready to go at a moments notice. At least you have the drive of someone’s life being at stake. I’m surprised you’re not more of an adrenaline junkie.”

Timia laughed, “See, thats the thing. I think I am in some ways… but rather than doing dangerous things I just get pissy with every one around me and demand my own way until they either fight back or relent. Not great for my career, but I get satisfaction when I manage to get my way.” she shrugged. “Maybe I should try more adrenaline junkie type stuff.” she mused.

“Maybe you should, it’s delightful fun,” Obav’s antenna turned inwards in amusement, she needed to let loose and he was going to facilitate. “Do you like being outside? Could try some holodeck hiking or rock climbing to try and take the edge off so you don’t go after everyone around you.”

“Honestly I’m a bit of a ship body. I mean, I like exploring, but I’ve spent maybe 80% of my life on ships. I tend to read actual books rather than do holo novels.” she took a drink of her mug, “Besides with safeties on whats the thrill in that?” she wondered. “If I know I can’t be hurt I don’t see why I’d be thrilled by it.” she pointed out.

“A way to escape the day to day life you’re in?” Obav suggested, before taking another drink from his glass. “I’m not much of a book reader unless it’s tech manuals. I did spend some time in the outdoors where I lived, more hiking and camping. It might be simulated but at least it’s a change up.”

Timia shrugged, “Well maybe I’ll look into it.” she said. “We didn’t have holodecks on the ship I grew up on, so I just really never got in to them as much as some people.” she added. “Most of the time people I knew used them for… less than clean purposes.” she smirked, “I prefer the real thing.” she winked.

Obav’s antenna went up, as a little grin crossed his lips and his antenna arched towards her, “That sounds like music to my ears, baby. As for holodecks, I know they’re used for a variety of stress relief. There is a bar on the station that specializes in exotic programs and no, I haven’t tried them. I prefer the real thing myself.”

“Well that's good. I don't care if someone wants to use an exotic program, if they’re too much of a loser to find a real partner and need the stress relief who am I to say anything against it?” she smirked. She knew she was being a little forward with the man, but she was enjoying herself, and the ale was starting to move through her blood. Since she’d only eaten a pastry today, it was moving through her quickly. “Still… less fun than real chemistry.” she said before she bit her lower lip.

“It’s easier though,” Obav pointed out. “No need for the back and forth, just a quick way to get a little stress relief. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but I understand it. Especially on a long deployment. Real chemistry is far more fulfilling and usually a lot more fun because it’s a real response. I just hope you’re as forward with your clothes off.”

Timia grinned, “I guess you’ll have to take me somewhere a little more appropriate to find out.” she said as she looked him over. She’d never been with an Andorian, but she could imagine they were rather fun, considering they were well known to generally have aggressive and bold personalities. She liked that in a man, especially when fooling around.

“I was hoping my temporary quarters would be our next stop. I do have a few things we can drink, if you need a little more of that,” Obav leaned back and took another big drink from his glass. “Pretty decent for just a glorified taxi driver, if you ask me.”

She glanced up as their food was dropped off, she leaned forward, starting to feel hungry, but also feeling like she wanted to fuel up. “Fly boys might be arrogant and morons a lot of the time, but I think they can be fun.” she smirked before she took a bite of her food. “And yeah, I might like another drink or two, we’ll see.” she said.

Obav picked up some of the food that was in front of him and took a bite. When he was finished with the bite, he just gave her a smile, “I am a lot of fun in a lot of different situations, and from everything I’ve learned so far you are in desperate need of fun. Far too long being the grumpy doctor.”

She narrowed her eyes, “Oh you think I need to get laid and you’re the cure? See, arrogant ass hole fly boys, think they can read women and be some gods gift to womenkind.” she rolled her eyes. “Careful you might just spur me to play hard to get.”

“No, there are holo programs that would do the job, but you already said you don’t like them,” Obav’s antenna turned inwards toward each other in a shrug. “I think you need to have fun, if getting laid is part of that I’m certainly not going to say no.”

Timia almost spit out her food at his comeback about the holo programs, but she managed to hold it in and just laugh. “Oh my lucky day I suppose.” she said shaking her head. “I think you’re chances of still showing me a good time are good there mister blue.” she teased.

Obav finished off another drink from his glass, before taking another couple of bites while she spoke. He flashed her a charming grin, “Then you should finish off that beer and we should get out of here. See how much my chances increase.”

Timia took another bite of her food while she watched him, not rushing too much. She was enjoying the food and the banter, plus the anticipation was starting to flow in to that ‘thrill’ category. “I’m still eating, I think you’ll have to keep flirting with me, keep me interested.” she challenged.

“Oh, so I have to do all the work?” Obav asked her pointedly, giving her a challenging look. “I mean, sure we’ve got chemistry and you’ve got a nice rack but maybe you need to flirt with me, keep me interested. I am a rather attractive Andorian.”

“I haven’t been flirting?” she asked him. “I thought I was being rather forward about my interest.” she humphed with a smirk. “And if I didn’t think you were attractive I’d not have spoken to you beyond a quick thanks for the coffee recommendation. I sure as hell wouldn’t have let you stick me on a ship and take me out of here.” she smirked.

Obav’s antenna twitch and he took a bite, before he decided to punch in an order for another beer. Might as well, since they were going to be a bit. “Oh, I know I am. That whole arrogant pilot thing. I’m just making sure you don’t start slacking on me. I have to keep you on your toes.”

“Hmm I guess you’re not doing too badly.” she said. She took a couple more bites of her food and leaned back in the booth, letting her hand cheekily slide over to his leg and touch it briefly. “I don’t have any plans on slacking, and neither should you.”

Obav looked her over again, before he reached over and brushed some of her hair behind her ear, “It’s been a long time since I’ve found a woman this interesting. You like to challenge and be challenged.”

She tipped her head in to his touch, “Maybe there is a man out there that actually seems to get me. I find it fun to see how far I can push a man, but I really like it when they push back. It makes for an exciting and explosive situation. I’m unhealthily addicted to that sort of situation I think.” she chuckled. “Just so you know what you’re playing around with on this… fling.”

“I’ve got a pretty good idea and you haven’t scared me off yet,” Obav’s antenna turned inward again. His next drink arrived and he took a drink from it as he moved his hand from her face and down to her thigh. “I am most certainly encouraging you to indulge in all of your more base impulses.”

Timia scooted a little closer to him in the booth. “I’d like to see what an Andorians more base impulses are.” she said as she raised one hand and tentatively touched one antenna. She knew that they were sensitive and she thought in this context it might be exciting.

“Are you sure about that?” Obav asked her, his eyes met hers. He felt a shiver run down his spine when she touched his antenna, it was very intimate and something he enjoyed immensely. “We can be quite aggressive and there really isn’t an andorian word for gentle.”

Timia gave him a bit of a saucy look, “Oh I’ve heard that. I may not have been with an Andorian before, but I’ve treated them. I know enough to know thats true.” she said. “I know what I’m saying.” she purred as she ran her finger over his antenna again, liking how he responded to it.

Obav opened his mouth and let out a soft gasp when she touched his antenna again. It took him a moment before he gave her leg a squeeze, “Good, because I don’t like holding back. If you’re going to keep doing that, we really should head back to my place.”

She smiled, “I have no reason to stop.” she said. She pulled her hand back and finish off her drink before she set the mug back down and smirked, “I’ve only ever touched them in a medical environment, i’m very curious what its like to touch them in… other… environments.” she winked.

“It’s very intimate, I think humans have several erogenous zones but it can vary. Our antenna are almost always enjoyable to touch,” Obav said softly, he slid his hand along her thigh before he nodded towards the door. “Finally ready to get out of here?”

“Yeah, lets go, before we do things that might get us kicked out of this bar and both of us reported to our COC for bad behavior.” she grinned as she slid out of the booth. She had food in her now, but the ale was still impacting her just a little. If she was to have another drink here she might get too bold for public.

“That’s a little bit more trouble than I’d like to get into.”

Obav slid out as well, he made sure there was some latinum on the table to cover everything before he slipped his arm around Timia and pulled her close, as the two of them headed out of the bar. He teasingly caressed her side and hip as they walked towards the lift cluster, his antenna wiggling with excitement. They stepped onto one of the lifts and moved to the back before he called out his section.

Timia slipped her arm around Obav as well, she had come to the station for a break, and she sure as hell was getting one. This was turning out to be a far more entertaining day than she had expected. She knew only enough about the guy that she could learn more about him if she researched, but she liked the idea of not knowing a whole lot. One thing she had learned about station flings was, the less you really knew, even by choice, the better. It made it easier to walk away when it was time to leave.



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