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Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 5:25am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos
Edited on on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 5:26am

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Starbase while Gladiator was being put together
3724 words - 7.4 OF Standard Post Measure

A break. Timia needed a break. Traveling on the star drive section of the Gladiator to the station, working out of an emergency medical bay and sleeping in someone else's quarters was really getting to her. She stepped on to the station and took a deep breath. The larger spaces and lack of the creepy feelings she’d had since being forced on to the Gladiator were already starting to melt off her shoulders.

She hoped things would feel better once the two halves of the ship were joined together, she had a proper medical bay and her own quarters to live in. For now, the place felt like war zone, and despite ship cleaning systems, there was still a slight tainted smell of blood and fire power. Another thing she hoped would be gone by the time the rejoining was finished.

Heading straight to the first cafe on the promenade she spotted she stepped inline and viewed the menu, seeing the catered to at least a dozen races versions of caffeinated drinks. She liked several, so now she had a new dilemma… try one she hadn’t tried before or stick to one of the 3 or 4 she already knew?

Obav was dressed in his civilian clothes, he’d gotten up a little earlier than he had been as he was trying to actually get signed on to a ship. Being a reserve pilot sounded like fun, but the only way for him to truly advance his career would be at the helm of a ship. Of course that meant his leave coming to an end, but he was quickly getting to the point where he wanted back out there.

As he headed into the cafe, he headed for the line and got in right behind a rather attractive woman. His antenna curved towards her for a moment, before he moved them back up and glanced up at the menu.

“I recommend Katheka,” He said finally, she was studying the menu closely. “Andorian coffee essentially. Not quite as bitter as human coffee, although there are almost as many varieties.”

Timia turned and looked at the blue man behind her with his antenna pointed towards her. For a moment she wasn’t sure if she was bothered by the fact he had been looking at her long enough to see she was trying to choose, or not. She rubbed her palm on her thigh, clad in jeans, and looked back at the menu. “That is one I haven’t tried yet. I tend to like sweet addings to my coffee, does Katheka work well with that?” she asked him.

“I know of people that do, I usually just drink it without anything,” Obav answered with a soft smile. It was a learned behavior, something that seemed to put humans at ease. “It pairs well with Andorian spice bread, but I don’t know if they have any here.”

Timia let out a humph, “You’d think that a cafe that has other worlds coffees would have at least something from that world to pair with it,” she commented as she moved up into the line. “Thanks, I think I’ll give it a try.” she said. This place was certainly popular. All the empty tables that had been there when she walked in were now full, this caused her to let out a sigh.

Obav opened his mouth to say something, but he was a little surprised at her forwardness about what the place should have. Her sigh caught his attention again and she seemed to be unhappy about something, considering where she was looking he assumed it was a seating issue. Of course jumping in at that point seemed like a bad idea.

“You’re welcome,” He said finally. The line was moving fairly quickly and he was already looking forward to what he was going to get. “How long have you been on the station?”

“Well considering I’ve been here about 10 minutes and it's already bigger and cleaner than where I came from… pretty good.” Timia commented as she stepped forward again, her eyes now looking at the pastry stand, considering a snack may help as well. They might not have the spice bread the man had suggested, but something to nibble on may increase her mood more.

Obav looked her over again, he wasn’t sure where she’d come from but considering the types of ships that docked here there were a lot of possibilities. “I’ve been on station for a couple of months if you want a tour. Granted I don’t know everything, but I’ve been here long enough.”

Timia looked back at him a moment and weighed her options. That was rather forward, but she did come here to get off Gladiator and take a look around. She had meant for this to be a walk and exploring. She needed a diversion before she lost her mind. Finally she took a breath, “You know what… Why the hell not?” she said shrugging her shoulder then stepping towards the counter. She ordered a Katheka as the man had suggested with some sweetener and cream, and added a slice of banana bread to go with it. Once finished she stepped towards the end of the counter to wait for her order, leaving space for the Andorian to make his order.

Obav stepped up and ordered from the cafe and ordered his Katheka and a sandwich to go with it. He gave the person behind the counter some latinum before heading down to wait with the woman he’d met. “Ah, the name is Obav. I don’t think I properly introduced myself. What’s your name?”

“Timia.” she said taking a moment to look him over, “Are you stationed here?” she asked him, trying to figure out if she could guess what he did. He didn’t have rough calluses, nor did he have any visible prominent scars, so not security or engineering likely.

“I was on leave for the last few months, but I’m currently on the reserve list if any ship needs a fill in helm officer. There are a couple of ships heading this way that I’m going to request to join but until then I’ll help fly the station tugs or whatever else they need,” Obav answered. “You in Starfleet?”

Timia nodded as she looked at the man over again, then glanced around, not wanting to be caught looking too long. “A pilot… normally rather arrogant, always terrible flirts. Why is that?” she asked blunted.

“Being a pilot is a pretty dangerous job, starship pilot even more so. You’re the one that all the pressure is on when shit goes sideways or there’s some nebula that needs to be explored but only a shuttle can be taken in, or if the transporter doesn't work,” Obav chuckled. “It tends to attracts thrill seekers and if they’re still alive they haven’t found a challenge they’re afraid of. That absolutely includes people they find sexy. So are you a challenge I should be afraid of?”

She laughed at his explanation, it made some sort of sense at least. “Oh I’m far too much for any one to handle.” she said. “I have a bad temper and I’m very opinionated.” She said thinking of her recent run in with Captain Hawkins, and how the man nearly derailed her entire career. It remained to be seen if she could recover or not. It might still fall apart.

“I do not get the sense that I should be frightened,” Her order came up first and his cup of Katheka was dropped off as well. He sniffed at the cup before taking a sip from it. It tasted really good. Now he just needed his food. “I don’t have a problem with a temper, in my experience that usually means a lot more passion.”

Timia blinked as she pulled her cup to her lips. She was glad she had not taken a sip just yet or she may have spat it on him. She shifted on her feet and looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “That wasn’t an invitation Obav.” she said flatly. “Damn pilots…”

Obav’s antenna turned inwards in amusement, his sandwich was set out a moment later and he thanks the person before picking it up and turning to Timia. “I do have to live up to the reputation of all pilots after all and you seem like someone that needs to blow off some steam. That’s what we like to call a win/win.”

She raised her eyebrow as she collected her own bread off the counter and headed for the door as others were gathering around to wait for their orders. She took a bite of the bread before she finally tried the coffee. It was good, decently strong despite being sweetened. She glanced at her new escort for a moment as she stepped to the side, not knowing where to go just yet. “I do need to blow off some steam. Its been a rather trying couple of weeks, months really… Ship politics suck.” she commented before taking another drink.

“I would agree, it makes it tough when you are a difficult person to work with, I’m sure,” Obav couldn’t help but tease her, he wanted to get to know her a little better. “I am sure I can show you a good time, although I would like to know what kinds of things you like to do.”

“Oh I’m the difficult one?” she scoffed. “You’ve known me ten minutes and you think I’m the difficult one. You have no idea…” she said with a bit of a laugh, thinking of pig headed Hawkins. “I may be opinionated but people can work well along with me if they’re not morons… as far as what I like to do… I don’t know. I spend a lot of time alone, reading. When I’m in a new place I explore. I've been a rather boring workaholic since I was a kid.”

“All work and no play makes Timia a dull girl,” Obav answered as his antenna turned inwards towards each other in a shrug. “All right, you may not be the most difficult one. You’re right about me not knowing you. I shouldn’t make assumptions. So do you want to just check out all the shops and restaurants or are you looking for a little more excitement?”

At first Timia was content with wondering around and looking at the shops and people watching, but something about Obavs tone with the offer of excitement rang true. One thing she did remember from her childhood on merchant ships is when a local offered you excitement, you checked it out. Safely of course, unless you were an idiot. “You think you can find something I might find exciting?” she smirked and sipped the coffee. “Challenge accepted.”

“So you are a little daring, I like that in a woman,” Obav flashed her another grin, he spotted a sitting area and started to head for it. He was hungry and wanted to get something into his stomach. “I think I can come up with an idea or two. I have a line on a racing shuttle, we could hit the stars. I might know of a fighting ring we could stop by.”

Timia laughed, “I can honestly say I’ve never been to a fighting ring. I did know some people who were in to shuttle racing. They never invited me to join them sadly.” she said. “Of course I was a teenager and my parents would have killed those guys if they had actually taken me on a race.” she said as she followed him to the sitting area. She took a seat and leaned back as she started to eat her bread.

Obav couldn’t help but laugh as he unwrapped his sandwich, his antenna moving inwards towards one another in amusement. “That was a very good call. Becoming a pit bunny isn’t a spot I’d want my kids. The fighting ring is on the station, so we don’t have to leave and the race shuttle won’t be an actual race, just get to take it out for fun.”

“A pit bunny?” she laughed. “Oh God. No. Yeah no wonder they were so hesitant, and yet teasing about it.” she rolled her eyes. “Damn teenagers.” she said shaking her head. “I feel like it would be better to take out the racer and see if I can handle it like I thought I could when I was much younger. The fight ring is a back up….?” she suggested. “At least I didn’t pick a big snack.” she said.

“Oh, I didn’t mean we’d fight,” Obav grinned at her again, before taking a bite from his sandwich. “Once I’m done eating, I’ll give my friend a call and see when we can take out the shuttle. It’s small, mostly engine. There are a couple of courses we can take.”

“Oh I wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and fight an Andorian. I may be tough, but by strongest muscle is my tongue…” she paused, realizing how horrible that sounded. “Because I have a sharp tongue… bad temper…. Ugh.” she growled as she flushed red and took a long drink from her coffee, wanting to hide her face a bit.

Obav just laughed softly before taking another drink from his cup as he winked at her, “Isn’t that everyone’s strongest muscle? I guess you’ll have to wait until later to find out if it’s mine.”

TImia let out a scoff and tried to look put out by his comment, but her own slip up had caused it. Could she really be mad about it? She set her cup down and finished off her bread. “I just hope your reflexes are good. If I die while you’re trying to run a course I’ll haunt you. I would make a fabulous poltergeist.” she chuckled as the red started to leave her face.

“I bet you would, but if something happens out there we are both going to end up very, very dead,” Obav chuckled at that. “But you certainly have the boos to be quite the poltergeist.”

“I have the boos?” she asked. While she couldn’t disagree, she wasn’t certain if she fully caught the joke. She sipped her coffee again and crossed one leg over the other. “Keep us safe, but you did promise some excitement. I’ll hold you to it!”

“I’ll do my best to keep us safe,” Obav assured her. He paused for a moment as his antenna moved around before he answered her question. “Boobies, isn’t that one of the many names you humans have for them? Did that joke not quite work?”

TImia laughed, “Ah… Yes. that is the joke. I just didn’t really get it. I don’t always get jokes, so it could be me, or it could be your delivery. I don’t know.” she shrugged. “Although I’m not sure I like the idea that you’re making observations about my chest…” she said raising her brows and giving him a challenging look.

“Pilots, while impulsive and thrill seeking, must also be very observant. HAve to make sure a dozen different systems area all working together. Out side of the cockpit, it is easy to observe a lot going on around me,” Obav said with a smile. “A woman as attractive as you, well, it’s hard not to notice, love.”

Timia blushed, liking how he connected those thoughts. “Well aren’t you flattering.” she said as she tossed some of her loose dark hair over her shoulder and looked the Andorian over. “Just a warning though… you over do the charm I’ll find it shallow.” she smirked. “Find the right balance and you might keep my attention for the afternoon.”

“Tough to please I take it,” Obav chuckled softly, he finished the last bites of his sandwich and took a drink from his cup before he continued. “I am a good pilot, decent engineer but I find most women get board if I drone on about engineering. Although you need to be a little charming, if I have to do all the work I will get bored.”

Timia narrowed her eyes at him and gave him a bit of a smirk, “So there are strings attached to this offer to show me around, and now promise of excitement. You want to be charmed as well?” she laughed. “Hmmm I’m not sure you’re worth me trying to charm yet…”

Obav smirked at her, “So you get to have strings, but I don’t hmmm? Interesting.” He took another drink as he watched her closely. “I’ll take you on the shuttle either way, but I promise you I am worth trying to charm.”

Timia squinted her eyes a little before a grin crossed her face. “Cocky… so cocky.” she said. “What makes you so worth trying to charm hmm?” she asked him. “Just being a thrill seeking pilot isn’t enough you know.” she challenged while she maintained her grin.

“Didn’t I mention something about engineering too?” Obav laughed softly. “I’m devilishly handsome, I’m fun loving, I’d like to think I’m well educated on multiple topics. I have antenna, that’s pretty interesting for most non-andorians. What do you want to know about me?”

She put her elbow on the table and put her chin on her palm as she looked at him, “I’m a Doctor, I’ve seen all sorts of different interesting appendages, I’m not sure why I should be fascinated by antennae.” she said. “Other than flying dangerous what do you like to do?”

“A doctor? Oh, now that certainly makes my antenna a little less impressive,” Obav’s antenna turned inwards toward each other in a shrug. “I like to drink, spend time with beautiful women, I’m well trained in Kharakom and try and get into a ring whenever I can. I know a lot about mining, having come from a mining colony. On long trips, I usually try to read to keep myself distracted.”

“Ah so the fighting is not just an interest, but a thing you do.” she said. “At least you read. Thats a plus for you I suppose.” she chuckled. “I like to drink too, mostly because the men I work with drive me to it… but I enjoy trying new drinks from new worlds whenever I can. What is your favorite drink that is NOT from your own culture.” she challenged him.

“Drink that I like that isn’t from my own culture hmm?” Obav reached one of his hands up and rubbed his chin. “I’ve always liked brandy, just about every culture has one from different fruits they’ve distilled. Cognac from earth, or Saurian Brandy are both good. So many of the beers and ales made on earth.”

Timia nodded, “Where I grew up, drinking was rather common, and every one liked to share different tastes. I had no qualms about trying things that I shouldn’t have when I was 14.” she laughed. “There was this one mead type drink I liked, and honestly I’ve been trying to remember where it was from for years.” she said. “I tend to check out alcohol stores at many stations hoping i’ll recognise it.”

“I’m not sure, I know it is made with honey but it’s not something I drink a lot of,” Obav said with a shrug. “We’d have to take a trip to find a store with a huge selection, I don’t think the station has anything exotic.”

“Bummer.” Timia grunted. “Good ‘ol star fleet, hoping people will depend on more on synthohol than the real good stuff.” she said, shaking her head. “You mentioned a trip, how far are you talking?” she asked curiously.

“We could take a look at the liquor store here, but the closest place I know if that has a huge selection is the desert moon around Gani VI. Thats a pretty rough place though, I still don’t know how they have such a good selection,” Obav shrugged. “It’s quite a ways away.”

Timia made a face, “Too far away for a day trip I suppose. I have to stick around as I’m not exactly on shore leave, just have a day off and some spare time.” she sighed. “I’ll have to keep it in mind, if I ever get near Gani VI, to go check it out. Rough places don’t bother me.” she laughed. “I’m tough.”

Obav gave her a grin, before he took another drink from his cup. “Are you now? You certainly seem sure of that. Where did you grow up?”

Timia let out a bit of a laugh, most people would never believe her, but it was true. “I grew up on a fairly large freighter.” she said. “Large enough to employ two doctors at least, but we always had a rough crowd around, it seemed to be the nature of things.” she chuckled.

“I grew up on a small mining colony, no less rough I would imagine considering the people that we had in and out of there. I learned to fly with my mother, so I spent a lot of time hanging around,” Obav explained. “You about ready to head to the shuttle?”

She looked in to her nearly empty coffee cup, before she downed the last of it, “Ready.” she said with a grin. “Hope you’re ready to make good on the promise of excitement.” she reminded him as she stood up from the table and cleared her trash.

Obav finished off the last of his Katheka, before he followed her lead and tossed his own cup after getting up from the table. The two of them started heading for the lift cluster, so they could make the trip down.



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