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Katheka and a Chat

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 8:48pm by Commander Khelev ch'Koro & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos

Mission: The Goddess
1195 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Obav was on the observation deck of the Starbase, the saucer section for the Gladiator was in space dock and he had a mug of steaming katheka in his hand. He had dressed in uniform and his antenna were sitting at a slight curve, he’d styled his hair and looked ready a duty shift. His focus was on the work bees as they repaired and refit of that part of the ship. His thoughts wondered from that to the other people in the room, and to the katheka in his cup. It was early for him, he’d been on leave for the last couple of months just enjoying his time on Esquimalt while he transferred over to reserve pilot status. It had been nice to use up a lot of his leave and be able to let got for a little while.

As he took a drink from the mug, his antenna twitched as someone approached. Turning to look in that direction, he stood up and his antenna relaxed when he saw his old friend. “It’s been a while,” He said in Andorii.

“It’s good to see you again,” Khelev answered Obav in Andorii, before taking a seat in a chair across from the sofa he’d been sitting on. He had his own cup of Katheka and his own engineering uniform on.

“Good to see you too and in command of your own ship,” Obav said. “You on your way back to Memphis Island?”

“For the moment, no. Something has come up,” Khelev leaned back in the chair, his antenna lashing at the air violently. “The trinity is back. I’m currently on assignment to help hunt them down.”

“Back? After what you did? How are they back?” Obav’s antenna went up in surprise. He wasn’t directly involved in the original incident but the two had stayed in touch.

Khelev had been around early in Obav’s career and the two had several shared interest, as well as both being Andorian. He had never been able to leave Starfleet and directly help Khelev, but he was able to feed him information from time to time when Khelev started trying to take down the Trinity himself.

“That’s the question,” Khelev’s antenna turned inwards towards one another. “I’ve been keeping up with the reports coming in from the stardrive section of the Gladiator. They’ve had some personnel changes and they’re going to need a pilot.”

“Does it at least come with a promotion?”

“It is a lateral move,” Khelev’s antenna turned inward in amusement, before he took a drink from his mug. “But Hawkins is decent to work for and he’s going to need someone of our caliber around.”

“Always good to have an Andorian on ship,” Obav paused to take a drink himself. “But this doesn’t mean I’m there to help you. Last time was different. If we’re on the right side of things, it follows a chain of command this time.”

“I’m not here to ask you for any favors,” Khelevs antenna went up, before he looked over at the Gladiator. “I miss being an engineer. Running the entire engineering department for the island isn’t the same.”

“You really did love that ship,” Obav shook his head. “But you had to go and get a girl and a daughter.”

Khelev smiled, before he looked back at Obav, “I did. Hopefully I can get back soon. I do miss them.”

“I’ll send over a letter of intent, requesting to take over the pilot’s seat for the Gladiator. I’ll need to take myself off reserve status, but that shouldn’t be too much of a headache,” Obav said, steering the conversation back to business. “Are you going to write me a recommendation letter?”

“I already did,” Khelev set a PaDD down on the coffee cable between them.

Obav picked it up and took a look, before his antenna turned inwards in amusement. It was a short letter, but it had his seal of approval. He set the PaDD back down and took a deep breath before looking back at the saucer section.

“Word around the station is that the ship has been through hell,” Obav said idly. “That it’s cursed because of what happened.”

“She might be stained, a little tarnished but that ship could never be cursed,” Khelev’s antenna lashed at the air again. “You’ll see.”

“Unless the Captain doesn’t care about your recommendation and decides to go another route,” Obav’s antenna turned inwards toward each other in what could be interpreted more as a shrug. “I do hope I get the chance, hanging around the station has been fun but I want to get out there again.”

“If you don’t get the job, talk to Shrishaa, I’m sure she’d take you back. Might even be able to get a promotion,” Khelev teased his friend. “I could always get you a spot flying shuttles again on the island.”

“As much as I want to chase all the women on a tropical island, I’d loath going back to being a shuttle pilot,” Obav’s antenna lashed at the air this time. “I’ll land on my feet either way. How long are you on the station for?”

“At least a couple of days while we give the ship a good look over and get ready to get underway,” Khelev said firmly. “Why, you want to get your ass kicked again?”

“It’s been a long time since we’ve spared,” Obav’s antenna turned inward in amusement. “We need to get back in the ring and then dip into some good ale. It’s been a while for both.”

“It has been a while for both,” Khelev took a look back out at the Gladiator for a moment. “I’ll see you at 1800 hrs. I’ll book a court and send you the information. I’ve got a full day ahead of me.”

“Sounds good. I’m going to head back to my room and get out of this uniform. No reason to stay in it if I’m not on duty.”

“And then hit the promenade?” Khelev’s antenna twisted inward in amusement again.

“Not today, there’s a shuttle race with a lot of the Starfleet pilots. I’m co-captaining one,” Obav said.

Khelev nodded, before he rose from the seat, “Good luck. I hear the course here is one of the tougher ones.”

“That’s why I want to fly it,” Obav’s antenna went up in excitement.

“I’ll see you later.”

Obav waved to his friend as he walked away, turning his attention back to the Gladiator’s saucer section. Another Sovereign class ship, another crew but still not a bump in rank. He’d have to change that here, although his mouth always seemed to get him in trouble. It would all be a matter of keeping that in check.

Commander Khelev ch’Koro
Director of Fleet Engineering
Memphis Island


Lieutenant Obav th’Villos
Chief Flight Control
USS Gladiator


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