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Evidence in the Blood

Posted on Sat Sep 3rd, 2022 @ 8:39am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Medical
1627 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Bent over a table in medical and examining a few PaDD's Ensign Willow Callingbull gave out a slight huff at the pieces of information she was looking through. So much to go through. Not that she was complaining though, just a lot of hunting.

Willow leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes. She was new on this ship and new on the medical team with Dr. Svidi. It had disturbed her as to the evidence of a rather bloody worshipping practice of the Aztecs in ancient times. She went to look for Doctor Svidi, "Doctor how long have you had to deal with this?"

Timia looked at the Ensign and huffed, "About two weeks at this point I guess. Not long." she grumbled. "Have you been able to seperate the DNA strands in that batch?" she asked. "I still can't tell if they used the crews blood, old blood, or a combination to make their markings on the wall... barbarians."

"Fresh blood is easier to paint with instead of older blood, unless they utilize some component to keep it fresh or even had it in stasis." Willow remarked. "And if they had it in refrigeration there still would be the tell tale signs. I've got the tests going right now, I've got a feeling though that they used fresh blood to paint the symbols on the wall. If you go with some examples from the Old Testament when the Jewish were in Egypt and they were told to put blood on the door frames, fresh lambs blood was used to save them from the Angel of Death."

There was a beep and Willow walked over to where she could get the results she frowned at it then turned to Timia, "It looks like the Barbarians did use fresh blood, and..." she looked more closely then checked the records that had been there just to make certain. "I am afraid it was crew blood."

"Damn..." Timia said making a face. "Is it bad I was hoping they'd mixed in others blood so we could track them together?" she asked. "Pinpoint this group of extremsts to one of the other attacks." she said shaking her head. "No blood that was from our killers, from a pin prick, anything?" she asked with a grumble. She didn't want this blood to be a dead end.

"I can pull up the forensic information that was put into the reports, as well as the samples. There was so much to go through." Willow walking over to get a cup of water from the replicator. " I did find it interesting that the blood samples that had been collected, there was none mixed. Alien was just with alien blood and human was just the same, they were separated. This included the symbols. Almost as if they wanted the blood to be pure?" Willow taking a drink, before she continued. "These Trinity members, is there any record of the sort of blood type they are? Are they human, human like?"

Timia made a face, "I'm not sure, lets call Hawkins little pet and ask." she said before she tapped her comm badge. "Svidi to Emmah, can you come by Lab 3 please?"

"Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes." the response came.

"I still don't like the idea of a hologram being the Captains PA.. or whatever she is." TImia grunted. "I have a hard enough time using the ships standards EMHs. Hologram are for holodecks, not work." she added.

"I do find it strange but, we need all the help we can get to solve this riddle." Willow replied. "And if she's been here since the beginning, beggar's can't be choosers."

The doors open and the blonde hologram strolled in a nondescript skirt style uniform. Her hair was braided and showing off the side of her head which she kept looking shaved, with a green vine starting on her scalp and running down to her hand. "Dr. Svidi, How may I help?" she asked.

Timia looked her over and let out a sigh, "We're needing some historical information about the Trinity attacks and figured it would be easiest to ask you." she said.

Emmah nodded, "I am happy to help Doctor." she said.

"Alright, so we went through the blood from this attack, and found that all human and all non human blood was separated, is that something you found before?" she asked.

Emmah nodded, "Yes in fact the Trinity targeted human heavy ships, and if there were non humans in the crews they were sacrificed the same way, but their blood would always be separated and unique from the human."

Willow moved closer to get a good view of the Emmah Phenomena as she mentally called this event. She'd not seen anything like this before.

"What or who did they not touch when it came to sacrifices?" Willow asked. "With all that had been done here. were there some exceptions that were not killed outright? Any other medical records that we are missing here?" looking at both Timia and Emmah.

Emmah shook her head, "The only blood they did not drain was that of animals, but other wise no races were exempt, no age, illness, medical condition." she said. "They have always killed and drained every one." she said.

Timia grunted, "So they know the difference between animals and aliens? No offence, but some may be confusing, like those on this ship." she observed.

"I will agree with you on that, Doctor Svidi."

Willow went deep in thought then she noticed something. "Are you sure every medical condition was drained of blood? I seem to have picked up something though that may be something just ever so slight. Are there records of pregnant females being drained? I don't see anything mentioned as to that. Pregnant females tend to have a more pronounced hormonal level. How many people were pregnant on this ship when it was attacked?"

She panned through the records, "Doctor in the records of blood that was taken, I don't see anything that has the more pronounced hormonal levels found in those who are with child."

Timia leaned a bit closer to her screen of records. "I think you're right. Plus the fact that Captain d'Jax is missing and we know for a fact she was.... is pregnant." she said. "Maybe they're taking the pregnant women and waiting until birth before they sacrifice them? There were never survivors right Emmah?"

The hologram shook her head, "None that we had found."

"Could we consider this a step forward? A slight amount of hope we'll be able to find some of those who have been taken?" Willow had a cautious hopeful gaze in her eyes as she looked at Timia and Emmah. "It would be nice for a change wouldn't it?"

Emmah nodded eagerly while Timia just sighed heavily. "Never hope for better Willow." she said heavily, "It will always bite you in the ass. We have reason to believe Captain d'Jax is alive right now... but in my experience if I hope too hard, something bad will happen to her or her and Hayters child." she said.

"That is rather dour." Emmah said her smile fading.

"And you're what? 5 years old? You have a lot to learn about Murphys Law." Timia said.

"You do have a point, yes Doctor, that is true. It goes with don't count your chickens before they hatch." Willow giving a solemn nod. "One other thing that I have noticed is they are taking the blood of all ages, unless I am not reading this right." going back to work. "And am I looking at this wrong, are there more females being taken than males? Or am I getting too bleary eyed to notice the difference."

TImia shrugged, "Its hard to see a correlation here. A lot of the ships they attacked had a slightly higher female to male ratio, so it stands to reason that would happen. I can't say if it was purposeful or not." she said.

Emmah shook her head, "In the past there was no correlation. Every one was fair game."

Willow huffed, "Now where do we go from here? We have blood from all age groups, no mixture of blood between humans and alien. Those who are pregnant, weren't drained of their blood yet. Do not know where they are being held, hopefully that will be found out. Guess it is in the hands of the others to help out in this investigation." looking at Timia and Emmah.

"Thats always the problem with these horrible people. We were never able to track them through their attacks. They seemed to random, they were very good at staying random. I'm afraid while this is good information to track, it honestly does not help." Emmah said.

"Other than the fact we can identify blood and DNA in the collection provide answers to families missing their loved ones." Timia looked at the list of matched names, "This is a lot of paperwork I need to fill out and get to Hawkins. This list of names represents a list of letters that have go home." she sighed.

Willow looked one to the other, Timia and Emmah, feeling the weight of this whole detail descend upon them all, in this little space of medical. "That isn't an enviable task for anyone to undertake." she uttered softly, looking yet again at the listing of blood matches. "Looks like a long night, let me know to keep the proverbial coffee pot filled, and the midnight oil burning."

"Only thing I might envy you for Lightbulb." Timia said looking at Emmah before she waved her hand at the two, "Head on out, I'll start getting these processed." she said.



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