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Getting Training

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2022 @ 9:13am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Lieutenant Colonel Johnathon Hayter (Hawkins)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Marine Country
2477 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure

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Raiden had just gotten done with his solo training but, he felt there was more he could learn. The Marines had a training program which helped to bring them even more into great physical shape. Raiden wanted to push himself to a higher level. He decided he'd approach Lieutenant Walken and see if he was willing to teach Raiden a bit more. Sure Raiden was trained in martial arts but, if he only know one style he would get into a rut.

Using the computer, Raiden located where Walken was and headed there.

The Computer responds, "First Lieutenant Kyle Walken is currently located inside his office."

Raiden went there, he noticed that there were some glances his way, he was still wearing his Star Fleet uniform he just shrugged and carried on. He reached the office door and pressed the chime to let Walken know someone was there.

"Come in," Walken answers, he sits behind his desk going over the current Marine rosters, setting up fire teams, and training schedules.

Walking inside, Raiden had a slight smile. "Hello Lieutenant Walken, congratulations on your promotion." he paused for a moment to regard Walken then remarked. "In case you are wondering, I wanted to see if you'd be willing to help me upgrade my fighting skills."

"Thank you." Walken answers as he pushes the PADDs on his desk out of the way. "Depends on what you mean by that, Marines are not all hand to hand experts or users. Marines use phasers mostly."

"And that is something I need to get updated on. Accuracy with the phasers, and also physical training. I'm not a slouch but... I could get better." Raiden answered, this time without a smile. "Look, with what we have dealt with so far, I'd rather be more prepared than be caught up that proverbial creek without a paddle."

"Phaser rifle training is every other day, normally anytime after twenty hundred hours. Just show up when you have time, physical PT is every day oh six hundred." Walken answers the Flyboy.

"Okay." Raiden checking out the time, to see how much time he'd have before that started, for the phaser Rifle training. "PT oh six hundred gotcha." then he said "Look once again I'd like to apologize for stealing your idea when on that planet. I wasn't trying to do you any dishonor."

"You still on about that, need to live in the present flyboy." Walken leaned back in his chair. "Also be ready, I have Hayter running it. He will not take it easy just because you are not a Marine."

Raiden cracked a slight smile at what Walken said, it could be seen a touch of relief. Then the smile faded as he nodded in acknowledgement. "I don't expect him or you to go easy. If I wanted easy, I wouldn't have come to you." meeting Walken's gaze directly.

"Good because Marines don't do easy." Kyle answers. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Yes, us marines do it all hard and rough," John Hayter spoke up from the door. He was in tactical gear, with his canine companion at his heel. Meeka panted slightly but sat and looked at her handler before looking over at the other two. "Like super rough and sometimes it gets dirty, and ... wait... What did I walk into here?"

Raiden looked behind him to Hayter, "I was making a request for more training on phaser weapons. And seeing if I can get in on some PT as well. Just trying to better myself." he repleid. He was also glad to see Meeka up and about. "Meeka, looks like she's recovered well."

"So Lieutenant Colonel Hayter, think you can turn this flyboy into...well it would take more then a little training to turn you into a Marine so I guess we would have to settle with slightly more useful Navy." Walken joked.

Raiden cracked a smile, at Walken's half serious joke "Yes hopefully you can." he remarked.

The colonel eyed both of the officers before looking down at his canine companion. The past couple years of doing dog training and almost a dozen successful musings, it was hard to see her get shot, and then surgery. But she had taken it like it had been nothing at all. Yes she was still limping a little, but a little exercise and her check up showed almost a complete bill of health. So when he looked back, he was able to speak in honesty.

"Well she hasn't complained once and so I have no doubt she will probably do it again," John replied before looking at the marine. "As for training a fly boy, it would be easy for me. But maybe it's cause of my years of made fighter pilot skills. Don't believe me? Ask Callisi about that red dress she wore for our date night."

This caused an eyebrow to raise on Raiden, "The dress she wore at the Christmas party she did look good in it." Raiden paused and changed direction. "So I'm up for what ever training I can get. Different sorts of training will make a person better in the long run of it all."

"Great, be back tomorrow morning. Just know if you do, I don't let people quit." Walken speaks as seriously as he always has. "So if you come, you are committing to finishing this training."

Raiden nodded, "I understand, and am not going to back down." his gaze was steady, he wasn't going to be doing so. It was going to be a matter of honor as well, he wasn't someone who started something then give up in the middle of it and walk away."

"Good to hear, do you need anything else before you come back tomorrow morning?" Walken asks, he slides Hayter a PADD with all the marines who would be joining Kosugi tomorrow morning.

Raiden shook his head, "Normal work out clothing. I'll be here not a problem." giving a nod and grin. He was looking forward to this.

"What work out regiment are you planning on putting him through," the third man asked as he looked between the two. There were a couple of work out regiments that marines had taken in over the years to maximize their graining but that was one thing. To do a simple work out, well marines didn't know such thing as simple when screwing with the other divisions. He knew all to well and quite honestly it could become humorous.

"Depends Colonel, how stupid you think we can make this. I'm sure you've had a few of these in your time." Walken answers.

Raiden listened to the two men talking as if he weren't there and was kind of finding it amusing, and could it be considered insulting? After a moment of thought, he decided not to be insulted.

"You know I am still here, sirs." Raiden's face rather impassive, looking from one to the other.

He hadn't felt all to pippy for the past couple days, but this made him smirk ever so slightly as he looked at the marine. "Make it as stupid as you want, Marine Commander," John grinned as he looked at the helm officer. "Yes, we see ya there. But you did come to a marine to train you. Are you looking to bulk up or be more helpful in a fire fight?"

"Regardless, show up in the morning and you will get your training." Walken finished before pulling a PADD and handing it to Hayter. "These are the people who will be joining him tomorrow morning, only tell them to arrive at oh-six hundred. I want Raiden's addition to be a surprise."

In answer to Hayter, Raiden said, "Both parts sir." then in answer to Walken. "I'll be here on time. Or do you want me here earlier?"

The smirk that John now found on his face was unexpected as he was still concerned with what was going on with the Gladiator. But they were still aways out and there was no reason to take it out on anyone or anything. So when he heard this remark from the lieutenant, he smirked and nodded. "I'd say you have it under control. I will probably be late to the work out, but I'll try to stop by."

Next Morning

Walken stood in front of the small group of people, "Simple and easy, we do PT to keep us fit and ready for anything that can and will happen." He announces as he paces back and forward. "But today we are gonna run until I'm tired, stay in formation, and keep up. We stick as a unit no one falls behind."

Raiden arrived and waited in the background, he listened to what Walken had to say, he also wondered just what both Walken and Hayter had planned, but like what Raiden had said, he was going to stick with it. No matter how hard it may be. He wasn't expecting it to be easy and he'd very disappointed if it was. Hence the reason why he came to the marines to update his skills.

"Did I go mute? Start running!" Walken orders as he begins the run through the Marine deck hallways. The various marines stay in formation and began to answer the cadence of what he was saying to them all.

And Raiden ran with them. He knew he was going to be in for it. These men and women were more adapted to harsher exercise than what normal Star Fleet was. He didn't want to be soft, he wanted to be more fit. He listened to the cadence the marines were saying, as he worked to be in the rhythm of their run.

"Pop quiz, what is the Marine's most useful tool?" Walken asks aloud as he turns jogging backward as he stares at the various marines and Raiden.

"His brain!" Raiden shouted out in answer. That might not have been the right answer but it was his answer. Marines weren't stupid jarheads. They had brains on top of the brawn they had.

"Alright Raiden, next time we fight you only get to use your brain. To fight me, nothing else." Walken said as the marines all laughed.

Sergeant Rico who was running next to Raiden, "It's the hands of a marine."

"Good, brain was a good guess. I do not consider that a tool, every marine should always be using their brain. The strong tool is a marine's hands, if you let an enemy disable your hand how do you expect to fire your phaser? Comms in for help?"

"You have a good point there, sir." Raiden giving a laugh. "And if I were to just use my brain you'd win hands down. And can't work on any thing mechanical without your hands."

"Company halt!" Walken orders as he paces in front of them. They stood there in the corridor of the deck. "Company drop and give me twenty!"

And along with the rest of them Raiden did do just that. He was glad he'd not let up on doing push ups, if he had allowed himself to slack on his own physical regime, he'd be embarrassing himself right now. Twenty pushups, he could do that.

"Congrats you all passed basic fitness, now three laps around the deck. You will be timed, I am your start and finish line. Go!" Walken orders.

John walked into the large training facility and saw the marines and the fly boy, lieutenant Raiden wrapping it a work out.

"Welcome to the party Colonel." Walken gives him a nod as he stands shoulder to shoulder with the senior officer.

Raiden, as soon as Walken gave the word, he was off like a shot heading down the track on the first lap. Now Raiden liked to run on either the inner track or the outer track. on occasion he'd take the middle. It depended on how he felt and the circumstances. He moved to pass a few Marines, on his way to the second lap.

Walken silently watches the group, he was curious to see how this little race would turn out. "Colonel, care to just the next event?"

"Oh I'm good. I just got done with my personal training session with Meeka and my own time with medical. Nothing says yay like starting the day with medical hovering over you," John remarked as he rubbed his neck. "I'm just here to see how well the fly boy does. And from what it looks like, he is doing well, only ready to burn himself out before you push him any harder."

The marines who Raiden were passing seemed to decide they were going to block Raiden, and the pilot felt like he was in something like a Kentucky Derby horse race. He had to twist out of the way as he ran, avoiding the shoulder that was coming towards him. It looked like they were going to box him in, Raiden wedged himself out of that tangle.

The third lap was coming up and Raiden picked up speed, he could see several of the other Marines did so as well, one seemed to have wings on his feet as the man was pulling forward his arms pumping. Raiden determined that man was going to be hard to beat, and he kicked up his speed.

Raiden wondered if this Marine's callsign could be Mercury with how fast he was pushing it. The final stretch and both men reached where Walken and Hayter was standing. Raiden moved out of the way as the other marines thundered in. He hoped they all passed their time.

"You seem like a natural runner, Snake. What do ya think of the work out so far that the Lieutenant had ya do today?" the colonel asked as he crossed his arms and looked the men over.

Raiden had been walking around slightly in circle to cool off the muscles, he looked over at Hayter cocking up an eyebrow at what the colonel had named him. He grinned, wiping away the sweat from his brow, his tee shirt having wet patches on it. His breathing settling down, that was quite the run and he loved it.

"I'm liking it Sir. I can tell I've got work to do to catch up with the physical fitness the marines have. And Mercury here, he's got wings on his feet." gesturing towards the marine with his thumb.

"Looks like you got it under control," John replied as he looked over the training group. As he refocused, the marine colonel took a deep breath before he smirked. "Alright kiddos. I need to get a shower. Anything else do ya need from me?"

"Looks like we're good here, and thanks both of you it was fun." Raiden flashing a huge grin.



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