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Clocking In

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 7:20am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Verelan's Quarters
1022 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Verelan was standing with her hands on her hips, happy that she had finally finished unpacking her things. Halfway through she realised that she would have to get rid of some things as she had no use for them anymore.

She tapped the COMM badge on her chest. It made her smile for some reason,

==^==Ensign Verelan to Lieutenant Commander Svidi==^==

" Doctor Svidi here." came the reply.

"I was wondering if you had time to give me a complete medical work-up. I haven't been to see a doctor in over five years so I think that it is warranted, don't you?"

There was a pause, "You got positioned on a ship with out a medical work up?" the reply came back sounding annoyed. "How is that even possible."

Verelan arched an eyebrow. She knew that the ship would be very busy and people would not have the time to speak with her but this was..."Lieutenant Commander, I can make an appointment if you have other things to do. You just sound...rushed."

"Yes well a Chief Medical officer has better things to do than set her own appointments when she has a staff in place to do so." a snippy reply came back. "Contact my staff, or show up in Medical Bay 1, thats where my office is, and I'll try to squeeze you in." she said.

==^==I'm on my way to you then. Verelan out.==^==

She breathed in deeply, as she took one last look around her quarters.

Hearing the door whoosh open in front of her Verelan realised that it was indeed quite a while since any kind of checkup. Was she scared? Absolutely. She stood there for a moment, just gathering both her thoughts and whoever saw her enter.

"Please sit here, Ensign. The Doctor will attend to you when she is ready."

Verelan whirled to see a pretty Klingon woman pointing to a small chair next to an office. Did the Klingon Empire ever have medical personnel? She thought not but the image was gone when the woman whispered, "And please be patient. There has been an..." she hesitated for a split second and then whispered, "...accident."

Verelan arched an eyebrow now eager to know more but the Klingon quickly walked away leaving her alone.

Timia came out of her office with her lab coat making a bit of a flourish as she turned the corner. "Verelan? Yes. Over here." she said snapping her fingers and pointing to a near by bio bed. "Come on. If I have to drop everything to accommodate you, the least you can be is quick on your feet!"

Verelan cocked her head to the side in amusement and followed quickly. She wanted to be at least civil to this woman and to crack the ice with her that was developing, so she ventured with, "Did you leave any pets behind where you were born?"

Timia paused and frowned, "What?" she asked dumbfounded by such a random question. "On the bed, hurry up. Did you hit your head?" she asked her in all seriousness.

Verelan continued as she settled herself, "I did. He was a Rhodesian Ridgeback. We had him for about twelve months before I went to Starfleet Academy. His name was 'Rhodie'. He was the most obedient creature I've ever had."

Timia began her scan as the person in front of her randomly blabbered on about a dog. It was so strange and out of place she totally forgot about the first question. "Have you had any recent head trauma? Been in any accidents?"

"No. No head trauma and no recent accidents. I do suffer from 'Pa'nar' Syndrome however." It was probably not what the doctor wanted to hear but better it said now than later.

Timia stepped back as she looked at the woman. "Pa'nar. The neurological degradation illness in Vulcans who don't practice safe mind melding. The STD of mind melds." she stated with a scoff. Timia moved over to her computer and tapped a few buttons. "Lay down. I need a neural scan." she said strictly. "Why have you not had a healing mild meld to correct the issue?" she asked.

Verelan ignored the jibe of an STD but it hurt her. She breathed in quietly and gulped, watching the woman critically.

"Because it worsened when it was attempted. After that the Vulcan's refused to see me and my Mother." She lay on the bed and put her hands on her chest waiting. "Even my Father wasn't able to get an audience with them."

Verelan pursed her lips together, "The words 'V'tosh ka'tur' was whispered around our family for quite some time. I think it follows me here."

"My Vulcan that doesn't relate to medical issues is rusty. What does that mean?" Timia asked as an arch came over Verelan's head and began to get a solid and full scan of her brain. The Vulcans couldn't heal her? What was up with that?

"To older Vulcan's and to Purists, I am a 'Vulcan without Logic'. I did attempt the purge, with my Mother as a guide, but since I have a Romulan as a Father I'm assuming that something went wrong neurologically."

Verelan grabbed an 'osol twist' from her pocket and put it in her mouth, waiting for Svidi's next command.

"My Mother tried to correct the issue but couldn't and when other's, more experienced tried to help me, they couldn't either."

She frowned, arching an eyebrow. "I had heard that my Mother and I were no longer accepted at various Vulcan eateries and restaurants. My father was furious but what could he do?

"Well that sounds like a bunch of bullshit." Timia grunted. "Hey! No eating while I'm scanning your head. What is wrong with you?" she chided the woman and grabbed a tissue, handing it to her. When the woman gave the chew up and laid back down Timia shook her head, "No more moving of the head while I scan or I'll use the force field restraint to hold you still. Now.... tell me about when your condition has effected your job."



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