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Graceful Start

Posted on Thu Dec 17th, 2020 @ 4:14am by Lieutenant JG Holly Swan

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Esquimalt Station
534 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

There was something romantic about a space station Holly had concluded. The view outside remained comfortingly static and beautiful, while behind the closest planetoid or bright star the streaks of passing vessels grew steadily larger as they prepared to dock.

There was no shortage of passing traffic the Counsellor noted from her window seat gently sipping her beverage while waiting for the USS Arcadia to arrive, her latest posting.

The USS Bismarck had departed three hours ago after collecting supplies and personnel, she would be well underway by now heading back to the Romulan boarder on pratol minus Holly of course, plus Lieutenant Snow whom was taking some well earned leave at last.

Holly had been firm with Snow ensuring he took time off and most importantly away from the Bismarck, fortunately Captain Styles agreed and to the two of them practically frog marched him toward the airlock.

The sound of her name being called bought her back to the present:

"Miss Swan?" the waitress interrupted. "The Arcadia has docked at platform nine, you wanted to be told."

"Yes, thank you Chole." Holly smiled at the bubbly woman. "Thank you for remembering I was lost in the view."

"Understandable," the waitress nodded toward the window. "I certainly don't tire of it."

"You'll have to enjoy it for the two of us it seems," Swan rose from her comfortable perch. "Or at least until we swing by in the future."

Chole's nose crinkled as she smirked: "Good luck."


"Good afternoon," Holly greeted the security posted at the docking port. "Holly Swan reported for duty USS Arcadia, these are my transfer documents." She tugged a padd from her duffel with a defiant pull and passed it across to the waiting guard.

His chiselled Vulcan features remained unchanged as he scrolled through the text: "They seem to be order," he said at length before returning the device. "Please proceed."

Flashing him a goofy smile Holly stepped past and immediately stumbled through the airlock. Her legs pumped to control her forward momentum, her arms too whirled wildly causing the duffel to tumble from her grasp.

It was too late however, she soon followed shortly behind landing with an "oof" upon her knees and slid fractionally upon the smooth deck. "I'm alright," Holly called loudly as if automatically. She quickly scrambled to her feet and snatched up her bag.

The Vulcan guard hadn't moved, expect for the extended arc in his eyebrow.

Tugging her uniform straight she felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment - talk about putting your best foot forward!

Still it could have been worse, she reminded herself. Her first meeting with Captain Styles hadn't gone smoothly she recalled. In Holly's eagerness to introduce herself she'd upended the Captain's hot tea onto her lap after colliding heavily into the ready room desk. They spent the rest of the conversation in sickbay while a nurse tended to the angry scolds. The counsellor noted mutely following that incident Styles would slid her teacup off to one side every time she entered a room as a precaution.

Proceeding down the corridor feeling her knees protest slightly Holly hoped her meeting with Captain Hawkins would be somewhat dull event in comparison.


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