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The Sound of Music

Posted on Sat Feb 27th, 2021 @ 3:36am by Commander Liala Ziyal & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Holodeck 2, Deck 8
2035 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The first initial meeting with the Captain, was rather interesting. Raiden was impressed, he saw that there were reasons why the crew from the USS Gladiator spoke of their former Captain with awe and respect. Raiden's first impression, he liked the CO so far. The man didn't seem to be a pasty faced individual with soft doughy hands. Those sort of people proved to be rather bothersome and tended to bring out some disastrous consequences when they were in command. Entitled people. He pshtt to himself as he headed down the corridor.

Raiden paused his walk as he remembered he needed to see the XO. "Computer, where is Lt. Commander Ziyal?" With how large this ship was, he wasn't going to assume she'd be in her office. She could be, for all he knew, in a different location of the ship other than the office.

"Lt. Commander Ziyal is in the Holodeck 2, deck 8." the computer replied. "Directions available if required."

Liala had decided she need to relieve a little stress after their short battle with the pirates that had been attacking the station. She had chosen to go to the holodeck where she had recreated an old El Aurian auditorium.

It was an old fashioned building with a natural look. Comfortable wooden seats, large stage made of aged wood itself and general decoration that was of its time back home (think Elven).

On stage Liala stood playing her Vokari (Violin styled stringed instrument) with passion and heart. It was one of the ways she let the stress leave her body. Through music, through expression.

Raiden followed the directions the computer gave him, and once at the entrance where Ziyal was said to be, he stepped inside and was instantly mesmerized by what he saw and what he heard. With the practiced silent steps, Raiden moved to where he could get a better view, not wanting to disturb her performance. Raiden closed his eyes to 'feel', to experience, the music as it flowed from her finger and the violin.

He may not play an instrument himself but, Raiden was certainly someone who appreciated music, and this was pure quality music. He allowed himself to become lost in the music, as it swirled about, lifting him to heights, then gently floating him down to solid ground.

The Vokari was made with vibration of sound in mind. As such its musical sound would send waves of sound through the crowd, so that all would feel the intensity, the feeling behind what was being played. Some say it would be linked to the musicians own body, own mind and that when they played with all their heart you could feel it beating next to yours.

This is one reason Liala had been an artist/musician and singer back on El Auria. She felt a lot more than she let people know.

As her piece rose to a beautiful crescendo and then finish she was almost exhausted. Her hair a mess from her passionate playing and the sweat lightly glistening on her face down to the vest top she had on that often sat beneath her uniform jacket.

She heard a noise from the gallery and looked out to see someone sitting there. She was a little embarrassed to have been caught playing, as she hadn't played for anyone in over 30 years.

"Hello?" she called out. "Computer raise lighting level please."

Hearing the end of the music, Raiden had given a slight sigh, of perhaps it could be termed, a sigh of rapture. His eyes flashed open when he heard her query. With the lights rising, he rose from where he sat, so she could see him.

"That was exquisite" Raiden commented, "Sorry to have disturbed your performance. I tried not to make a noise." moving closer for her to see him. "I'm Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi, helmsman, at your service." giving a slight bow.

"Thank you." She said a little flustered as she placed her Vokari down on its stand and moved towards the man. She had a towel nearby just because she knew sometimes she worked up a bit of a sweat whilst playing. "You were very quiet." she smiled softly at him.

"Liala Ziyal." she said bowing in response, as we as it was also her peoples custom to do so. "But I suppose being that you came here then you already knew that?"

"I asked the computer where you were, and she gave me directions here." Raiden responded with a slight smile. "With your position, being that of XO, I didn't think you'd be just sitting in your office." he offered an explanation. "So I just asked." Raiden paused for moment, as he went through his memory of whether he had looked on the padd of what she looked like. He hadn't. "I am glad you confirmed who you were. I'd not looked at the PADD as to the image of the staff. I came here, without a notion of what you looked like. I think I need to make sure to do that, from now on. Knowing who was whom. " thinking to himself that this could have been a security risk. He silently shushed the memory of his friend in security from making a comment.

"Yes, well this is where I come to unwind sometimes. I find music to be a great stress reliever and have used it many times when with patients as well as myself." she smiled as she dabbed her forehead with the towel. "I wouldn't worry Lieutenant, most of us are quite friendly. I just wouldn't get the Captain mixed up with someone else." She laughed softly.

"No worries about that one, I've met him. I've also met some of his former crew on the USS Gladiator. They sure have a lot of respect for him." Raiden giving a bit of a nod. "I think they got a bit excited in finding out I was being transferred to this ship and that he was going to be my CO." he chuckled slightly.

"He does carry a lot of authority on his shoulders I will admit that. This is my first time working with him and I have read his file. He seems a good man to learn from and I am looking forward to seeing where our time, not just you and I, takes us on the Arcadia. Hells, we've already been in a fight already!" Liala exclaimed as her mind reeled back to the pirate attack on the station.

"I had the best seat in the house, to see the Arcadia in action! I was right there, at the helm of the Gladiator!" Raiden's eyes gleaming with an inner fire, "We couldn't let the station get pummelled anymore than what it had. I loved the teamwork that entailed the safety of the station and the ships coordinating together. It was sheer poetry, gotta love the tactics!" his words echoing through the room, as he slowly spun around with his arms above his head.

Raiden lowered his hands and looked Ziyal, with a crooked smile. "I love the helm position, there just a feeling.. its difficult to explain, maybe its almost like the melding of man and machine, well can't call a ship just a machine, as a ship can be looked at as a living a breathing being. Its got its heart as in the warp drive." he stopped and grinned giving a little shrug.

"I can see you are very passionate about what you do Lieutenant." Liala said with a smile. "Like most experiences we truly enjoy, we can get lost in them and they take us to a different level. In some cases the feeling of adrenaline can make you feel invincible, as if time itself slows and you see the poetry of what you do. I feel quite similar when I play, or when I sing. I get lost in it, it picks me up and takes me places I cannot describe and when I am back in the here and now, well... the euphoria of the rise is always the best part."

"I can see the evidence, in how I heard you play. It was sublime." Raiden giving an answering nod. "I do know the euphoria, when I fly and also when I do my katas for my martial arts. When I do my exercises, and go into a meditative state as I go through the movements that I've done so many times before, it clears my mind and my thoughts are balanced. The steps turn into something like a dance."

"I have seen that." Liala replied before taking a drink of water from a bottle she had left nearby. "I do something similar in the martial art form that I do. You get those that just use it for sparring but I find the movement practice quite relaxing, especially when you get into a good rhythm."

"I was raised in a home where martial arts is a way of life, and livelihood. So it is used for many things, relaxation, preparation to protect oneself and family. Also to encourage discipline and balance." Raiden moving to where he could sit down, and continue this conversation, upon a nearby bench. Gesturing to the surroundings, he queried, "Your setting here, is beautiful. Is this a place you are familiar with?"

"The Falenseel Theatre, it was the theatre in the city I was born and raised. Falenseel is the Goddess of Art, of Beauty so it was dedicated to her in the hope that all that came through her doors felt the beauty in whatever they had seen." she said as she looked around, a hint of sadness appearing. "She would hate to see what it has become now more than likely. I am hoping the Borg destroyed it in their bombardment of my world as I don't think I could stand thinking it being used in any part of their world."

Raiden pressed his lips together into a thin line as he thought of what she said. "I hope so to. Even it would be a shame but, wouldn't want something as beautiful as this to be used for anything else. However, you have this as a representation of what it looked like and therefore, the temple travels with you, where ever you go." giving a smile. It slipped away as he continued, his eyes gentle and one of condolence. "I am sorry for the destruction that happened to your world. It is just so wrong on so many levels."

"On that I agree, although it some respects we brought it on ourselves." Liala admitted. "As a people the El Aurians believed they were above most in their technological superiority. We became over-confident, smug and arrogant. We pushed ourselves into this in a way and paid for it." she said before changing to a more lighter tone. "BUT, yes. I keep a lot of my old El Aurian architecture with me. Reminds me to be true to myself every once in a while." she smiled.

"It is lovely and I am glad of that as well. I've got some programs that help me keep in touch with my heritage, and also, some historical flights that my Uncle got me started into." Raiden grinned. "My uncle Li, he's my mother's brother, he's a pilot and flight engineer. He encouraged my desire and dreams of being helm." Raiden remarked.

"Well I am happy that he did." Liala smiled at the mans remarks of home and family. "I look forward to seeing you skills at the conn Lieutenant."

"I shall endeavor to do my best at it." Raiden replied with a gentle smile, looking at the XO. "I probably should go now and get myself more situated, and more exploration of the ship. If you ever, want to have an audience when you play, I would really love to be part of it and am interested in seeing the type of martial arts you practice."

"I will keep that in mind Raiden, thank you." Liala said positively as the man then left.

As far as first meetings go this was definitely a first but it was one of the more memorable ones.


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