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Talk of Equipment

Posted on Fri Mar 12th, 2021 @ 7:03pm by Commander Liala Ziyal & Captain Brenda Sinclair

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: XO's office
872 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

With the TOE - Table of Organisation and Equipment - finally collated, and ready. It detailed every billet in the Company, rank and Occupation Specialty designation, as well as every piece of gear down to the last phaser rifle. With the PADD in hand, Brenda made her way - for what felt like too many times of late - to the turbolift. At least she could make her way there without getting lost. The other decks were a little bit more of a mystery to her. At least she knew what Deck she was heading to this time. "Deck 2." She called, upon entering the small lift.

A few moments later, and Brenda was at the top of the ship. Stepping out onto the Deck, she recalled the directions she had attempted to memorize. It only took two wrong turns, with back-tracking to find the XO's office. Brenda chimed the door.

Liala was finalising the report from the battle that had occurred as they arrived as the station. It was a bold move for anyone to attack a Starfleet installation, stupid to think that it was a good idea to attack the taskforce headquarters. As she read through her words, proofreading, he door chime rang and she almost thanked the Goddesses for a distraction.

"Come in please." she said as the looked to the doors.

Stepping into the room, Brenda approached the desk with a smile. "Commander Ziyal. Captain Brenda Sinclair. I'm the Marine CO onboard. I thought it best to meet with the XO, and present the Company's list of personnel and gear."

"Nice to meet you Captain, please come in and sit." she said gesturing to the seats in front of her. "I could do with a drink, would you care for one while we look over the list? A lot of departments are requesting equipment and personnel."

Taking one of the offered seats, Brenda set the PADD on the desk. "That's the beauty part. It's not a request. Not in the sense you often get, anyway. The big stuff and personnel we came with. Mobile Command Track vehicle - useful if you ever need to fight a battle to liberate a colony. We got all the big guns - Sniper rifles, man-portable ordinance, and the like. We may have requests for standard Phaser rifles, side-arm pistols and the like as time goes on."

"Ah, well that makes my job a lot easier." Liala smiled as she returned to her desk. "Although I do hope we never find the need to liberate a colony." she said solemnly as she picked up the PADD before taking a small sip of her drink.

"We never hope to have to fight." Brenda replied, with a small nod. "But, we are aware that sometimes, shit can hit the fan. We like to be prepared, just in case. It's fairly standard for a Company on the move. You never know when you may need a field Command and Control element."

"Oh I know. I have seen Starfleet evolve over the last 50 years, marines included." Liala smiled softly. "The number of engagements I have been a part of, read about from afar have increased. Whether people see us as more of an easy target now I do not know but I understand the need to be prepared."

"Maybe not so much as an easy target, but Starfleet has had its ass kicked more than a few times in recent history. Perhaps others just realise we may not be as unstoppable as we like to pretend." Brenda had seen more than a few Marines lost, because they thought they were just that good. No-one was perfect. Not Starfleet, not the Marines.

"Very much a possibility Captain." Liala said nodding in agreement. "I know you've only been on the Arcadia a short time but have you had a chance to make any assessments on the marines we have on board?" she asked.

"Most of the Marines came with me. Starfleet shipped my entire Company from near the Cardassian border to a ship billet. So those Marines I have served with, and know well. There are some who are new, but I have not yet had chance to assess. Stowing gear and supplies we came with was my first priority, amid some crucial meetings." She gestured to the Commander, as emphasis.

Liala smiled. "Well I am sure you have everything in hand Captain." she said as she lifted the PADD and gave it a little shake. "I am always at your disposal if you need anything. The Captain is more versed in marine regulations and protocols due to his background, but I am always available."

"Indeed, Commander. He seems like a good man to follow." Brenda had met more than her share of assholes in Service, so it was nice to experience friendly and welcoming people onboard the Arcadia.

"From what I have gotten from him I believe he is too." she said as she had read in between lines when speaking with Hawkins, counsellor tricks were always handy.

"Unless there was anything else we needed to cover, Commander, I would love to get back down to Marine Country."

"Nothing from me." Liala smiled. "It was nice meeting you Captain."


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