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Cross Jurisdiction

Posted on Thu Mar 25th, 2021 @ 8:51pm by Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral & Captain Brenda Sinclair

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Security Offices, Deck 19
835 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


With the stowing of the gear and equipment of the Marine Company well underway, and not much for her to do herself - the Gunny had things in hand - Brenda Sinclair wound her way through the warren of halls that was Deck 19. According to the ship specs, she should find the Security Chief's office around here somewhere. Brenda had, once things were settled, opted to change out of the tactical camo that was standard for a Marine base, and into the standard duty uniform, complete with her green department colour, and railroad bars on the collar.

Wondering just how large this ship could be, Brenda was wondering if she should just stop and ask for directions. Glancing up and down the corridor, Brenda spotted a gold uniform heading away, and jogged to catch up. "Excuse me, could you point me to the Chief's office?" She flashed a smile at the crew member.

"Of course. Head back the way you just came-" they pointed "-and take your first right. Second door on the left."

With an even brighter smile, Brenda started off. "Thank you!" Following the directions, Brenda came to a door, who's plaque read 'Chief of Security'. With a single finger, Brenda pressed the chime, and waited, hands clasped behind her back.

Sitting in her office, Evalyn was lazily looking over the daily reports while trying to stay awake for her shift. She hadn’t had a great deal of sleep lately while trying to memoize the layout of this massive vessel. Hearing the door chime, Evalyn gave a sigh, “Enter” she called, before standing up from her desk and making her way over to the replicator.

Entering the office, Brenda saw the Lieutenant making her way to the replicator. At least she wasn't alone in needing a little pick-me-up, it seemed. "Lieutenant Toral? Captain Brenda Sinclair, Marine Corps. I recently came on board with the company, and figured it would be good to touch base with my counterpart, as it were."

Evalyn gave a sigh before turning around, “well then, have a seat and we can talk. Is there anything I can get you Captain?” She asked, motioning to the replicator

Taking the offered seat, Brenda inclined her head to the woman. "I'll take a coffee, thank you. Black, please. I know sometimes Fleet and Marine interdepartment relations can get... fun."

"that's a word for it" Evalyn said, ordering the two drinks through to manual interface. "I could say that I have a rather unique perspective on the relationship between our two departments because I remember Starfleet back when our greatest worry was the Klingon Empire and no one had heard of the Dominion or the Borg" she said, retieving the two coffees from the replicator and returning to her desk, "I guess after the Dominion war was over us security officers figured things would go back to how they were before. What I'm trying to say is a lot of senior Security officers felt threatened by the Marines"

Taking the drink, and enjoying the aroma, Brenda offered a smile. "I can understand how some would be threatened. It can't be easy to have an entire branch srping up, that overlaps so habilywith your own. I'm not here to cause trouble. Anything on the ship is your jurisdiction. If you need assistance from the Marines, they are at your disposal. We are, primarily, a ground-based tactical combat force."

Evalyn nodded, “that sounds agreeable, though I would like our people to train together if that is possible. While my staff are well trained, you marines tend to use some odd tactics that can come in handy from time to time”

That brought a chuckle from the Marine. "Faced my share of... unconventional situations. We do like our outside-the-box ideas. I got no problems with joint training exercises. Gunnery Sergeant Perez would be your contact to get shit organized. He handles the day-to-day."

“I’ll keep that in mind. Well with that done with was there anything else you wish to discuss?”

"Just one." Brenda answered. "What are your views on Away Team Security?"

Evalyn thought for a moment, “away team security is your jurisdiction, and I will make my staff available for you to use if you see the need. To put it basically, I believe our two departments should be treated as one large one with two leaders. Anything that happens onboard the ship, I take command and deal with it, anything off of the ship, you take change. Sound good?”

Brenda raised her coffee. "That, Lieutenant, is an arrangement I am happy to agree with."

Evalyn nodded, “then that is that. I shall inform the Captain. Perhaps we should set up regular meetings between us to discuss the weeks events”

Brenda gave the woman a nod as she rose. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. Unless there was anything else pressing, I would like to get back to my department."

Evalyn smiled, “nope, that’s it. Have fun”



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