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Checking on a Friend

Posted on Sun Mar 5th, 2023 @ 2:10am by Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins)
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:41pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Hayter's Quarters - USS Gladiator
Timeline: BACKPOST
2239 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Once again Tia headed to the marine area, this time she wasn't stopped, which she found rather nice. Her talk with Walken helped also, even though it was a bit awkward. Now though she wanted to find Hayter as it had been too long since they've talked. Where could he be? Or did she mess up and not go to his quarters. Stopping a passing Marine, she asked.

"Do you know where Colonel Hayter is?"

The young marine female looked over her shoulder to the female voice that was a face to which she had only seen once, in a bar before she and Hayter got thrown in the brig. The marine looked her up and down before finally wondering what Smithy wanted with Hayter. Deep down, she was slightly jealous as she had always thought she would have been the one in the brig with him. But lately, Hayter had not been around as much. So Zul'arra was trying to keep her nose clean and focus on preparing herself for future career.

"Yeah, he is this way. I just dropped off Meeka to him," the marine waved her along as she led the way. She didn't even hit the chime but walked right in. "Hey, Colonel! Your bestie is here!"

With that, a German Shepard K-9 rushed up to the door and barked a couple times before finally sat before him. Zul'arra slapped her side and watched as the dog rushed her heel and sat looking up at her. "Good girl!"

Tia gave a bit of a smile seeing Meeka follow the signals of Zul'arra. "That is impressive." Tia not moving from the spot but not feeling any fear either Meeka was beautiful. "Now will I be thought of friend or foe with Meeka? I know better than to approach trained canines with out a go ahead from their people. And just because I am here with you, doesn't make it okay for me to move from this spot, until it is determined it is okay."

All Meeka did to Tia was bark once and sized her up real quick before looking back at Zul'arra. With a pat on the head and a click from her lips before the canine barked again. the young marine gave her a quick treat she had from her cargo pocket.

"She won't attack you, but she already has you sized up and figured out," Hayter explained as he walked into the living quarters in just cargo pants and a towel he used to dry his hair and body over his shoulder. "How's it going, cell mate?"

"That's a good thing then that I've been figured out. And also I am relieved as well." Tia was slightly distracted by Hayter having no shirt on. "I'm doing well, haven't gotten into any trouble at this time." Moving her attention around the room, then to Zul'arra, as she continued on. "Anyway, I just came to check in on you, and also get to know a few of the other marines, and from what it looks like Zul'arra here is one of the people who works with the canines?"

"Besides me, yes. Though typically officers usually don't do canine training or handling, I am a special case. Basically paid people off," John smirked as he shrugged slightly before walking through the room and to the replicator. "Help yourself, roomie," he offered after ordering and taking the glass of cool water. "Last time I checked, your hands ain't broke."

Tia gave a laugh, and went to get herself a glass of water as well. She turned to Zul'arra. "How long have you known the colonel?" of course she could have asked him but well, she wanted to hear it from the lady who brought her here.

The female marine slowly waved and danced her fingers in the air as the canine looked over at her and focused on her fingers. Once Meeka's attention was fully on Zul'arra, she waved some air commands and the animal huffed in a low bark before dancing herself by spinning and raising to her hind legs. "A few years."

"Nice, then you know his quirks." Tia taking a sip of water. She watched as Meeka danced at the command of Zul'arra, "that is really good." then glanced over towards Hayter then back to Zul'arra. "I bet he's been a handful of keeping out of trouble." Tia having a teasing smile. "Or did you get into trouble with him as well."

"Are you kidding, she causes all the issues. I am just trying to correct her issues," John cut in before heading back into his bedroom. Meeka, looked up over at the bedroom entrance and rushed to follow.

"Colonel Hayter was part of the crew that found my people and I years back. Since then, I have been following their foot steps and even joined in order to one day help my people," Zul'arra remarked as she adjusted herself before finally sitting down on the lone chair. She looked at the new young arrival and blinked. She wasn't much of a talker, but the young marine could tell she was curious for either information or to have a conversation. "As for getting in trouble with him, if you are around him long enough, there will always be trouble involved at one point or another."

Tia laughed, "Well he found out that I tend to draw trouble. And we got into trouble." giving a wry lopsided smile, it faded away, and Tia took another drink of her water.

"So Zul'arra, do you have a hobby that you like to do when you are not on duty?" Tia trying to keep up conversation. She was realizing that she had an awkwardness around Marines, well except for Hayter and she did want to work around that feeling of awkwardness. Heck she was feeling awkward around Walken.

The corporal wondered what what with all the questions. But then again, this was a part of the human culture and their desire to explore. It was almost like it was in their nature to seek out the unknowing. So this gave Zul'arra the understanding that al that mattered was learning from those around her. "I typically just work late hours, work out, and stick to myself. Really don't have a lot of free time."

"Wait don't you interact with the other Marines or any of the other crew members of the Gladiator?" Tia just gaped towards Zul'arra then closed her mouth abruptly. "Sorry, that was a rude question. You probably have your own reasons for that." Tia looked down at her glass, twirling around the water watching it swirl then looked back up.

Zul'arra looked at the petty officer and noticed the way she seemed to have caused herself to close into herself, probably out of shame, or guilt. Typically Zul'arra would have rolled her eyes and walked away, but Hayter had expressed the same thing to her before about reaching out to others, make new connections. There were other people besides Captain Hawkins, Colonel Hayter, and all the others of the Gladiator crew that had helped and saved her and her tribe. They wouldn't be around all the time for her, though deep down, if that were the case, she was quite certain that she would be the first to quickly resign or request a transfer to follow one of those as well.

"I have a hard time trusting new people. When it comes to joining Starfleet and the Marine Division, it was one of the hardest things I did since coming of age," the short haired brunette replied as she sat closer to the female and broke her unwritten rule of trying to get to know people more then just for work. Hayter owed her for this.

"I don't blame you for not trusting new people, they can seem all friendly and then later on they can just maybe put a proverbial knife in your back. Most times its best to observe and then see if it is clear to approach. Well that's what I do mostly. If I feel comfortable enough to interact then I do so." Tia paused realizing that she was a bit more talkative. "Maybe I am feeling comfortable enough to engage in a kind of exploratory conversation, because you know Hayter and he's in the other room." Gesturing with her head to where Hayter was at. Internally Tia was counting time, so far so good she's not been thrown out of the quarters.

"So you have the hots for Hayter?" Zul'arra replied simply asking, deep down kind of curious, but smirking only ever so slightly. She then acted like she was tapping her comm ear piece. ""Attention crew. Keep an eye out for a female petty officer hornier than a 15 year old pubescent human boy, that can't stop humping the air. If she had confidence, she may be considered a possible serial rapist. Please keep a phaser by you at all times and buddy up when talking to the new pacifist Petty officer."

Tia did a double take at what Zul'arra had said. "Wait, what?" she was flabbergasted, "Uh sure he's attractive and I could have the hots for him, but he's got someone and I will not poach on someone else's property." Tia remarked, "And ..." the she realized that Zul'arra was teasing her. "Yup, I'm not reading the room too well am I."

This caused Zul'arra to smirk ever so slightly. It was rare to see her smile or grin of any type. But this was humorous to her to use Hayter as part of a joke and to see Tia fall for it. "I wouldn't say you are an expert just yet."

"What's going on in here?" John asked as he walked in in sweats and a dark t-shirt. He rubbed the towel over his hair one last time before tossing it back in the bed room. It didn't take much for him to notice Zul'arra's slight grin. "What are you sexy ladies talking about?"

Tia's face went beet red, when Hayter asked that question. "Er.. nothing, nothing at all. We just got to talking, um about. Um." she looked over towards Zul'arra for some help on getting out of this possible subject. Tia lifted her glass of water to her lips to get a drink, not quite knowing how to answer Hayter's question.

"Just making us both feel awkward with awkward conversation. If there is nothing else, we have to head out," Zul'arra replied simply.

"Wait, you both just got here?" John replied slightly confused as he patted Meeka as she came up to him for some slight attention.

"Yes, and we are now leaving, with your permission, of course, Colonel," the marine replied as she stood and nodded for Tia to follow suit.

This all was very confusing for the colonel but he took a deep breath and shruggled. "Smart ass, don't pull that 'colonel' bull with me. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Of course, Colonel," Zul'arra replied and saluted him knowing that it would annoy him more than anything else.

"I'm not in uniform!"

Tia took the cue from Zul'arra and rose to her feet, "Erm I'll see you tomorrow, Colonel." snapping a salute to him as well, having had switched her glass of water to her other hand. so she could do so.

"Yes er right. Nice to see you again." making her way towards the door to exit Hayter's room. Almost feeing his gaze boring into her back. "Guess I will talk with you later." Tia tossed out over her shoulder before she left. Moving to one side she waited for Zul'arra to join her.

"I'm not in UNIFORM!" John yelled at the two female officers once again before the doors to the quarters slammed shut.

The two walked quickly down the cooridors, and Zul'arra smirked slightly as she followed the same steps as Tia. "That should keep him busy confused this evening. But he should be fine."

Tia sniggered, "That was great." giving an ear to ear grin. "And thank you for digging me out of that situation. I didn't know what to say in answer to his question, and him calling us, sexy ladies. That caught me offguard." giving a shrug. "Okay so, you've known Hayter for a little bit now, and I can count you among those I've met on this ship. Counting all that I've met so far, you are number ten." After Tia counted in her mind who she had met so far.

Tia stopped at the doors which led out of the marine area. "I'm about to head to my bunk area, I think we've got a mission to prep for from the scuttlebutt I've been hearing of. And it will be great to put a stop to them."

"Yeah, get your rest. Tomorrow should be interesting. I'm going to try getting a couple hours myself," Zul'arra replied as she nodded to her. "It was nice meeting you. And ignore the colonel. He is always throwing that defense up. But if you are willing to get in trouble with him and get locked up. I think you are going to be ok with him."

Tia gave a smile at that comment. "I also hope we can become friends also. You're good people Zul'arra. " With a wave to Zul'arra, Tia stepped through the doors to head for her bunk.

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