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Lines in the Sand

Posted on Fri Apr 29th, 2022 @ 8:00pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain Callisi Verra

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Raiden Kosugi's quarters - Exterior
931 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

She had faced death. She had faced obliteration. She had faced torture. She had faced so much in her life, but why... why was this the hardest thing she'd ever done thus far? This, a simple thing. A conversation. This... She reached for the door chime again, and then her hand fell to her side again. Second time so far in the past few seconds.

She took a breath, steeling herself for the conversation to come. He liked her. She liked him. This should be easy. With the final moment of courage, Callisi reached over and rang the announce chime.

Raiden was packing his go bag, there wasn't going to be much room when he was going to be bunking with others, and he was actually glad he was someone who didn't have a lot to pack up. It was a habit of his at any rate. He jumped slightly when he heard the chime ring. In fact he felt a little bit shaken. He took a moment to ease his heartrate down then answered the door. He was surprised to see Callisi there. "Hey, what a nice surprise, what can I do for you." giving her a warm smile of greeting. "Come on in, I'm almost done packing my go bag for heading to the Gladiator."

Callisi offered her own soft smile in reply to his. She was carrying a personal duffel as well, presumably the life of a pilot meant traveling light. "I wanted to catch up with you, and apologize for being rather direct in the meeting room." she started, taking the next steps in to stand beyond the threshold. "You deserve honesty, Raiden. I ... appreciate the things you say when you say them to me. I enjoy the truth of it. You see me as someone that isn't broken or scarred, in fact you say that it adds an accent to the entirety." a pause, "I... I feel less broken with that, so, I wanted to say that I appreciate it."

"Which was why I acted the way I did in the meeting room. I wanted to let you know that, if we have to share quarters, I wouldn't mind if I had to share with you." she stated, and seemed to almost have to force herself to keep that eye contact. This was an embarrassing ordeal for her, but she had to go through with it. "As professionals, of course." she added. Professionals, who enjoyed each other's company.

Raiden paused in his packing to look at Calissi. " You don't need to apologize for what you said, granted it caught me off guard. And I do appreciate directness. Also coming from my background, we practice an art called, Kintsugi. It is basically taking like a broken piece of ceramic and adding to it another piece of pottery using lacquer or even gold. We embrace that which seems flawed but see the beauty in it. Or another way could be put..." he paused to collect his thoughts. "A practice of learning how to care for ourselves things can be repaired, and we can find beauty in our imperfections. Like the pottery that is fixed with lacquer and gold, we can restore our hearts with patience, love, and understanding."

"Maybe I am getting off point though, if we end up being bunkmates, I'm not against it, we may be crowded with others as well." Raiden added.

She seemed relieved that the discussion went the way it did, a weight lifted off her shoulders. "Kintsugi sounds lovely. I just wish I could accept that notion so easily. Maybe, in time." she mused. "Patience, Love, Understanding..." she repeated, mulling over the words. She nodded after a moment, as though accepting them as a path to redemption. A plan, of sorts. "And if we have to share with others, then I suppose they can watch Kinetic as well." she offered with a smirk.

"I'm considering adding it to the holodeck once we get that up and running, and get to the concept of free time. Which, from the sounds of it, isn't anytime soon. Though I'd rather clear it with the ship doctor first. Even with the safeties on, I'm worried the system may still hurt." she paused, "Also, I don't know if Federation technology is quite ready for the First Law Ball."

Raiden chuckled, "Perhaps not but that would be great fun." he rose from where he had been kneeling, avoiding a certain spot on the floor in his quarters to get the last items he needed to take.

"I am not going to be missing this room" he said quietly, staring at that one spot he avoided. He snapped out of his musing and put in his last belongings in the duffle bag, then closed it tightly. "So, care to go get drink before we head over to the Gladiator?"

She watched his antics about that particular spot with an amused smirk, "There's a story there, but yes, we can discuss that over drinks. Lead the way?" she offered, "I'll be right beside you."

"Come lets grab a drink and stow our gear in the runabout and I can tell you a short snippet of what happened. Also I would love to watch some more of the Kinetic ball." Raiden walking out of what used to be his quarters without a backwards glance.

Callisi fell in step right by his side, her own duffel over her shoulder as the pair headed off for a farewell drink to the ship that was their home, and to the new ship to come.


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