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Posted on Thu Apr 21st, 2022 @ 10:01pm by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Ready Room - USS Arcadia
1380 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

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After the debriefing of the crew, David and the klingon lieutenant left and started down the hallway to the bridge, and a quick step over to his ready room. This way, he could get to know the skilled klingon and see what to do with her as he needed to figure out the next step for the Arcadia and Gladiator.

"So tell me again, Lieutenant. Seems quite a coincidence for you to have found the Gladiator and the cargo ship. Where did you say you were coming from and heading to?"

"I am on leave from the USS Mercutio, when I left the ship they were just arriving at Deep Space 27. I was granted shore leave and was on my to Casperia Prime for a Bat'Leth tournament. My shuttle's computer picked up a distress signal from the Gladiator and here I am." She smiled a little awkwardly. Smiles on a Klingon face often looked like a grimace. Edruj did wonder what Captain Hawkins was getting at. She hoped to be allowed back on her leave once she was debriefed.

"Lucky you had been near when this all came down. It was either luck that all this just so happened to fall before you, or you were supposed to have been there for some reason or another," David remarked as he walked over the threshold of the ready room before him. The order he had given the team to prepare to transfer over to the Gladiator was still in the back of his mind as well. "One could easily blame you for the attacks. Thoughts?"

She knew the idea of being in the right place at the right time. Edruj thought that to be the case here. However, the Captain's words struck a nerve. "Sir what was done to them was without honor. No Klingon would be capable of doing that." She spoke in a guttural tone almost a growl.

He raised an eye brow at response to being growled at. But finally spoke up as he rounded the desk. "Lieutenant, I already know that you were not part of the attack. You don't fit the description of these attackers. Even though you are a Klingon, you don't fit the bill. I have dealt with these..." He paused trying to think of the proper way of calling them. But nothing proper came to mind as he tried to keep his cool. After he took a gulp of water from his glass on the table, he turned and looked at her. "... we thought we dealt with this threat in the past. Looks like we are dealing with a more radical group."

Edruj regained control of herself and stood to attention. "Sir I must apologize for my outburst." She waited a moment to let it sink in. "You said that I do not fit the description even though I am Klingon. Does that mean that Klingons are responsible for this atrocity?"

"Klingons can be very honor bound, but are more than capable of doing horrific and destructive things. The only thing is, the attacks are focused on non-human species. At least the blood draining. The attacks and booby-traps are another thing completely. Your species, for the most part, are warriors. They rather fight it out and see their enemies fall by their own hands," David thought it out loud before looking over at her. "Don't worry, I don't see you or your people as blood thirsty monsters. I have respect for your kind. Though the blood wine takes a bit to get used to."

"You just have not had the right vintage yet..." Edruj said by way of a joke and then laughed. "From what I say I do not believe a Klingon capable. As you say we prefer to see our enemies, watch them fall to our strength etc... Torture, ritual sacrifice things of that nature do not fall into the Klingon lexicon. But I digres... I meant what I said in the Conference Room. With your permission I would like to join you on the Gladiator. I think we can get that ship moving in no time, and I feel a need to see who or what did this."

The good Captain smirked a short bit about the vintage before taking in the rest of what she said. "Yeah get in line, chief. I have no doubt we will find them, but I am concerned for how we will have to deal with these bastards. Bring a former marine, it was always simple."

"They are without honor, and so we must send them to Grethor. Simple..." Edruj replied with a grin that would scare most people.

"So what about your ship, and your captain? If I were your commanding officer, wouldn't you think I'd fight to get ya back as soon as possible?"

"Well, that is true. However, as it stands right now I am on an extended leave. Two weeks to be exact, I was supposed to go compete in a Bat Leth tournament. But solving this mystery and getting back at whoever did this seems to be a better way to spend my leave. After that who knows..." Edruj smiled when she finished speaking. She rather liked serving aboard the Mercutio however, a change of pace and a ship to rebuild was a great challenge.

"Fair enough, I will request it from your commanding officer. What is their name?" David asked as he took another gulp of water. It was only fair that he did a formal request and let them know that he was going to allow Edruj to join them on this mission. That way, there was no surprise.

"Captain Henry Crow... and thank you. Call it what you will, but honor demands that I see this through. The deaths of all those people will not be in vain...." Edruj stared off in the distance for a moment and then turned back to the Captain with a smile. "I think I can have the Gladiator's warp drive up and running before the day is out." She knew it sounded boastful, but the fact was she did not plan on failing that goal.

"But before I do. I need to know more about you. Why did you join star fleet and not the Klingon Imperials Command?" the captain asked as he pondered about how to handle this new possible member to the fold.

That was an awkward question to be asked for a temporary reassignment. The more that Edruj spoke with the Captain the more she felt like she was being interviewed. However, she decided to go with the flow as it were, and see where this led to. "I joined Starfleet like my brother before me, but my reason for joining was different then his. I decided on this path because I feel that all that is Klingon should be shared with the galaxy. The easiest and best way to accomplish this is to join Starfleet and show everyone both within the Federation and without what makes a Klingon heart burn. Add to that I am a scientist and an engineer. While the KDF would put my engineering skills to good use, they would leave me little to pursue the sciences. Here too Starfleet proves that it is the better choice."

"Interesting. I don't think I have ever heard a klingon say that in all my years of service. But I respect that," David replied as he processed her answer. "Thank you for sharing. I like to know who I am working with and what motivates them. It can sometimes be a sticky situation with some people. But in your case, I'd be honored to have you join us." With that he stepped up to walk her out. "Anything you need, take from the Arcadia. Hayter has started, like I said, but you know the details of your area. He will be snarky and a jackass. But he will respect your call and your position. As for your person... I can't say I can call that one. Any questions?"

"No sir... I will have the Gladiator fully operational shortly and then the ship will return to glory." Edruj said with the tone that only a Klingon could have when glory and honor were at stake.

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