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New Beginnings

Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 9:02pm by Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn
Edited on on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 9:09pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Shuttle Tyderion/USS Gladiator
Timeline: Backpost 2 hrs prior to "Securing The Gladiator"
1035 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Edruj left the Mercutio and was headed for the Bat Leth tournament on Casperia Prime. This was more than a competition for the Klingon, it was much needed rest and relaxation. She was two days out from her ship, and had another three to go to Casperial Prime. The time seemed to be going relatively quick thanks to the Klingon Opera, and battle simulations that she ran on the computer.

About halfway through the second day of her journey, just as the Klingon version of La Boheme reached its climax the computer interrupted the music. "Ship detected..." The soft voice of the computer intoned. Enruj has set the computer to scan for any ships that may pass by. She may be a scientist and an engineer but she had the heart of a warrior. She tossed her bat'leth on the bench in the back and jumped back into the pilot's seat. A few deft taps of the computer and the sensors had a full read out of the ship in the area.

"Hmmm, we have the USS Gladiator, Sovereign Class, NCC-79818. No power and minimal life support. Computer open a channel to the Gladiator." As was the case with most scientists when Edruj was alone she tended to talk to herself as she worked problems. A chime from the computer told her that the channel was open. "Command of Gladiator, this is Lieutenant Edruj aboard the shuttle Tyderion. Do you need assistance?"

As she waited for a response with baited breath all Edruj heard was a small amount of static. "Computer switch to priority channel and send again." The computer acknowledged the command and did it. Again there was nothing but static. "It is possible that whatever has caused the ship to go derelict in space, has also damaged the communications array and its backup systems."

Edruj took the shuttle closer to the Gladiator and performed a slow and steady flyby. The flyby was both informative and eerie. Eerie because there was not a single light on, and that just caused the hair on the back of the Klingon's neck to stand on end. Although she did not show it. The informative part was the state of the Gladiator's hull, it was pristine. There was no sign of a fight, if Edruj did not know any better she would have thought that someone simply turned the ship off. The only thing of note was that the saucer section was missing. The ship had separated. Quickly Edruj had the Tyderion's sensors start looking for the saucer, for a warp trace, for well anything that it could find. Knowing that she would have to leave the shuttle at some point Edruj made sure that the sensors would route anything it found to her tricorder. As she made her way around the rear of the ship to the shuttle bay she noticed that the doors were closed.

"I need to get aboard that ship. So I have two options, first I can beam aboard. But with no power and no way to get a complete scan of the interior that would be a risk. That leaves me to option two, the shuttle bay. I will have to blast my way in." Edruj maneuvered the shuttle to the rear of the Gladiator and to a safe distance. The irony that Klingons welcomed death and she was searching to save life was not lost on her. Two well placed photon torpedoes and the shuttle doors blasted open. Two minutes later the Tyderion was docked in the Gladiator's shuttle bay. Surrounded by damaged shuttle craft.

"By Khaless what happened here?" Edruj asked as she looked out the windows of the shuttle. The sensors read that there was enough life support that suits were not needed. However, she donned one anyway as a precaution. Who knew what was to come aboard a derelict ship as large as a Sovereign Class.

She took in a breath sharply through her nose as she stepped from the shuttle. A phaser and tricorder were strapped to her hip and an engineering kit hung from her shoulder. "Well first things first I need to get to power restored so I can see what the hell I am doing." A quick scan with the tricorder told her that the computer core was on the same deck that she was on. "At least I do not have to climb."

Edruj made her way through the corridors with the only source of light being her wrist mounted flashlight. There was not a single soul in sight. "Where is everyone?" Despite the missing people there were some signs of life in the ship. As Edruj walked down the corridor she could see that others had walked the path that she was on and they did so quickly. Footprints could be seen every so often in the dim flashing red lighting of the corridor. "Whatever happened here happened in a hurry. I hope that they fought with honor." She muttered the Klingon saying almost as a mantra to keep herself focused.

After what seemed like an eternity she made it to the Computer Core, this was followed by a myriad of Klingon curse words and grumbles. As she realized how tight a fit it would be to wedge her large suited frame into the core. "Join Starfleet they said, see the galaxy they said..." She spoke with a lot of sarcasm in her voice. She opened her tricorder and tapped in a few commands telling the device to start recording everything. "I have just arrived at the computer core of the USS Gladiator. The ship has minimal life support and no other power. I am going to attempt to restore power before continuing to investigate." Her voice now was clear and concise. This would be a recording for the official Starfleet record. She was now a witness to a great horror and catastrophe although she did not know it as of yet.

Edruj Daughter of Thrawn had taken her first vacation in years and she had two weeks leave. It seems that she would need each and every one of those days to figure out exactly what happened to the USS Gladiator.


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