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New Beginnings

Posted on Thu Nov 11th, 2021 @ 2:28pm by Ensign Verelan

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Shuttle Bay towards Quarters
715 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Verelan walked off the shuttle with a black leather bag in hand, her gloves groaning with the strain. She stood, her spine and neck cracking back into place. The trip wasn't long but she still didn't like sitting for long periods of time.

She made it a habit of being courteous to everyone around her so she turned around to the pilot of the shuttle and smiled, "Thanks for the ride. It was nice speaking with you."
It seemed that the man was still in a bit of a shock over the expressions Verelan was giving him. Eventually he just half-waved and turned back to his controls, shaking his head in disbelief.

Verelan chuckled to herself and breathed in slowly. Here was the time to set things right in her world and start again. Things were finally going to go her her way.

She looked around and saw that everyone was very busy so she didn't disturb but standing in the centre of the shuttle bay wasn't the best place to stay.

"Excuse me, Ensign Verelan?"
Verelan whirled around and before her stood a small Bajoran woman with an elaborate earring dangling on her right ear. My name is Ensign Usi Osha. I am here to welcome you to the 'Arcadia' and to escort you to your quarters."
Verelan nodded feeling thankful that she hadn't been forgotten.
"May I take your bag?"
Verelan put up a hand by way of a 'no'. "I am fine with it but thank you for the offer."

Ensign Usi turned and as they walked out of the shuttle bay she tried not to look directly at the new Intelligence officer. She was smiling, laughing, everything that Vulcans shouldn't...couldn't do.

Usi's heartbeat was gaining momentum, she was wringing hands together and her steps were quickening. Although Verelan couldn't see her eyes directly she knew that she was uncomfortable with her words. As they entered the turbo lift, Usi couldn't hold her questions any further, "How do you do that?"
Verelan laughed out loud. So loud that she had people look at them as the doors opened and they stepped out.
"Do what?" Verelan lied. She had been waiting for this kind of question and shook her head at how genuine it sounded.
"Well, you're...emotional. I've never seen Vulcan's emotional before."
"I have never been called that before. But I must correct you one one thing: I am not a full blooded Vulcan."

Usi reddened and her eyes immediately went to the corridors trying to gather her next thoughts. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass or anger you."
Verelan nodded, "It is quite alright. My father was a Romulan."
The Bajoran stopped mid stride and swung her head around to face Verelan head on. Usi had perfect skin and her hair was light and shiny. She arched an eyebrow and she jutted out her chin. "A Romulan?"
Usi's heartbeat was raging again but this time it was different. It was faster and her breathing was shallow and she was beginning to sweat.

"Are you worried about something, Ensign Usi?"
The sidelong glance as Usi continued was confusing to Verelan. It was a mixture of anger, sadness and utter confusion. It took her a long time to gather both her breathing and her heartbeat to tolerable levels.

After a while Verelan whispered, "Your earring is quite beautiful."
The Bajoran arched an eyebrow at the request but nodded.
Verelan smiled widely as the earring glittered, felt light and had the most strange 'ting' sound.

"It's something that has been added on to through my mother and her mother."
Verelan nodded, entranced by how it sparkled in the artificial light.

"You're quarters are here, Ensign and it seems that you and I are just down the hall from each other." Usi pointed ahead a few doors. "Maybe you and I can have something to eat soon and I can introduce you to some of my friends."

Verelan smiled widely and nodded. "That would be fantastic. I will let you know when I am available as I have to see medical, security would surely want to see me and then there is the Captain so...."

It was Usi's time to laugh. "Sure, take your time and let me know."



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