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From the Ashes

Posted on Mon May 31st, 2021 @ 9:47pm by Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: Flashback / Marine Barracks - USS Arcadia
5374 words - 10.7 OF Standard Post Measure

/// ON ///

Sitting at a small console, the Lezaurian female watched as the subspace link tried to go through. Pondering as to why it was taking so long, she looked down to her sleeves of her top. It was as what was expected when it came to field uniforms for a marine as herself. It was slightly loss and comfortable. To think that she had come this far along to find herself in the position and now on the same starship as Captain Hawkins, it comforted her ever so slightly. Yet, her remarkable memory and ability to recall all kinds of details and almost relive her memories caused her to start and think of the first time that she had truly met these people.

*** Flaskback ***
"We're from the United Federation of Planets, and we have a base on this planet and several colonies. We're a group of diverse races from all walks of life who work together to better the universe." Mercia said and felt like she might gag on her own words, and she hoped that didn't read through her speach. "A member of your community came to us looking for help, so here we are. We brought doctors and engineers to see what you need. Clearly you need a lot of medical care... Are all of you sick or disabled in some manor?" Mercia asked looking around.

"What we are asking you put very simply..." Phelps began with a smile. "How can we help? That is what we are here for, to just be of help to you. However we can?"

The cloaked female waved her hand at them as she finally started to walk away. It seemed like it didn't matter what she said or did, it was clear that everyone around her was ready to give into anything... or anyone that was clearly willing to do some good. But she had learned that it had to have been a trick from ... them... those that left them here to die. "Do as you please..."

"Excuse me, where are you going?" Mercia demanded. "We need to know things, like why you are all here?"

"Can't you tell," the teenage leader shook her head and gripped her spear tightly as she stood in position with her back still from the group. "Look around, we are the imperfect. We are damaged in one way or another. And I don't have long before I die as anyone else at me age does... if we live long enough to last this long."

"How old are you? Are you the oldest? What happened to your parents?" Mercia asked. She paused, "Can we sit down and talk for a while, perhaps there are things we can learn so we can help you. We can't, in good conscious, leave you all here. Especially with the idea that you will die. From what I can tell a lot of your damage is fixable..."

The female sighed as she looked down at her burnt and damaged skin. Her people saw this as poison to their civilization. She would never see her people... her family again... and they were no different. "You said Federation... Have you heard of Star Fleet?"

Mercia felt a pit form in her stomach as she watched the girl carefully, "Yes, most of us are officers of Starfleet..." she said slowly. "We are here to help..." she clarified quickly in case this was about to go south.

"You are the people of Voyager..." the young woman sighed as she turned and looked at them all. "... We were taught of your people... You say you come in peace but ruin the sector by allying yourselves with our so called enemies."

Mercia looked at Phelps as confusion crossed her face. "Voyager? You mean Janeways ship?" she asked, "How do you know about Voyager? We have no intention of ruining any thing, its clear you need help, and that is why we are here. I'm confused as to what you are talking about." Mercia said. This girl couldn't be older than twenty, and clearly had been here a long time.

"Janeway of Voyager..." the teen murmured as the older groups of kids started to look around at each other in confusion and slight shock for a moment. "... Our people stuck us in a room and a bright light overcame us... When the light disappeared and we could see and feel again... we found ourselves here. I was with my younger brother and he was supposed to be after me, but I never saw him again."

She frowned, "He didn't come with you?" she asked pulling her tablet out. She unfolded it and powered it on, taking a few notes for them to review. "Were you on a ship before you found yourself here? How long have you been here?" she asked.

"Ship? You mean a mother ship?" the leader replied cocking her head. "Like the overlords? No. We weren't worthy of being seen in public let along on a mother ship."

Mercia scratched her head, "Mother ships. Overloards. Wait... Overlords?" she paused. Before her capture several years ago they had encountered a planet of poor workers who had portals on their planet which led to a city of people who called themselves Overlords. Part of her wondered if they were one and the same. Although none of these children looked like either of those races. "Alright, can we start at the beginning? First, What is your name? Can you tell me how long you have been here, and where your home planet is?" she said. "Would you like to sit down?"

"Zul'arra" the teenage leader answered before shaking her head no. "If you are so high and mighty... Get us away from here and help my people. You prove to me that you are truly here to help and save us... and we will openly tell you all that you demand."

"That is the idea, but we need to get some supplies here to begin healing you all, testing you for illness, and set up transporters to get you off this island. We have several settlements on this planet and we need to arrange to house you all. It will take a few days to go through all of this." Mercia explained. "Once we regain communication with our base we can begin to prepare and start taking you all out in groups. How many of you are there?" she asked.

Zul'arra looked at her from under her cloak before looking around. "Communication? How did you get to this place in the first place?"

Mercia glanced at her fellow officers and rubbed her forehead, "As I said before, a child from your community found us. We tracked the wood from his raft to a collection of islands, and showed him our survey pictures until he recognized the mountain. We landed on a beach and hiked through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, We fought our way here to the cavern beyond the... wait that's the Labrynth..." she said making a face. She'd been reading the story to Molli recently. "Either way, thats how we got here."

"The Labrynth?" the young female questioned as she looked at the unusual woman before her. "... You are a very unusual people..." She shook her head as she looked at all the people around them before sighing. "We aren't supposed to pass the caverns. When people leave the safety of the caverns... we have seen them disappear before our eyes. Its been the only way I have been able to save them from being taken in a flash of light."

"So some of your people disappear in more flashes of light?" Mercia asked. She wondered if any other race had developed sensor tricks to get around what ever was blocking the data for the federation sensors, which would have revealed these children before. "Have you encountered other grownups?" she asked.

"Could it be a cloaking device?" Phelps asked. "That would explain a lot if this area were cloaked and our sensors mistook it for the surrounding area?" He suggested. "That would also explain our comm black out and some other problems?"

Mercia turned to look at Phelps, "That is plausible, there is something in the rocks messing with our sensors, but if there was also a cloak it could explain the black outs and inability to penetrate with the sensors." she commented before she looked back at the girl.

"What is a cloaking device?" the young leader asked as she looked at the two questionably before continuing. "We haven't seen or heard of any other groups in this area but its been almost seventeen cycles."

"You haven't seen grown ups in that long?" she asked. "A cloak is a device that can hide a structure or ship from being seen or scanned." she said. "you said that you found yourself here... was that in a particular place in the cave? Or random places?"

Without a word, Zul'arra pointed with her staff down the tunnel she had come from. She knew what was down there but only the oldest ventured down to look for survivors. But lately there hadn't been any of those either. It was quite bothersome to her and the others, but at least they weren't losing people either in the past couple cycles as well.

Mercia felt an ominous feeling wash over her as she looked down the darkened tunnel. "Mind explaining what we'll find down there?" she asked, "I don't think we want to go wandering down there considering the creatures we encountered outside the cave."

"Over the years, we had cleared anything worth a threats..." Zul'arra remarked with slight pride in their hard work together in keeping themselves alive for so long.

"So you're going to show us the way right?" Mercia asked motioning forward to the girl. "Show us where you came from, tell us what you remember." she encouraged the girl to talk more.

Once again, looking between the group of 'adults', the young leader tried to figure out if she was to trust them or to walk away. But this point in time, she had nothing to lose. "This way..."

Mercia fell in line with the girl, seeing a couple of torches in the tunnel they were heading in to before it plunged in to darkness. She pulled out her tricorder, returned to her after her fit of rage in the Jungle, throwing it away. She tapped a few buttons and a light shone from its tip, giving them cleaner light than the torches.

"SO you never told me your name." Mercia said. "And how old you are." she said, before she glanced back at Price and Phelps, following along with her.

Taylor let out a breath he wasn't really aware he was holding back. He kept his head on a swivel as his eyes adjusted to the caverns much dimmer lightly. His rifle was aimed low as they moved, but he could bring it to bare in a moments notice. The tunnel smelled earthy, muddy almost. When Mercia glanced back over at himself and Phelps he gave her the smallest of nods.

"Zul'arra," the young woman answered as she slowly lead the group through the tunnel as agreed upon. She looked over her shoulder and eyed them all again. The one with the more focus holding an unusual weapon seemed more focused on whatever, or whoever, jumped out of the shadows. She seemed to admire him in a way. "Are you their guard."

Taylor's eyes drifted to the young woman and gave another nod. "I am." He offered. "You can call me, Taylor." He wasn't going to explain to her the difference between Marines and security because there just wasn't really a point to it. Not that it was beneath her intellect, but more like it wasn't necessary.

"Have you ever killed anybody before?" Zul'arra asked as she seemed to get off focus before turning back and holding her staff tightly as she beat herself up getting off topic.

Taylor was very much aware of her sudden return to the path and her focus returned forward. "Just once." He admitted, soundly almost casual about it. "Once was enough." His eyes kept going back and forth looking for anything that might be a threat.

"I've killed many. Does that fascinate you or scare you?" Mercia spoke up as she followed along.

"Ummm..." the teenage female paused trying to understand why she admitted it. "So what we were told about Star fleet is true about being murderers," she stated nodding as she walked into the the cavern in question.

"I suppose that depends on your definition of murderer." Taylor offered, intellectually. He wasn't going to talk to her like a child, he wasn't going to hide the fact that he'd killed. "I killed a man in combat, a friend of mine was in danger and this man wanted to kill him and me." Taylor said as he stepped into the cavern behind the rest of them. "Am I proud of it? No. Would I do it again? Not if I could avoid it." He explained.

"I was trained by people who were not in star fleet and used to kill people by their will. Starfleet rescued me from that life and gave me a purpose, and a mission. I can still kill, but now I do so only in defense of those who are being hurt." Mercia said. "Like you would kill one of those beats that attacked your children right?" she said motioning backwards towards the jungle.

"It could be thought of as a form of nature." Phelps had been quite and observant of things. "Like you we protect ourselves and those we care for or those in our care." Phelps shrugged. "I hate violence and my job is more passive. But if someone tried to harm any of my friends or even you as you are under our care at the moment I would use the force needed to assure your safety." HE just looked into her eyes so not to flinch. "I do not murder; that is premeditated and shows I hated the victim. Star Fleet does not train us to Murder, but to be safe."

Zul'arra blinked for a moment before finally rolling her eyes and pointed her staff towards the dark area before them. "I did not bring a light..." she looked at the group who were already prepared with their technology. "The only thing we can figure out is that we are brought through that, but that is just a theory."

Taylor couldn't help but chuckle when he caught Zul'arra rolling her eyes. He had a small light on the end of his rifle and he turned it on to flash it in the direction of the staff. "Why don't you judge us as the people in front of you and not the rumors you've heard from others." He offered.

"If you were in my position, wouldn't you do the same? We weren't sent here because of our government... but by our friends and families..." the young woman explained as she kept her cloak and visible skin covered. She was still ashamed of herself. Why wouldn't she be with what had happened to her.

Taylor excused himself as he moved past Mercia and Samuel for a moment. He came closer to Zul'arra and unzipped his field jacket. "When I was a young man, a little older than you are now." He pulled the shoulder back exposing the tank top of his uniform and the scars on his shoulder and back. "They set the barn I was in on fire and tried to kill me and a really good friend of mine." His big eyes offered her compassion. "I've been in your position."

Mercia paused and watched as Taylor revealed a part of himself that was most assuredly privet. She hadn't noticed the girls burned skin, in truth, she'd begun to see beyond any of the children's issues, just trying to get answers. She began to wonder if she was this callous with all the new people they met. She shined her light on Taylor so the girl could see in the darkness. "You're not alone girl. There are a lot of people who have been through a lot at the hands of those who they should be able to trust."

Looking between the burns of the man before her to the woman in charge, Zul'arra sighed as part of her ached at the feeling of connection for the first time in a while. She finally lowered her hood of her cloak revealed the knotted brunette hair that stuck to her head and sweaty cheeks. She brushed it back revealing the burns and flesh that seemed to have been slightly eating away at itself. It wasn't easy to handle seeing to most if not all. She kept her focus away from them as she spoke. "My parents allowed my little brother and I to be tested on... He died saving me as they tested our genes when it came to healing after our house was burnt down. He through me out of the window before he collapsed from chocking on the smoke. I watched him fall to his knees and watch me with every last breath as his flesh was on fire..." She covered her cloak and looked at them.

"...After that, they took me and told me that our people couldn't know of all that had happened. We were doing our people great things for them as we allowed them to see how to improve our biological defenses. They told me that they could cure me, and in return, I would be banned to the next life. But this isn't the next life... I am not healed, but infected with whatever they gave me. My body heals itself only to allow some infection they gave me, to eat me alive."

Mercia looked angry as the girl told her story. Would the universe ever stop abusing the innocent and weak? "We do battle against people who do such things." Mercia said.

Taylor pulled his jacket back up over his shoulder and zipped it back up. He couldn't explain the anger he felt. The feeling of knowing that somewhere someone was abusing kids in the name of science.

"I am always in pain..." she responded with a tear that rolled down her face but turned and pointed away from them. "That is the device we believe brought us here. We all appeared near it. We have seen other species that were known to be in what our Alliance but they never survived more than a week before dying."

Mercia humped, "Could be they can't last in the environment here." she said. "We have medicine to heal you. I understand you likely are scared of it, but the other children are already being treated by our medical teams." Mercia said stepping closer. "We will find you homes, and strength and provide for you all." she said "Even educate you." she said with a smile. Her eyes shifted to the device, the oblong device stood against a rock wall, which had signs of burning. She opened up her tricorder and started to do some scans.

"Once we get back in touch with the engineering team we need to have them come take a look of this, see if we can't figure out where you all came from." Mercia said to Zul'arra.

Taylor was still standing close enough to Zul'arra that he reached gently for her cloak and uncovered her face again, gently slide the cloth away. "Don't hide. Don't be ashamed. You've done nothing to be ashamed of."

Mercia looked at the girl, "He's right. You stood up and became a leader. The universe has just opened its doors wide for you girl. Be smart, be brave... and trust us."

"I am..." she countered with wide eyes. "My species are sensitive to light." She explained as she covered her head again before pointing to a large device with one of their lights. This is what we arexpect here for as requested."

Zularra didn't want to talk much about herself as she held in the fear that was building up inside her. The device or structure was unknown and she didn't like the chance of not knowing when it would activate again.

"Light sensitive hmm?" Mercia asked. "I suppose that would make sense with the cat like eyes. Jonny managed to adjust, but we will need to be careful about that. No doubt medical has figured that out." she said.

"So this thing turned on last four years ago?" Mercia asked. "I'm assuming that is the case since the youngest of your group are four?" Mercia asked. "What does it look like when it turns on? Does it have any other effects on the Island or cave?"

Zul'arra shrugged as she stood there looking at the unusual device. "It looks like a cloudy storm, but I can't help there because I have only seen it a couple times," she explained as best as she could.

Mercia ran her hands over the device, wondering what power it really contained. "Do you have any sort of signal? How do you know when it's activated?" she asked the girl.

She simply shrugged as she looked at her. "I only know its active when there is a storm in the middle of the device. I stayed away from this as much as possible. I don't want it taking me back there... Even though they sent me here not wanting me."

Taylor shook his head. "Well that's their ignorance." He offered. "I happen to think you'd make a fine Marine someday."

Mercia licked her lips, it was interesting that it was stable enough that they had no other ramifications that they knew of when it activated. "So they didn't want you, did they tell you why?" Mercia asked as she took some scans with her tricorder for more study. Not that science and engineering wouldn't be all over this thing soon enough, once she got communication with them again.

Zul'arra rolled her eyes as she sighed slightly. She felt that she had explained this before but in the end, it didn't matter. They were bound to hear it at least another couple dozen times. If it wasn't from himself, it would be by the others.

"Our people were all about helping others and improving ourselves. But when it came down to it, our leaders found that it was a weakness. We were at the verge of extension on our planet when we first saw the first wave of new life. WE never knew that there was anything more out there but ourselves..."

She sighed as she thought back to what little studies she did receive before she was sent away. "I don't knwo what all species there were, but they called themselves the Alliance ... I don't remember the full name. But they were advanced and offered us it all to our people. In return, we were to be like them. Weakness wasn't allowed. Imperfection..." she paused again as she pointed at the damaged skin. "We were to help advance their studies... But we, as a whole, were to be seen as perfect."

"Burns can be healed, why did they not just heal you? Is there another imperfection?" Mercia asked.

"I don't know!" she countered almost irritated to the point of wanting to tear up. "Why don't you ask them?"

Mercia winced, "Honestly I doubt they'd get much of a chance to talk if I ever find them. You deserve justice for this blatant abuse." she said. "I tend to be a strong... force... for justice." Mercia said. "So maybe we'll never know. For now though... I've gotten some scans, and our Doctors are working hard to give proper medical care to your people. Why don't we head back up to the main cavern and see where things are at. Hopefully we'll be starting to transport the most ill to our hospital soon. Is there any thing else you think we should?" Mercia asked the girl.

"No, I told you all I know," Zul'arra explained as she started to walk for the exit. "I am done here. I am not getting stuck here if it comes alive."

*** Now ***

The com link broke her memories as she looked up to see that familiar face. She shifted in her chair a little as she felt more proud to see her. "Good morning, Captain Kavi," the young marine spoke as she knew that calling Mercia like that in an official capacity would get under her skin.

Mercia made a face at the girl. "Morning Zul'arra." she said before she leaned back in her chair. Behind her was a vast window, overlooking the tropical island where she worked in the Memphis Island Tower. She missed being on a ship, but her family needs kept her grounded for now. "You make it to Arcadia yet?" she asked.

The young woman nodded as she looked around in the small room which was connected to the sleeping quarters of the barracks. There were a couple other consoles for data input and comm calls, but she was the only one here using them. "Yes, ma'am. I have been here for a bit, and started back up on training the canine units with John. Sorry I didn't call till now, and I don't have long as the company leader recommended me for a mission, as I know the Captain and some of the people we are looking for on a medical ship."

"Ah Jonny. Do me a favor and always be a pain in his ass." Mercia replied. "And you can call me by name Zul'arra, its just us." she said motioning a bit. She glanced up past the screen, "Ah the USS T'sul. That's exciting! Getting away mission status already is significant..." She paused and frowned, "Is something wrong with the ship?" she wondered. She knew positions of all ships in the area, considering her job was sector strategic ops. She kept track of all the ships and kept them moving and made recommendations for what ships were sent on what upcoming missions.

"Arcadia was just supposed to meet up for some personnel and supply transfers." She frowned as some minor fear tightened Mercia's eyes. There was a particular individual on the T'sul that was someone who may bring trouble with her. Trouble that Mercia was keenly aware of and one of the few things that gave her fear and for good reason.

Taking that mental note about Colonel Hayter and keeping him on his tows, Zul'arra smirked slightly before catching up to the captain's questions on what was going on with the Arcadia and needing a marine on the away mission. "Maybe safe then sorry? The ship was placed on yellow alert and there were talks of the fighter squadrons launching. But I do not know."

Mercia grunted and typed a few things on her computer, wanting to check some movements in non Starfleet ships in the sector. She'd have to wait for the report to come, but she had some worries. "Watch your back out there kid." she said. "I've been seeing signs of trouble in this area of the universe, but I can't pin point it. We've got a friend on the T'sul, a friend that brings out the ugly in some people." she sighed.

"Oh hey, I wanted to tell you about the twins F'zal and D'halz." she said mentioning two of the children who had been under Zul'arras protection. Mercia made it a point to inquire about them as often as she could. Since a number of them had been placed in homes on Memphis Island she was able to keep Zul'arra in the loop. "F'zal is getting an internship with the MI Science Research center, and D'halz is still convinced he can follow in your footsteps and is in interviews for joining Starfleet. I've given him a recommendation." she said. "They've come so far. They were dying when we found you lot..." it still made her angry to think that the Lezaurian experimented on ill and injured children and then disposed of them when they were done. 800 children had been found... on the island not far from the Starfleet base, having been tossed through a portal that their people had some how figured out how to use. Rather than healing these kids they harmed them, then tossed them. Some would forever need special care because of this, some healed and were excelling, like Zul'arra and the twins, as well as dozens others.

It was hard for her to bury those memories but the Lezaurian species having an almost perfect memory caused side effects like the one of wanting to forget. The young marine sighed for a moment before nodding "I don't now know why D'halz wants to follow my path. The only reason I went down this path was due to you all pushing me to do so."

Mercia humphed, "I pushed you to learn about our culture and continue to be a leader. I wouldn't have picked marines for you." she added, "but then I'm not a marine myself. I believe Hawkins was the one who opened the door to marine life for you." Mercia paused, "Are you unhappy with the position?" she asked her.

She shook her head in response. "No, I did not say that and yes he did open the door to this way of life. I was just saying that D'halz choosing to follow in my foot steps doesn't make sense is all. If anything, he is following the foot steps of Captain Hawkins," Zul'arra remarked before shrugging. "Though I guess I see your point. I just do not know if I am truly a ... what is it, role model?"

Mercia nodded, "You were their leader Zul'arra. You ensured the new batched of sick children that arrived in your cave got the best medical care they could, with only your basic knowledge. You created order, community, safety for these kids. You were the leader for 800 people. You took that role and you owned it, I was impressed by you the moment we met, not many people your age have such experience to pull on. Those kids will never forget how you protected and care for them. Hell the island we took you guys from is still classified off limits expect to researchers because of the dangerous environments and animals. That place was hell and yet you all survived... because of you. Kids like D'halz know that, remember that, and aspire to be a hero like you. So yes... You are a role model, and I don't think that's something you can ever escape. I don't recommend trying." Mercia smirked. "Trust me, it doesn't go well, especially if you have old Hawkins on your ass encouraging you to grasp your trust identity and potential." she added rolling her eyes a little.

Zul'arra smirked and shock her head as she focused on one word. "I will be this 'role model' as you call it. But do not call me a hero. I did what it took to make sure my people were taken care of and had a chance to live. That is all," she explained. "Though I know you know all this already."

"I do, and I call you a hero, so shut up." Mercia countered. She smirked, "You can't stop me girl." she winked. "Tell David I'll give him a call later, I want to check on our friend." she said.

"Yes ma'am. I will make sure to give him a heads up," the young corporal replied just before her name was called over the microphone to gear up and report to the transporter room. "I will contact you later." With that the two nodded and the screen went blank. Things seemed to start feel as though they were going their way. BUt Zul'arra still needed to get used to things on this ship first before thinking of her people that were now starting to split up and go their separate ways as she did.


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