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Another Walken in the Mix

Posted on Sun Sep 12th, 2021 @ 5:08pm by Captain David Hawkins & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken)

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Backpost
1254 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

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The captain was almost overwhelmed with the paperwork and quite honestly, he wasn't sure what to think of the status of the T'sul being dead in space. But once the ship was in range, the away team was going over to investigate the situation. But this new member that was Mel's replacement at the science station, he wanted to get to know her. As the chief medical officer and his acting first officer was preparing an away team in which they needed answers to, this was the chance he had to get to chat. So the two walked off the bridge and into his ready room. There, his pet who had been resting, popped his head and looked at the new arrivals. But did not move as he wasn't sure if that was what his owner wanted.

"So, Ensign Walken, is it?" David asked as he walked over to one of the couches as he grabbed a bottle which was filled with water. He took a gulp and looked at the ensign. "Oh sorry, relax."

Emma nods, "Yes, Emma Walken. Did I screw something up? Not used to speaking with the Captain of a Starship." She was curious as to the meeting, she was sure she didn't mess up but couldn't rule it out.

"Are you used to screwing things up, Ensign?" he asked as he made himself at home leaning back while he looked her over. She was young and seemed to be almost calm under the pressure but the feeling of being called to the principal's office was not a fun feeling.

"Honestly, no," Emma answered. "But still getting used to all the rules still sir. I'm sure you saw it in my file but I didn't go through the Academy like most."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask about that," David remarked as he remembered that detail of her biography. He always enjoyed the personal that strived past what they had been expected. "How did that happen?"

"Honestly I'm not one hundred percent sure myself, I just know I excelled in my fields of study. I must have caught the eye of someone in the science department of Starfleet Headquarters. I'm sure my willingness to agree to this also had to do with my brother, it was around the time he was declared missing in action."

"And your brother is the marine?" he perked up slightly as he tried to remember the man's background. "Is that the same guy?"

"Yes sir, thou as you can see his isn't missing anymore." Emma nods.

"No, I suppose he is not," David admitted as he thought about it for a moment before looking back up to her. "First... tell me about yourself. You seem to have more about yourself then you are letting on. And what of your brother? Does he know you are assigned to the same ship as him?"

"Honestly, I'm not all that special. Spent my time in school studying the sciences, mostly biology and chemistry. Don't tell anyone but I love to host poker nights, have a nice custom holodeck set up that has just the right amount of atmosphere. Yes, my brother does know I'm here, after what happened I think it's best he has at least one constant here." Emma answers her voice quiet as she looks at the Captain. "What about you sir? Family? Hopes for the future post Starfleet?"

"Me?" David raised his eye brows slightly surprised at her forwardness but relaxed and responded in kind. "Parents are still alive, but I see them from time to time. Was engaged with a child on the way, but they didn't make it. So my crew are my family. And for future posts in Starfleet. To be honest, I am in only to help give people that chance to grow in Starfleet. Other then that, I am going with the flow."

"I'm so sorry for making you think of that horrible memory of lost, sir." Emma spoke softly as she covers her face with her hands.

"Uh..." he paused nut completely sure what was going on. "It's not as though I was forced to answer, Ensign. You wanted to know, I offered. I do not have anything to hide when it comes to my past. What kind of commander would I be if I was constantly hiding things from my crew. Yes there are bits and pieces required by our positions but no where does it state that I couldn't offer you all the truth possible."

"But still, I should have done my own research on you, sir. It isn't fair for me to bring up and make you think of a memory like that."

"You are fine. I assure you," David smirked as he shifted before looking at the young officer. "Moving on, what can you bring to the table for your department and for this ship?"

"Well sir, I didn't just study Biology sir." Emma smiles softly she wasn't one to normally brag about herself. "I also study Chemistry. So I can assist in more than just biological studies."

"Oh to tell you the truth, I couldn't wrap my mind around all the details of biology and chemistry. It really does take a great and focused mind to spend so much time learning the minuet details when it comes to such things that even science still hasn't fully grasped or understood. But it is fascinating to see people like you not give up but strive to learn more and more. That is a department that never ceases to learn and grow in the knowledge of the universe," he admitted as he nodded focusing on the distant just mentally trying to contemplate such desire and how complicated it would be to gather it all. "So I'll be the first to admit it. Between you and me, I know you are the smarter person in the room. I could not do what you do and for that, I will always place my trust and faith in your knowledge and understanding in your department. Rank aside, remember that. You are not just an ensign on a ship. You are very intelligent and capable young woman."

"Well anyone can learn it if you apply yourself and study hard sir." Emma smiles at his words. "Maybe you can pick up a thing or two if you stop by the lab in the future. Thank you for your words sir, I don't think I'm the smartest person in the room. I'm just smart in certain areas and you are smart in your own areas. I mean last time I checked they don't tend to trust just anyone with a starship and lives aboard it."

"Or they are crazy to put people in charge after I pay them off," He smirked as stood up. "Tell you what, I won't keep you long, but keep in mind that you are more than welcome to come to me directly any time I have time to. I have an open door policy."

"I understand, and thank you, sir." Emma smiles as she stands up from her seat. "I won't take up anymore of your time then, I'm sure their is another Ensign out here who could use a good talk like this."

Standing as well, he nodded. "It was a pleasure to meet you. If you ever need anything, I am always here to help. If I can't help, we will find the help you need. Dismissed and get to that away team."

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