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Thoughts at Lunch

Posted on Fri Jun 25th, 2021 @ 9:13am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken

Mission: Global Lockdown
Location: Somewhere
1816 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden had noticed the presence of a quiet marine, on the runabout heading to the planet. It seemed, at least to Raiden, that the marine was just observing those that were on the runabout. Raiden did observe that he seemed to come alive when the runabout had set down and Sinclair went about to assure things were safe enough. Raiden didn't know how long the gunny had been part of the crew but hey he was here and he was part of the crew on the ship as a whole and part of this mission. Looking about to see if he could spot said gunny, Raiden heard his stomach growl. It was chow time and well best to get some food.

Raiden headed to the appointed place to get a meal, stepping inside he looked around to see who was there. So far he'd not seen anyone yet that he was familiar with so.. he'll get something to eat pick a place to keep an alert on things, his back to a wall.

Kyle was happy, he heard that his sister was going to be coming aboard soon. He felt bad transferring but was glad to hear she was going to be joining him. Taking his tray the marine sits down and just takes a moment to breath, it was nice for him to be far from the Gorn border after his experiences with them.

Raiden looked up and waved towards Kyle, "Why don't you come join me?" motioning towards his table.

Walken lifts an eyebrow not sure why this random Navy officer was calling him over but he just got up and took a seat, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." waiting for Walken to take a seat. "You seemed puzzled at my asking you to join me. I'm just trying to get to know those who serve on the USS Arcadia. I'm Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi, helmsman. " giving a friendly smile, then picked up his spoon to take a bite of his stew.

"Yeah, I was, not one to just sit down with someone randomly," Kyle answers as he takes a bite from his pork sandwich. "So Kosugi, what do you want to know?"

Raiden countered with "What are you willing to tell me? I'd like to find out where you hail from, family, that sort of thing. However, if you don't want to converse about that, it's fine."

"A marine who comes from a long line of marines, two siblings. If you want to learn about my twin sister you can ask her. We grew up in Wisconsin." Walken answers before taking another bite.

"Ah you've got a sister, so do I, two sisters" raising up two finger. "And a brother." giving a slight grimace before he took a couple more bites of the stew then crumbled up some crackers into it. " I'm from Southern California near the San Diego area. I'm from a long line of.. Martial arts Instructors on my dad's side, had an uncle, my dad's brother, who was killed in action during the Dominion war. He was in Starfleet." picking up his cup of water and taking a drink. He set it down and looked at Kyle. "Do you get along with your sister?"

"Other than her taking a commission with the fleet we don't have any issues. I also have a younger brother, odds are he is going to be leaving for boot camp once he finishes up his schooling. What about you, get along with your siblings?"

"My two sisters, yes. My brother no. He's younger than me, he thinks I have betrayed my father for not taking on the family business, and joining Starfleet. It's kind of an awkward situation when I go visit the family. Mom and sisters are glad to see me. Dad, brother, its another story. Being on the receiving end of a stony silence. Not comfortable." Raiden frowned at the memory.

"Answer me this, if you had to make the choice again would you still join Starfleet?"

"Yes, I would." looking at Kyle in the eyes. "Even if it would still bother me about my dad and brother. I would make the choice once again. As it was right for me."

"Then you made the right choice, it's your life to choose what you want to do." The marine simply spoke.

"How long have you been a marine?" Raiden asked.

"Going on nine years soon." He answered.

"If I count my academy days, its been nine years for me. What do you like doing on your personal time as in hobbies that sort of thing." Raiden asked.

"I like drinking and playing piano, I like to keep it simple. You?"

"Various interests, not as simple as yours. Those are great though. For me wood-working, fishing, swimming, just to name a few." Raiden replied.

Kyle lifts his sandwich and takes a bite, "So why flying? Has to be a reason behind that."

"Well, I've always liked watching birds fly since I was small, had wanted to fly myself. I've got an uncle on my mom's side, he loves to fly, and is really passionate about most things which deal with flight. In fact he loves to restore old style planes, and fly them. I've got my license to fly the old style planes myself. Anyway, the main point is that I really love flying. There is a bit of a thrill being able to man the controls of the craft." Raiden replied. "Why the marines? What called you to being a marine?"

"It was all I knew, my family just tends to fall into branches like that. My brother will likely follow in both mine and my old man's footsteps. Sister was the only one not too, don't blame the whole twin thing is true I was the super stubborn outburst machine and she was the quiet listener. I'm more shocked she was commissioned."

"Mad at her but yet... a mixture of glad too?" Raiden asked.

"Trust me, it's not possible to be mad at her unless you are our old man. He is the one person who has ever been mad at her for something. She is like a magnet she draws you in and you just like her." Kyle laughs.

"I see, she has that natural charm and cuteness factor that, one can not stay mad at them. Oh... My sisters are like that. Just can't be mad a them and they use it to their advantage." Raiden responded.

"They always seem to be like that, then you let your guard down and they get ya."

"Ahh sisters." Raiden lifted up his mug in a gesture of a toast, "To Sisters, may they stay sweet and kind, and not something to be feared, well at least for us brothers." giving a quick laugh.

"To the people who will always get us in trouble." Kyle cheers.

"I will second that toast." Raiden holding his mug up once more, then took a drink from his mug, leaning forward he remarked, "To another subject, what does Hayter have planned for you and the others while we are here?"

"No idea, only just got here. I would assume we will be acting as a protection detail. Other than that I can not say." He answered honestly.

Raiden nodded, "Well, I'll keep alert to." leaning back in his chair. "And maybe I'll go for a walk to look around."

"Just be careful, take it from someone who has dealt with the unknown and survived."

"You sound like you've been through the wringer a time or two. I won't pry, but, if you ever want to talk about what happened, I'll listen." Raiden said, giving Walken an assessing look.

"Nope, not gonna darken the mood." Kyle answers swiftly.

With how quickly Walken responded, Kosugi gave a nod, the marine at the table must have gone through something horrible. "Okay, one last question from me, care to do some sparring later on? Hand to hand, weapons, that sort of thing. "

"Depends, how fast you want to be broken? I've been fighting and training to fight since I was a kid." Walken answered honestly.

Raiden gave a laugh, "Well, another thing we have in common." then his face went to a more serious expression. "Been training since I was two and a half. I'm no stranger to broken bones, or injuries." giving a shrug.

"Good, means I don't have to deal with crying or complaining when I win." Kyle laughs.

"Oh really?" Raiden joining in the laugh, "I won't have to hear you crying either when I win." giving a mock glare. He was enjoying this good natured exchange between him and the marine. "Though I am sure if we arrive at sickbay, all battered and bruised with bone breakage, Doctor Svidi would have our hides. " giving a smirk. "Have you met her yet?"

"I take my fighting like I take my drinking, very seriously." Kyle returns the mock glare for a moment. "No, I've only had the chance to meet with Lieutenant Colonel Hayter. Otherwise, I don't know really anyone on board."

"You'll have definitely take care of that. I still haven't talked to Sinclair yet either. And the doctor that is with us. " He set to finish off his drink then realized the mug was empty. "So fighting and drinking you take serious. I'll have to remember that." Raiden placed his mug back on the table, and slid his chair back. "I best be going, and I am wishing we had been able to have the runabout nearby, don't know if it is being messed with. And don't know if they have their own runabouts."

"The great mysteries of a diplo missions, you never know just what you are going to get until it happens." Kyle shrugs as he rubs his head. "Still a little curious as to why we are working security and not the Security department but it's not my place to wonder that."

"Well, I maybe helmsman but, I do wonder about the marines playing security. In my experience, when Marines are brought in, then something is proving to be more than what it appears. I've been involved with enough diplomatic missions to where they have alternated between security and Marines. And it seems to be an indicator of what may occur. " he looked around, "The one thing that is bothering me as well, is just how few people there are. Something's up, and we probably should get back with the others."

Kyle stood up, "You think someone knows something is about to go fubar planetside? Make sense then, smaller team lowers the risks of casualties should something go wrong."

"Or someone has a sixth sense and felt there needed to be marines. Either way, when the heavy hitters are brought into play that means trouble." Raiden responded. "Come on, if you are finished eating lets get going."


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