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Posted on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 1:22am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain David Hawkins

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: Gladiator/DS7
2900 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure

There they were, connected to DS7 ,beneath them was the planet named Kaleb III. Raiden feeling bleary-eyed from a fitful sleep drywashed his face. Raiden had gone to the observation deck where he could see the planet and also the station where the Gladiator would be berthed. A beep from the commbadge drew his attention and Raiden answered. "Commander Kosugi."

"Sir, we've arrived and all is getting prepped for disembarkation." said the lieutenant.

"Thank you. Also where is the Captain at?" Raiden queried.

"He is in the ready room now sir." came the answer.

"Thank you." Raiden responded, and closed up the communication. He left the observation deck and headed to the bridge, then to the door of the ready room. Pressing the chime, Raiden then stepped in after being acknowledged.

"Captain Hawkins, might I have a moment of your time?" Raiden's posture was that of a man standing at attention.

The seasoned captain looked away from the holographic screen momentarily to look at his Executive officer for a moment before going back to signing off the senior staff check lists and approvals for leave.

"Keep standing like that and you are going to break something. A simple and easy order and request. When it is you and me, along in the room. We are equals, so drop the B.S. and come to me straight," David remarked as he he took a deep breath. He needed to see the counselor sooner rather than later. The dreams were starting to affect his attitude. "What is on your mind, Raiden?"

"To be quite honest." Raiden trying to get his posture a bit more relaxed and not succeeding. "Since we have just arrived at DS Seven, I'd like to know just what to do here. I feel totally out of my depth, and sure you can hold that over my head, on this one. Just what the heck am I to do here now. How long do we plan on being on Memphis Island, and DS Seven? I am having to make crib notes on what is needed to be done."

"Well, with the Gladiator, I want our chief engineer to oversee all repairs to the ship from Deep Space 7's repair teams assigned to the ship. But I also want her to take time to relax as well. So make sure she knows that there is no honor among overworked, under rested warriors," David replied as he looked at the commander and smirked lightly. "As for the other department heads, have them have a rotation of R&R on the station and on the planet side.

"As for you, do the same. Go exploring. This planet is basically a new Risa, but not. Go relax on the islands, or go exploring on the main lands. I hear they got an outpost at the north pole, so if you want to explore the pole, have at it. I'm not sure if the deep sea exploration has started or not, but maybe something to look into."

"That will have to be the same for you, Captain. You need to do some R & R as well unless you are going to be swept up into endless meetings." Raiden raising an eyebrow towards David.

As the task force commander at that time, David would be held accountable for signing off all ships' reports, ensuring that everyone was cleared from the temporary assignments. Further more, he was going to be the one to debrief Starfleet Command of what had happened. That wasn't for another twenty-six hours so he still had time.

"I plan on it. This boat ain't going anywhere for the next couple weeks. The saucer separation repair was put together quickly. They want to do a deep inspection and upgrade to the system. From what I understand, they want to replace the blow away clamps for advanced magnetic clamps. We won't be able to separate and reconnect like a Prometheus, but by the time they are done, we will be able to saucer separate and reconnect on our own without a starbase. It may come in handy," David remarked as he smirked before going back to his reports and notes.

Raiden blew out a puff of air as he heard the plans, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, that would be a great thing to have happen. Just in case-" he stopped there, Raiden didn't want to invite any bad luck.

"Spit it out, Commander. You are burning up daylight," the captain replied without looking up from what he was skimming through on his screen. "Once I have 'read' and approved all this, I'm out of here, and you should be as well. No-one needs to really be here, in an administrative capacity, to be honest."

"I just didn't want to open up things for bad luck to happen. Just don't want anything to happen to the Gladiator anytime soon, and neither to you. That is all and on that note. I'll get out of here as well to finish up my paperwork. Oh one other thing, when were you going to tell me about Lieutenant Cortez's transfer?" Raiden raising an eyebrow.

There was a slight pause before David blinking and looking at the commander directly. "I was asked not to. I wasn't sure why, as it isn't typical, but that makes me question as to why that request was made. Do you have something to tell me about Lieutenant Cortez and yourself?"

"She had sent me a message after she already transferred to Vanora's ship and told me that she had requested you not to say anything to me or the crew." As he mentioned this there was still a bit of a dumbfounded expression in his eyes.

"As for me and Eira, a friendship was developing and from what I could tell something more; I didn't catch onto it until she and I spoke over vidscreen. To say I was stunned, would be just an understatement when I found out about her feelings, it knocked me for a loop. I am not about to take advantage of someone's feelings, though. I am not like that." Raiden putting out his hands palms upward on either side of himself.

"It was an unexpected request, but its not the most outlandish request. I would say, I have never been asked to have a specific person not be informed," the captain replied as he looked over his data once again before confirming the last document before giving his first officer his full attention. "And I'm not in the habit of getting involved in my crew's personal life. So I didn't pry."

Raiden gave a nod. "That is a good rule of thumb." he stated, "A couple of other things have come to mind. That one guy, Owen has been turned over to JAG. I don't wish anyone to be in his shoes. I kept Tia confined to quarters until both Owen and Esra were off the ship. Thought it was best to do so until that mess was done." he huffed slightly then said, "Speaking of Tia, she had asked me if she was going to be able to stay a part of the crew or if you were going to request her to be transferred somewhere else. I had told her I'd talk to you about that, as it is your decision. From what i can tell, she loves the ship and doesn't want to leave."

"Approved, pending the medical and psychological evaluation," David explained as he looked the man over before signing. "Alright. Spit it out, before it builds up. What did you and Lieutenant Cortez?"

Raiden drew in a breath, then he answered. "Eira and I spoke of, what if's. What if we were in another place and time, she and I could have been together. I could have called her my girlfriend and things could have progressed further to where we could have married and have kids. If, she and I were not a part of Starfleet, and if we met under different circumstances. Talking about what if's is a dangerous thing to discuss though. I acknowledged that I do have feelings for her, just not enough to make a life with her. And yes maybe in another lifetime, in another universe she and I could have gotten together. Just not here, not in this timeline, not in this universe. She's got a piece of my heart and apparently I have a piece of hers, metaphorically speaking. And I do not think that is going to be going away anytime soon. And Eira has rejoined her first love and that is Intelligence."

"Well that was deep... confusing and interesting way of adding a possible conflict," David raised an eye brow before pulling up information on the monitor and smirked slightly. "Please do continue. I need to brush up on my temporal mechanics subject matter and how it can pertain it to your personal relationship. We may need to get the department involved in all this matter."

Raiden stared blankly at Hawkins then the convoluted explanation he had stated came back to his mind. "Okay well then, that certainly came out in a jumbled mess. As I said there was talk about what ifs. And no, don't need anyone else involved in this." Raiden actually glaring at David. "No need for temporal interference. I am just trying to sort this out in my head. However, I won't bother you anymore with that sort of thing. And I'll make certain it doesn't affect my performance in my duties."

"Are you sure?" the captain replied as he skimmed through it. "I am sure I can find the contact information for that department without relying on other. But..." he paused and thought for a moment. "Then again, if you think about it, wouldn't they already know that we would contact them, and just have that agent prepped and ready to talk to us? Or would they just arrive and expect me to contact them later? This will be a first..." He looked over at the man. "Sorry, I'm kind of excited for this."

"Okay, I am not going to be having a relationship with an Eira from another timeline. Nor do I think I am going to have a romantic relationship with the Eira here." Raiden spluttered. "As for a time cop, they would probably come drop in unannounced and we'd probably be told we don't know they were here. And I haven't done anything to warrant them coming to visit. Have you?"

"I am not the one speaking of alternate timelines or hooking up with an alternate possible girlfriend. Though I would be lying if I hadn't thought about taking a ship around a star find the nearest hot-tub time machine in order to correct my own mistakes," the older man shrugged and tapped his desktop as he thought a loud. "Hell, I doubt there isn't a single soul out there that hadn't thought of such things. If you haven't thought about it, or even try to plan out how you would get through it, then you haven't truly learned. For if you have learned, you know nothing of pain and suffering."

"If I could go back in time, don't quite know what to change except maybe... Nah... Can't change what has already happened. Even if it had been unpleasant." Raiden remarked. "I can either grow from it or, let myself just stew and be inept. Anyway, besides the strange conversation I apparently started us on, since you've been here before, Memphis Island and DS 7 any recommendations as what to do?" Raiden was really wanting to get away from the subject of Eira and time travel.

"Don't get off topic, sit, tell me what you would change," David countered ignoring the request of additional information of Deep Space 7 and Memphis Island. He pointed at one of the chairs, open handed, and leaned back. "I'd hate to have to pull that final pip I have over you to get you to sit down."

Raiden gritted his teeth and sat down at the indicated chair. "I would have liked to have woken up and not had that damned crazy Romulan/Vulcan wench having gone through my head like she had. Her having been in my quarters on the Arcadia uninvited." the XO growled out.

"Yes, I went to see two counselors both Commander Ziyal, as well as talking to Lieutenant Whitlock. Hell, I even spoke to Eira and told her what had happened before her decision to leave. Before we went to get our people back. I saw myself withdrawing from Eira, putting a distance between her and I. Heck there is another woman I am extremely interested in, and I do not know if that is going to be working out. I plan on once I try to resolve the current deal with either of them, I am going to go out somewhere by myself and try to get my head straightened out" he shooting a sharp glance towards David. " But yes that would be something I would change if I could go back in time."

"Such a lady's man, aren't you? Sounds like I either need to hire someone to beat the women off you or keep you locked up on the bridge, keeping everyone away so there isn't any heart breaks," David joked as he leaned back in his chair. "So you are playing the field?"

Raiden rubbed the back of his head as he considered the words that Hawkins had said, sure he saw the jest that the captain was making and yet. "I don't consider myself playing the field. And didn't you already put me on a lot of bridge time as well? Double shifts, mind you. It was good experience though."

"I did, but then again, I could always put that new chief of Security as my new XO, and you back at helm, if its to much for you to handle," the captain murmured as he smirked ever so slightly.

Raiden chuckled and shook his head lowering his hand down. "David, nah You won't have to do that. And I'm not complaining. Also, I have a question about a comment you had made a little bit ago, you and I were hunting the same prey? I think I finally put two and two together. The person you had been seeing off and on was, our Counselor? Are you still interested in her?"

"Took you long enough," David shrugged as he took a deep breath. "But you have nothing to worry about. I think we would have enjoyed ourselves. But I'm almost past my prime, and I don't see myself settling down anytime." He allowed the words set in as he thought about the past couple dreams, or nightmares, that had snuck into his mind. He had never thought that anything would truly stick with him, but these nightmares were starting to haunt him after so many years. He made a mental note to go talk to a counselor next chance he got.

Raiden gave a nod, "I know it took me a bit of time to put that together. That conversation that you and I had, seems like it happened so long ago after all that has gone on since then." he took note of the fleeting expression in David's eyes. "Something going on? You seem troubled."

"Nothing more troubling then the next," the captain replied as he looked at his executive officer. The mental barrier was up in place and he had no plan of opening up anytime soon. Though he preferred it, this was something that was personal that he had to struggle and counsel through. So it was nothing to worry about unless it effected his position. "You need to keep in mind that you are still young. Obviously, you got the ladies all circling ya. Just remember, don't toy with them to much. They like to toy around as well, but there will be a day that you will wonder if you should have taken another path. Don't rush it, but don't take anything for granted either."

"I don't intend on taking things for granted." Raiden rose to his feet. "I'm just trying to figure out which direction to go. Hopefully to not play catch up continually." he shook his head slightly. "As it is, I'm going to go take someone out to dinner on the planet and talk with her. Best to have communication between us, lack of communication isn't a good thing to have. Anyway Captain, I'll head on out and let you get on with your shore leave as well. I will say I am looking forward to getting back out on a mission that we are not dealing with fanatics."

"You and me both, Commander," David agreed as he watched the younger officer start to walk for the door. "Raiden..." The captain started as he saw this personal touch caught the first officer off guard getting him to stop in his foot steps. "Sorry about Cortez."

Raiden paused to look back towards Hawkins. "Its okay, things happen for one reason or other. Something tells me though I may need to concentrate on the possible relationship with Liala. It all depends on if I don't mess it up. I'll see you later Captain." Raiden stepping through and the door closing behind him.


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