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Posted on Tue Sep 20th, 2022 @ 9:11am by Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Before Acolyte Mission
655 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Kanan Mishra had taken the time just a mere fifteen minutes deciding to send a letter to his family before going on the away mission. He opened up his computer and began his missive.

"Dear Mother, Father, Samar and Lavanya.

I decided I needed to write to you as I missed my normal time, well make that its been a week since I have written. I got your video of Grandmother Anjali's birthday and that was quite the celebration. I wished I could have been there especially seeing the delicious food that was prepared. I am glad that she received my present, and that she liked it very much. She did tell me that she prized things that were handmade as there was a special touch of love there. It gave me a great amount of joy to see her smile when she placed the wooden rose hair pin in to her silver white hair. I know that Jaya my cousin has been hounding me about making something for her as well. Sadly it will have to wait until I get done with my mission.

In answer to some of your questions, I am doing well. I do like this current posting. The chief of security , Josey Wales is a good man to work with so far. I have other people that I work with as well. I've not met most of the crew yet as we have found ourselves in a rather strange mystery. I can not tell you what it is as the investigation is still on going and I do not want to compromise it either. After all when working in security things have to be hush hush.

Uncle Darsh seemed to be having fun in leading the celebratory dance for Grandmother. He put on quite the production, all the brilliant colors, the flower petals. And to think that he convinced Grandmother to get in on the dancing. Sometimes one forgets what the so called elderly can do. She is definitely spry and fit! I hope I can be as fit like her and live a good amount of years. Can't believe that she is ninety five years old! She puts the younger generations to shame. I remember asking what her secret was and she told me, to cast out the negative thoughts, practice dancing and not neglect having fun. Though I wonder with doing such a serious job being in security is there away I can balance that out. In answer to Cousin Ashwin, I will be sending him a separate letter.

Mother, I am making certain that I am being as safe as possible but, you do need to remember I have a job to do and that means I will be facing some danger. It is a part of the job. I do know that you wanted me to be a carpenter like Cousin Raghav but my heart wasn't into it. I wish to keep people safe, to keep order. Besides I wanted to travel through the stars. Remember my projected destiny was written and was said I'd travel to the stars. Sure it also said if I went down another path I could have been a gardener. I really don't believe in that mysticism. Though I did want to travel amongst the stars and Grandmother had said I needed to choose my own destiny. And that is why I am out here.

Father, thank you for believing in me and making certain I was ready to take the test to get into the Academy. You believed in me and I am grateful and grateful for all the support the rest of you give to me. Now Mother don't cry, just take a moment and just breathe. And don't worry I am wearing the Good Luck charm you gave me. Now I need to go, they are waiting for me, love to you all.

Ensign Kanan Mishra"



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