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An Old Wound

Posted on Sun Sep 11th, 2022 @ 9:47am by Captain Vanora Steele (Pallas)
Edited on on Fri Jun 30th, 2023 @ 10:57pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: SIS Liranarix
Timeline: Present
630 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

None of this surprised Vanora. Neither that the Unholy Trinity had not, in fact, been fully eliminated, nor that they had grown more powerful in the years that had passed since she served on the USS Gladiator and that ship and crew had been the only part of Starfleet pursuing the zealots. Nor that, once again, it was Captain David Hawkins steering the Gladiator right into danger, the lone commanding officer and the lone ship to stop a catastrophe of galactic scales from occurring.

"None of this is surprising," she repeated to herself as she studied the latest intelligence report from the captain's chair.

"Sir?" asked her first officer, a rather dressed down Reman woman lounging in the seat next to Vanora. Subcommander Nanuk was wearing a tank top and some loose-fitting slacks that was almost certainly not Imperial-standard, but then again, the Romulan defector didn't work for the Star Empire anymore. Or for the Romulan Free State. Or even the Reman Resistance. She worked only, as she had told Vanora after successfully staging a mutiny and bringing her T’varo-class light warbird, the Liranarix, directly to Starfleet Intelligence, "for those who are not stupid enough to get those few of us Remans left all killed."

“Just reminiscing, Nollon. You’ve read this already? Why am I asking, you always read my mail before I get it, don’t you?”

“I assert my right under Federation law against self-incrimination…” the Romulan deadpanned.

“… every single day. You know that doesn’t apply to Starfleet, much less Starfleet Intelligence. To be clear, my critique is that your humor is lacking, and I need you to step it up if you’re going to be my Number One.”

“I didn’t realize that ‘Personal Jester’ was so integral a part of the Executive Officer position on Starfleet vessels, Captain.”

“Don’t blame yourself, you are still acclimating to the superior organization of Starfleet.”

The two officers stared one another down, and then broke their facades and began laughing at the same time. “So this Captain Hawkins, you served under him?” Nanuk held up her hands, “I’m not making a joke, I promise!”

Vanora chuckled. “Yes. It was an important posting for me. I grew a lot. Had my first taste of covert ops. Had a chance to run Strategic Operations; took on a Command position.”

“Found your dead husband and gallantly rescued him from an unauthorized Elasian black site,” a deep voice added as a human man walked onto the Bridge. “How did you leave that part out when it was obviously the most important?”

“Of course, my love,” Vanora smiled at Tang, leaning back and accepting a kiss from him before he swung around and took the Operations station. “I was waiting for you to tell that part. Is everything ready?”

“Singularity drive is at maximum efficiency, all weapons systems nominal, cloaking device shows no degradation. We are as ready as we are going to be,” her first officer reported, seeming to ignore, or perhaps not noticing at all, the exchange between Vanora and Tang.

“You sure you want to do this?” The Reman asked. “I’m fairly certain they won’t let you keep that seat if you go off script. Again.”

“Success is easily forgiven. When Intel realizes that we were right the whole time and helped the Gladiator stop an apocalypse, all will be forgiven. Besides, I promised you I’d help keep you and your people alive. This is how we do it. If the Trinity finish their rituals, we are all screwed.”

Nanuk nodded, having already made up her mind. “I’m with you, Vanora.”

“Then let’s do this. Helm, you know where we are going. Warp 9. Let’s go get our mark.”


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