Difficulty Sleeping

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2022 @ 12:11am by Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Computer on screen.
Personal Log Ensign Willow Callingbull
Dear Mom, Dad and Grandpa and family
Even if I can’t send this to you, it makes things easier to write my personal log this way. Just to let you know I arrived safely and am now on a different ship. I had been slated to sign onto the USS Arcadia but now I am on the USS Gladiator. I can’t really tell you about what is happening as I am still in the thick of it. Sufficeth it to say, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, the experience that the crew on this ship has already faced. I’ve met my superior, Doctor Timia Svidi. She is a rather efficient woman and doesn’t tolerate those who are slacking in their work. I sort of feel like I need to walk on eggshells where she is concerned. This is probably due to my being new and I am trying to figure out where I fit in all of this. I’ve managed to help out so hadn’t given Doctor Svidi cause to turn her wrath in my direction. I do hope I don’t somehow mess up to suffer the consequences. Then again, I’ve been known to have a small amount of anger towards someone who did something stupid.

I had helped Doctor Svidi and Emmah track down blood samples and connect them to missing members of the USS Gladiator, hoping to find those who are alive and those who are not, just hoping that we can find clues to the members of the Unholy Trinity but there wasn’t any unknown blood samples to even hope to trace. Doctor Svidi had the not so wonderful job of giving the information to Captain Hawkins and he gets to send off the letters of condolences to the family members.

The I am sorry to inform you that your brother, sister, wife, daughter, son, have met an untimely end. I remember Grandpa having a copy of that sort of letter and even the meeting with the CO to let him know of the demise of his spouse. Not a fun place to be on either side of the coin. It is an unenviable task for anyone to undertake.

Computer pause recording.
A quick drink then back to the personal log

I am unable to go to sleep just yet, all the images of those poor souls are still dancing in my head, I am going to have to do something to give my mind a rest, and maybe do something to give respect to them. I could almost hear their cries of wanting vengeance, to give their souls peace. I know I have a vivid imagination and maybe the desire for vengeance is more on my part than theirs as in, the souls are free, they are dead. This devastation, this loss is just unthinkable, unwarranted, barbarism. All in the name of a bloodthirsty deity. I think I will go get the list and then go to the holosuite to do a ceremony for them. It will be a small ceremony though, burning of sage, burning the list to help them find their way home. To help me sleep. I do not want to get drunk, as I need my wits about me as we are not done with this mission.

Computer end personal log of Ensign Willow Callingbull Medical Officer on the USS Gladiator


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