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Medical Emergency

Posted on Mon Nov 1st, 2021 @ 9:29am by Captain David Hawkins
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:52pm

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Secondary Sick Bay - Arcadia
1379 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

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Adrenaline pumped through his veins which did not help as he pressed down on the bloody opening that was thanks to the ballistic bullet in which Meeka had received while jumping at a Sucarions assault soldier in which was between them and the shuttle. They had made their way to the flightline and cleared the guard towers quicker than anticipated. But when they got to the shuttle, the dame Sucarions had taken advantage of their ‘lockdown’ and broke into their shuttle. It was frustrating enough, but that wasn’t the end of it. Reliving it in his mind, as he pressed against the quick bandage over the fur and blood, listening to his four legged companion wempering every time the shuttle shook due to atmospheric turbulence, John couldn’t help but feel as thought he could have done something better. Something to which would have reduced the chances of Meeka reacting without his command. But it all seemed to show that it didn’t matter. This canine was fully trained and did not care about self but was driven to protect her ‘pack’.

He never heard the announcement from Lieutenant Kosugi that they had reached the rondeau point where they were supposed to have met up with the Arcadia. Luckily they had as it seemed like a dream. Time seemed to slow down as he held the canine close to him, warm blood all over his warn, burnt uniform. The rifle had been thrown… hell he had no idea where. All that had matter was that once the Sucarion had been taken down after shooting Meeka, in mid air, no less… it was all he could do but put the Sucarion down. Rage had kicked in causing him to completely loose count of how many times he had shot his rifle at the Sucarion, but once it had faded, he was gripping the canine, instead of his favorite rifle, and was on the shuttle frantically pulling out the bullet while holding Meeka down, with the help of Mel.

Shimmering seemed to ingulf them, which finally caused Hayter to break his focus on Meeka’s panting and wheezing. Never had he ever heard an animal act so… real to him. The colonel looked around as he felt the cooler air of the new surrounding cause a slight shiver down his spin. They were now in the Arcadia’s secondary Sickbay. Why had they been sent to the second class section?!?!?!

“The canine is still loosing blood. Colonel, get her on the bio bed now!” a female doctor called out, in a calm but stern voice. He looked over to see a long haired brunette with her long hair pulled back behind hear head in a pony tall. Her pointy ears were some what softer than any other Vulcan, meaning she was a hybrid. But that didn’t stop her as she was focused and caused others to fall in line out of the need, not the desire. This was not a woman that demanded respect but demanded swift and decisive action without question. She was no doubt a skilled and knowledgeable woman. “Bring the bio bed online and begin sterilization. We are going to need to act quick,” the doctor called out as she came up to the bio bed as the marine finally broke his focus on holding the blood in on the canine, his friend, his family.

“We will need blood as well. We should already have the canine’s blood type on stock,” the hybrid doctor called out as she stood next to John and started to scan Meeka with the medical scanner. “The bullet has already been pried out and the artery has been nicked. Several tenants are going to need to be repaired as well, but we need to repair the artery first.”

The Colonel held down the patch work of the goze and the straps of part of his uniform holding down the gash. What had been warm leaking dark red blood had now dried and was sticky. His hands and parts of his uniform had Meeka’s blood all over it.

“Bring the dermal regenerator and the micro suture,” the vulcan doctor called out as he looked her over. “When I tell you, I need you to remove the bandages and step back.”

“I am not leaving her side!” Hayter remarked as he looked at the brunette.

“Colonel, I do not care about rank, I will throw your ass out of here. I have trained medical assistance here in which know exactly is required to maximize the canine’s life. If you wish to question me or order me around, telling me what you will or will not do, you risk this animal’s very life,” she remarked as she prepared her tools that she started to receive. “So which it going to be?”

There was a slight pause but John nodded as he knew better then be hot headed with a skilled member of their career field. “Just tell me when.”

More medical staff rushed around the table and a force field came online. A slight humming was heard as the hybrid doctor nodded and looked at the Colonel. “Go ahead and remove your hand. We will take over. I promise you, she will be in the best of hands. Now go. Step out of the force field.”

There was a slight reluctance in the marine but he knew better. Whether it was a part of him maturing or it was the sense that he knew better than to act as a know it all, he wasn’t sure, but he followed the doctor’s orders and once given the signal, he stepped back. He slowly stepped backwards as he watched the medical staff, almost crowd around Meeka as though vultures. But he knew better then to think that they were there to take her apart. The was a slight part of him that paused but knew that he needed to step out of the sterilization area.

Once behind the force field, he paused for a moment. He wanted to rush to Meeka’s side once again as soon as he heard her yelp but it was already to late. He was not able to step into the sterilized section. He had heard the doctor give the green light to start blood transfusion and once stable enough, to put her under, primarily with a pain killer. John looked over to the monitor outside the surgical bay and saw the spike n blood pressure before it came down and started to stabilize. He slowly caught his breath as be blamed himself. The neurological link between him and the canine was disconnected and caused him to be even more concerned before he saw that things were still fine. This was going to take longer than he had hoped for.

Time seemed to almost slow to a holt as he watched every beat of the canine’s heart beat on the monitor. It had all but been his focus before he felt the hand patting on his shoulder.


“What!” John snapped out of it before seeing a medical technician. “Sorry…”

“It’s fine, sir. Your canine will be under for a bit. But should be out in about an hour. Your were also being called to report to the observation lounge.”

He looked at the young female for a moment before sighing. “I honestly hate these badges. I do apologize.”

“It wasn’t your badge. They tried reaching you through your ear piece, badge and called me to try and get your attention., sir.”

He paused for a moment knowing that he had truly been more focused on the survival of Meeka, then even hearing anything else. “Thanks. Just do me a favor and call me as soon as she get out of surgery. Sound good?”

“I can do that sir…”

He looked over at the surgical staff and pondered what all they would have to do but knew deep down, they knew what the hell they were doing. He took a deep breath, after looking down at his fur and blood stained hands and uniform before finally looking up at the technician. “Thanks… I’ll be back.”

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