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Shore leave

Posted on Mon Feb 26th, 2024 @ 8:17am by Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi)

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: Memphis Island
2494 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure

Shore leave was a time to get off the ship and try to relax and that was something Ensign Kanan Mishra was going to try to do. Maybe going out and have a little bit of fun? He wondered though if Aarfa was going to do something while on shoreleave. Or if she was going to do something else.

He tapped on his commbadge, "Barakzay its Mishra, are you busy? What's your location?"

"Not too busy, Mishra," Aarfa replied putting a PaDD down. Honestly, she was grateful for the excuse. Inventory systems were undoubtedly important and useful, but the textbook on theory and applications was incredibly boring. "I'm at the cafe on the promenade, trying to drink enough caffeine to get through some assigned reading."

"OKay I am headed your way." Mishra getting the location where Aarfa was at. A few minutes later he came up to the table where she sat. "Hi there."Mishra taking a seat at the table. "So... how long have you been studying?"

"Too long." Aarfa puffed hard enough that her lips vibrated with the force of her exhalation. "I know part of security is being able to investigate inventory waste, loss, and theft, but..." her ears and tail drooped, " is so mind numbingly boring." Her eyes grew larger, not so much widening as taking on a soulful imploring look. "Please tell me you comm'ed because you have something else for me to do."

"Actually yes I do and it is highly recommended especially by Lieutenant Wales. We're supposed to be doing something on our shore leave besides studying. How about heading down to the planet and have a little bit of fun. Feel the actual sun shining down upon us, go swimming in the water. Or just go hiking, do something relaxing. Even do a little bit of surfing maybe even explore. What do you say? Wouldn't it be nice to just be out in the open, beneath the azure blue sky?" Mishra flashing a smile.

"You had me at do something besides studying, but open air ...hiking... exploring..." Her nose twitched in anticipation of all the new scents. "I've never tried surfing, but it sounds interesting."

"Then c'mon, lets get some clothing that isn't uniform related. I'll teach you how to surf. Shall we?" Mishra standing up from the table, his smile going a bit broader, his eyes lighting up. "Have you had freshly caught seafood cooked over a fire?" Mishra asked.

Canid ears cocked quizzically. "Clothing? I thought surfing was in the water?" Then she grinned - Kainans did 'fur it' for swimming, but she knew most humanoids had body taboos and had learned to adapt. "Don't worry, I can replicate a swimsuit. And fresh seafood sounds great. Mostly I've had fresh caught raw," she licked her lips almost reflexively at the memory of taste, "but cooked over a fire sounds good. Let's go."

Mishra gave a pause, he didn't know much about the Kainan race except for what he has seen with Aarfa. "how do you like to swim? Is clothing optional for you? I really don't know much so... I assumed." giving a wry smile. "I'm all for learning about you and your people." he said. "I've got a swim suit as I prefer to surf with something on. Swimming on the other hand. it depends on if there are people around or if I am by myself."

"I have..." she gestured to the ruff overflowing her uniform collar, "...a LOT of fur. Most of us do, so we don't really need clothes to cover anything. Plus, wet fur under clothing isn't terribly comfortable. Fortunately I've learned that humans wear this thing called a 'string bikini' that's considered acceptable, so I can go to mixed species beach and not get shocked looks." She stuffed her PaDD under her arm and got up. "Anyway, I just need drop this and grab the bikini and I will be ready to go!"

Mishra looked at Aarfa. "If you want to go natural its not going to bother me, I guess though to not shock others, we can get that bikini for you." Mishra giving a shrug. "After all this shoreleave is all about getting destressed from our mission and to recover so. Whichever you will be more comfortable then lets do that." he gestured to the bag he was carrying. " I've got my swimwear here, plus a towel."

Aarfa smiled, tail lifting happily at his understanding and acceptance. "Thanks," she said sincerely as she opened the door. "I'll just be a moment. And towel - good point - I'll grab a couple of those too."

He walked with Aarfa to where she was bunked at, and waited for her to come back out.

In a swish of fur, Aarfa reappeared, clad in a loose swing dress-type beach coverall. "Ready!" she said, securing her pack straps over one shoulder.

"You look a lot more comfortable and the dress looks great on you." Mishra remarked as they headed for the transporter. "So, there are two beaches one that isn't filled with a lot of people, and the other has quite a few people. Which one would you like to go to? Me personally, I would rather go to the beach that may not have as many visitors. Your choice." he remarked as he stepped onto the transporter pad.

"Thanks, and yes, it is a lot more comfortable." Aarfa smiled, swiveling slightly to enjoy the feel of fur on legs not compressed by pants. "I'm okay with either beach, but fewer people sounds better," she agreed. Normally she might like the busier place - she usually liked large pack scenes, but after ...everything... someplace with less noise, fewer chances for anything loud or startling, sounded a lot more relaxing.

Mishra gave a nod, "then we'll go there." he giving the coordinates for the beach less visited. When they arrived at the beach, Mishra looked around, noting that he and Aarfa were the only ones there. "Well look at that, its just us, the sun, the sand, the water." he paused then added. "And a waterfall."

It was amazing. The view, but even more the scent! Aarfa's nose practically vibrated with scents: salt tang from the sea, the mist from the waterfall - living water! not the flat ultra filtered replicator water, but fresh water carrying minerals and biota from the land its feeding river ran through - and the lush flora and all the small (and potentially edible) creatures in it. She nearly followed her nose toward it, but thought better; ocean first, then shower off under that waterfall. Turning her head toward she beach, she inhaled - salt air, seaweed and crustaceans in the sand, and fish! Her eyes automatically scanned for anything jumping where it might be close enough to catch. "This is incredible. I can't believe no one else is here."

"I think that small handfuls of people do come to be here. If you take a look, I can see an area where someone, had been camping out here. "Mishra walking over to where a ring of rocks had been placed and also signs of ashes that didn't seem that old. Mishra actually knelt down and picked up some of the ash there, rubbing it between his fingers. "I'd say maybe a couple of days ago?" There was indication as well, that the fire that was there had been fully doused and made certain that there wasn't any embers for an accidental fire.

"Other than that, I just realized I hadn't even made certain I had a surf board." Mishra rising up from his crouched position.

At least two days ago, but she could still catch a very slight whiff of crispy-cooked fish skin. It reminded her of talk of fresh caught fish, but that was for later. Play in the sea first. And catch fish, of course. "Do we need a board to surf? I've heard people talk about body-surfing? Can you fish and surf that way?"

"I don't know how to body surf, but I can fish without a fishing pole. Something I learned to do when I was young. So how about this when we get back to the ship, I can show you how to surf on the holo-deck okay? Today we will have fun in the sun." Mishra responded.

Aarfa laughed. "I can fish without a pole too. Just find the fish and..." she clicked her teeth together in quick snap, then grinned. "I'm good with just fun in the sun. Swim, fish, just ...relax." The word was almost an exhalation, like a breath she had been holding for days. It felt good, freeing. A grin creeped across her face. "Race you to the water?"

"Sure!" Mishra kicking off his shoes, and peeled off his shirt. The bag with his swimwear just dropped to the sand and he took off running. He can change into his dry swimwear later. "Not like I will be able to beat you, with you being so fleet footed but I can still try!" he called out with a huge smile. Sprinting towards the water with a laugh and turned to see where Aarfa was at when he was waist deep.

Having flung her loose dress away as soon as she hit sand, Aarfa had charged into the waves and then taken a jumping dive from waist deep, letting the next wave roll over her back as glided with a smooth stroke beneath. She popped up, chest deep, shaking her head to fling water from her face and sending it in spiral arcs from flopping ears. When she opened her eyes, she spotted Mishra a couple meters away and waved. "Over here!"

Mishra flashed a huge grin, then dove into the water, making his way beneath its surface to arrive where Aarfa was at. He popped up alongside her, splashed water at her then dove once again. He moved his hands in order to stay below, as Mishra looked upwards to where the sun was shining through the water. It was beautiful. A curious bright orange fish came up to look at him. Mishra's eyes crinkled up with laughter.

Aarfa dove under after him and seeing that he was staying under, tried to do the same. It was strange - she couldn't use her nose underwater and the lack of scent was a real handicap, and yet it was beautiful. She nearly yipped at the sudden appearance of the colorful fish, remembering just in time to keep her mouth closed. She reached out, extending just a fingertip toward it, but it immediately darted away. With a sigh, she resurfaced. "I guess my claw scared it."

Mishra went back up to the surface, "Or it found me too ugly to look at, fish standard wise." Sweeping his hair back from his face. Then shaking his head to get some of the water out of his hair. He rubbed his hair, its strands sticking up. "Looks like I'm going to have to get a hair cut soon." grinning from ear to ear. "When do you want us to get some fish?" Mishra treading water.

The shake looked almost Kainan, which made Aarfa laugh in delight. "It's not as long as mine," she said, shaking her own furry head and grinning back. 'We passed on that little gold fish, but I could eat." She glanced around in case a bigger fish was within snatching distance. "Any idea where the big fish would be?"

Mishra cast his eyes back over towards the water, then he smiled and pointed towards an area that jutted out "I believe we can find some big fish there. Certain fish like to be close to shore in a more quiet area. Lets go take a look there." already walking in that direction. "Like a few tropical zones near the ocean, some fish just like being there."

"Okay. Lead on!" Aarfa said, splashing after him, nearly dancing as they headed for what she hoped would be prime fishing grounds. "I'm curious to see how humans fish."

"All depends on who is out fishing. In survival training people are taught to created a hook out of wood and some sort of twine or even long grass. Or for me, fishing by hand like a bear does." He paused to look for a stick several inches in width finding one to his liking, Mishra went into the water carefully. He found a good place where there would be fish. Several were a good size. They moved slightly but with him not making a move, they settled down then one came with in reach. Mishra carefully gently puyt his hands beneath the fish then...

Swoosh! He flung the fish upon the bank and moved quickly to bonk the fish upon the head to kill it instantly.

Aarfa yipped an excited cheer. "You fish like a Kainan!" It was a delightful revelation. She'd never seen a human fish that way and hadn't imagined that they would even try. Until now. He'd even killed it the polite way for sharing, rather than catching it in his mouth and biting the head off. "Let me get the next one." So saying, she waded in slowly, then went completely still, waiting that the movement of the water stirred her fur, attracting fish to try to nibble the loose waving strands. Then in a flash of movement, both hands plunged in and out, fish snatched in clawed fingers. With a bound, she she was out of the water, rapping each fish's head against rock to kill it.

She examined her catch and his, licking lips with a grin. "A few more and we'll have a decent meal."

"Indeed looks like we're going to be eating well." Mishra responded and set to work on getting more fish. With both of their efforts, a nice pile was collected. "This is the most fun I have had in fishing for in awhile, Aarfa" Mishra stated.

"This is the most fun I've had fishing or ...doing anything really, in quite some time," she replied with a huge canid smile. "Thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

" You are very welcome Aarfa, I would like to do something like this again. Seriously though just doing this with you makes me feel rejuvinated and well, have a better outlook on lifel. i feel that we are definitely more than being crew but I also feel like we are friends." Mishra replied, "Here's to us having great meal and a celebration to being friends."

"I feel the same," she said, touched and grateful - she had needed this too (so much that she could barely fully admit it even to herself). "Yes, to being friends." She tossed one of the smaller fish into her mouth and after a chomp and swallow gave a full-fanged canid grin. "Which is best celebrated with a great meal."


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