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Old Friends

Posted on Tue Jan 12th, 2021 @ 6:00am by Captain David Hawkins

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Ready Room - U.S.S. Arcadia
1618 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Reassignment, my ass," David murmured to himself as he walked around the office he was newly assigned on the ready room on the Arcadia. His former crew was now in the process of being pulled apart, reassigned, or were on the verge of resigning. But once that happened, not many really wanted to come back after that. Not after all the things that they had gone through. So now he was here watching all of his work, seemingly being pulled apart. How was he even going to handle such an action. So what it came down to now was what was he going to do about this? Well the answer was, fall in line and get his people reassigned to the Arcadia. He paused and looked out at the view of his new ship which was docked. It was massive, and was being stock piled with equipment and thousands of people for transport.

The chirp from the monitor caught his attention and he sighed slightly before he looked at the read out. As he wasn't expected to be getting a call so soon, it seemed as thought comms personal had already routed his access codes to the temporary office given to him. So when the incoming call finally showed up, he took a deep breath and entered in his confirmation and acceptance. A female came up before him in which made him smirk slightly as he relaxed just a little bit. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Ledeya Ehestri looked at the man as his face came into view and smiled a little more shaking her head. The woman who appeared on the screen was striking with dark hair and black deep eyes that at that moment held amusement as he greeted her. It had been a long time since they had caught up and all the rumours were rife about him and the Gladiator. “Well that is a nice greeting David.” She mused sitting back a little revealing this was not an official call at all as she wore civilian clothing and hand a glass of a suspicious-looking liquid in her hand.

"How have you been? I honestly didn't expect to hear from you for a bit. Thought you were quite busy as of late," he replied as he took a moment to grab a beer from the corner of his office and relaxed in his chair. He popped the cap and leaned back a short bit before looking at her. He felt himself starting to ease up a little bit in his confusion and irritation as he knew she would nip him in the butt if he didn't calm down at least a little.

Ledeya made a face as he disappeared and returned with a beer. It was just typical of him and his blase approach to life. "Well, when word reaches me that you are first in trouble and then promoted that attracts my attention," Ledeya commented on with an expression that was torn between worried and amusement. He was usually in some type of trouble but the grape vine had left her worrying more than normal. "72 has not been stable since I was moved." She sighed thinking of Starbase 621 and the mess there before she even thought about Saultis and the Majestic.

"That is a comforting thought. It all fell apart once you left?" David smirked as he looked at her before taking a swig of his beer. It ran down his throat almost satisfying his desire to drink liquor. But all of that was on Memphis Island. Sooner or later, he planned on going back there and maybe, just maybe, retire there.

"Well to borrow the human expression I do not like to toot my own horn but..." She let the thought hanging. There had been so many conspiracy theories surrounding the former Task Force Commanding Officer lifestyle that lead to much gossip when his entire Task Force Command Staff was composed of female commanding officers. Ledeya felt sometimes she was lucky to get out alive from that with her reputation intact. "I was lucky to get out of the scandals around the task force but here you are on your best behaviour and Task Force Executive Officer."

This caused him to chuckle before taking a sip of his drink. The thought of him being on his best behavior caused him to wander if had really mellowed out to te point of people thinking of him in that way. But then again, he typically never really thought about others and what they thought of him. He was more concerned about taking care of the people, no matter the cost. He had seen his career in the highs and lows. But now he was being called back and in a much bigger way.

Looking over the higher ranked officer before him, he was reminded that even though she had rank, she was younger, and still was an attractive one. He smirked as he took another gulp of his beer and leaned forward to keep his mind focused in a more respectful manor. "So what do they have you doing out there? Haven't heard much these days."

Ledeya grinned a little more at his question, everyone seemed to want her to answer that question. "You know I cannot tell you that." It was a secrete for a reason and Ledeya could not reveal much. "But we are happy and healthy." It was as simple as that.

"Oh, well I'm glad you are healthy and happy for you all," David said as he eyed her for a moment before he huffed slightly at the thought of not willing or able to share this information. Then it hit him. He smirked slightly as he leaned forward and brought up a new holographic display. He started to enter in his new command codes and started searching the data base. "Remember those good ol' days when we got to go on our nice relaxing walks on the beach in the evenings and classes the next day?"

"What before I declared you a man child and vowed to never speak to you ever again?" Ledeya teased him ever so slightly. It was water so far under the bridge that it was out into the sea now.

"Oh are you trying to sweet talk me, Commodore" he countered as he smirked before taking a quick drink before looking back at her holographic image. "I guess that is allowed as you aren't in my command structure. So I guess I can allow it."

"My sweet talking would be a lot less truthful and cutting if I was," She countered watching him carefully trying to figure out exactly what he was doing with the nearest console. She was not even going to comment on his, 'I will allow it' comment.

"Oh you flirt," David smirked slightly before he took a deep sigh before closing the link and refocused on her. "Sorry the Arcadia has a massive amount of supplies that need approved and over nine thousand personnel we are transferring to the station. So it looks like we are taking back an area of space we haven't had a chance to in a while. I could be off a little bit but all I know is that I am now in charge of this massive ship. Feels more like a small space station."

"Well, that is a bit boring. I thought you were doing something more interesting than work. Oh, how have you changed." She teased just a little as she sat there watching him for a moment. He knew that she was not your average Betazoid and he had never judged her for the prescription she had, had to take. "It is a small space station," Ledeya said honestly to him.

"Yeah, you know how it is in these administration positions and what not," He looked her over and smirked slightly with a slight wink. "So are you sure I can't get you to leak your super secret mission you are on? I could be persuaded to come in person with this nice shiney...ish ship."

Ledeya smiled and took a small sip of her drink as she looked over the screen and smiled offering a wave. “Well if you do misbehave.” She commented on turning her attention from the person off screen to the man who had got her through the academy. “I get into trouble with my little intrepid you will be the person I run to or call. You were always my back up.” She said without a hint of needing to hide or double men’s anything.

David smirked slightly as he nodded to the conversation between the two. There was no doubt in her words and how she responded to him in which he ever questioned her whatsoever. So when it came to his own response, he knew he was being honest and truthful. "I promise you that I'll always be there in case you need anything, work related or personal. You can count on me."

Ledeya nodded. “We will talk soon. Maybe a stroll on the holodeck or something.” Ledeya commented with a small smile. She had to get back to work and she knew that he would have to do it himself or at least rest. “Soon.” It was a promise as much as a threat but with a nod she disconnected the call.

"Looking forward to it. Talk to you soon," he replied before the monitor flashed to transmission ended message. Once there, he took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. It sure was time for him to get things going.


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