Lieutenant JG Lialla Troga[Kosugi]

Name Lialla Niami Troga[Kosugi]

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazed
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 140
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Lialla is a striking looking woman, her skin tans easily. Her hair is glossy black which gently brushes an inch below her shoulder blades. Her smile is like the noon day sun which comes from behind storm clouds. Her voice has a melodic quality when she speaks.


Father Ikibis Ukei
Mother Neala Memi Troga
Brother(s) (1)(Eldest) Etrin Chaime Troga
(4th oldest) Egasun Akeir Troga
Sister(s) 2. Hisoda Zum
3. Keroni Jimevo
Other Family Grandmother: Cledia Rosetta Troga

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Her tenacity is a strength but that tenacity can turn into a stubborn streak which she normally can control. It does however get a tight control of her on occasions, until she can think her way out of it.

+Hard Working
+Slow to anger

-Strong willed
Ambitions Promote healing for those who are needing it, both mental and physical

Working on various projects
Hobbies & Interests Dancing is one of her great loves. It keeps her physically fit, takes care of tension. Yoga, Capoeria, other styles of martial arts that can be linked to dancing. Acro Dancing, and some gymnastics. Gardening, she tends to have a mini garden that she travels with about the size of a flower box. Loves the theater and reading. Art of massage, reflexology and acupressure which is good for relaxation and take the tension away. Aromatherapy and natural herbal healing. Goes camping.


Betazed, Federation Standard and French, Italian, Klingon.

Personal History Lialla Niami Troga was born on Betazed

Eldest Brother :Etrin Chaime (Male) (oldest), Eldest sister: Hisoda Zum, 3. Keroni Jimevo (Female), 4. Egasun Akeir (Male),

Lialla is the baby of the family, but wasn't treated as such as in being spoiled, and always getting her way. That wasn't how she was raised. She fortunately also doesn't have to worry about being the head matriarch of the noble household when her grandmother and her mother passes away. Which is in some aspect a relief to her, and she would rather her mother and grandmother to live long and happy lives.

Lialla had a pleasant enough childhood, Betazed was a lovely place to grow up, until she turned 13 and that was when life as she knew it changed drastically. The Dominion invaded Betazed, causing a great deal of distress, sadness, terror, torture and even death for many. Some families fled to the hills where they could seek shelter to hide from those who served the Dominion. Maney were caught and took to where they were experimented on.

Lialla remembered some of her relatives being dragged off and them never returning. Her family joined up with those who sought to take back their homeworld, several of them learned the forbidden art of using their telepathic abilities to kill. For that was what it was going to take to get the Dominon slavers off their planet.

2375, after a rather sore battle, lives being lost, the Dominion was finally driven away. Lialla was then 15 years old, her telepathic abilities were already manifesting a year before, but had to hide that fact. It was a time of bitter, yet sweet celebration. Bitter due to lives being lost, sweet as their memories and lives could be celebrated as well as their sacrifices.

2376 (Age 16)She and others worked together to rebeautify their homes and repairing their homes, and purifying them as well to clear the taint of the Dominion from the surrounding areas. Lialla took pleasure in gardening, for it was soothing to her soul, and found that she had a knack for gardening. Lialla's telepathic and empathic abilities were flourishing under the guidance of her family.

2377-2381 (Age 17-21)When she turned 17, Lialla began attending the Betazed University to begin her studies to become a counselor. She also took botany and herblore , and aroma therapy as part of it. In the evenings she took classes in acupressure and massage therapy. Lialla wanted to be the best counselor she could be, helping to bring about the mental healing as well as the therapy becoming another way for her to help out.

Lialla also continued in her interests she loved. Besides gardening, dancing was also a good stress reliever.

2381-2386 When she turned 21, Lialla graduated from University and then went to StarFleet Academy, partly because she wanted to repay StarFleet for helping to save her people, and also wanting to meet other people of different races.

Age 26 Lialla graduated from StarFleet Academy, her first assignment was to the USS Shanghai serving as one of their counselors, she was there for four years, rose up to LtJG and became Chief Counselor.

Age 30-37 2390-2396 The USS Shanghai along with the crew disappeared in a spatial anomaly, which dumped them into an alternate universe. Starfleet wasn't what like it used to be in this universe the USS Shanghai is on a planet, hidden away. Not enough power to get it off the planet.

2396 A small handful of the crew, managed to get themselves out of that altertnate universe and into the Gamma Quadrant, where StarFleet isn't an enemy.

Lialla is still a LTJG, had been assigned to a ship the USS Mercury. The ship ended up being caught in the Nebula, having to survive without warp engines. The USS Mercury, also had gotten caught in some sort of fight, which cause severe damage. Lialla was not on the ship. She had gone down to the planet in order to get supplies with two other people. The ensuing trip back the runabouit they were on, was attacked as well.

Service Record
University of Betazed
Star Fleet.
First assignment: 2390-2396 USS Shanghai
Second Assignment:2396-2398 USS Mercury
Third Assignment USS Gladiator