Harley Ziyal

Name Harley Ziyal

Position Special Guest

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El Aurian
Age 197

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Harley has one of those faces that looks all sweet and innocent. Her eyes can be manic looking at times, her hair she wears in in two punches.

There are times where she paints her face to look somewhat like a clown to further enhance her unbalanced and chaotic mind.


Father Vaccin Ziyal
Mother Nois Ziyal (DECEASED)
Brother(s) Berde Ziyal
Disea Ziyal
Logis Ziyal
Sister(s) Reso Ziyal
Marsala Ziyal
Boul Ziyal
Liala Ziyal (Identical Twin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Harley is clinically diagnosed as a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies. There isn't really much to add to that except that she is quite dangerous, can form attachments as easily as lose them and has a personality that can chop and change.
Ambitions Have a little fun :D
Hobbies & Interests Torturing, maiming, loving (not necessarily in that order).

Personal History Born on El Auria, much like her twin Liala, she lived a similar life to most of her siblings and people.

When the Borg attacked she broke. She had always been an odd child, slightly 'off' in a sense to other children. She had a fascination with morbidity, how to manipulate people to achieve what she wanted and quite frankly had very little regard for life. She always seemed quite detached from others.

So, when the Borg attacked it pushed her further into this and she went off on a path of hurting, torturing and killing. She was especially adept at conning people. Anything deceitful, monstrous etc, she had no problems with and made her own way once safely away from her own world.

Her family do not talk about her. She is forgotten, but still the link between twins is rarely ever broken.
Service Record N/A