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Sat Apr 9th, 2022 @ 2:30am

Voareth Darqaron

Name Voareth vix Darqaron

Position Special Guest

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El-Aurian (IDs as Hirogen)
Age 152

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 120
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Though 152 years old Voareth appears to be only in her early 20's. She is fit and well built. She moves with a grace as though always prepared for a fight. She is strong for her size and weight but also fast and agile with an endurance that seems limitless. She shows little emotion outside of hate and anger so she seldomly smiles save for the instance she finds humor or irony in the tragic end of someone. During her travels, Voar has gone by several names (Voareth, Voar, Vix, Darq, Darqaron, Qaron [sometimes pronounced as 'Charon' or 'Karen'])


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Brother(s) UNKNOWN
Sister(s) UNKNOWN
Other Family UNKNOWN

Personality & Traits

General Overview Voareth is trustworthy and honest to a fault. When she makes an arrangement, she would rather die than to back out of said agreement. Friendship with her is a tall order. Those that do know or have heard of her have only foul things to say of her but all agree on one thing; that she is very good at what she does and that is hunt.
Strengths & Weaknesses Voareth is physically fit and enjoys working out and keeping her strength maintained. When it comes to personality, making friends showing emotion and the like, Voareth generally falls flat leaving many with nothing good to say about her. El-Aurians are, of course, known for having empathic abilities. Voareth generally uses this to her own advantage but does find some species overly emotional and thus emotional herself if she overemphasizes her empathic abilities.
Ambitions She has little ambition. Voareth mostly goes where the solar winds take her, performing hunts, making a profit, and simply surviving. She has not stayed in one place for long so her name(s) is/are spread throughout almost half the galaxy. Upon leaving Hirogen space, she did have an interest in finding more El-Aurians but could hardly call that an ambition.
Hobbies & Interests Voareth enjoys weapons of all kinds, from blades and blunts to projectiles and disruptors. She also enjoys disecting her prey with surgical precision. The more worthy the prey, the more care she gives their carcass. She enjoys collecting skulls and femurs. Skulls for showing off and femurs because you never know when you will need a blunt weapon.

Personal History Voareth renounced her El-Aurian heritage long ago. After escaping the homeworld and avoiding assimilation, the ship she was on ventured into deep space. Any direction would do. She grew up aboard the ship always listening to tales of her kind and growing further into childhood. After another encounter with the Borg, the ship came upon the Borg transwarp hub and used it to escape them once again. Being deposited into Hirogen space, the El-Aurian survivors found themselves, once again, to be the hunted. After a Hirogen raid, Voareth was declared not worthy prey and was left to her own devices aboard the derelict ship. Another raid later, she met another Hirogen who was training his son to hunt. Letting the son have his hunt, the son decided that she was not worthy prey as she would not fight back and appeared ready to die. Instead, they took her as a pet of sorts. For a time, Voareth was brutalized until she finally fought back and managed to pin the younger Hirogen. From then on, she started gaining respect from the Hirogen father and son. Eventually, she was added to the hunt team during big hunts. Her role was as bait originally and later turned custodial, but she soon started helping with the hunts as well. Voareth started to be trained as a hunter and displayed a level of ruthlessness and violence that seemed to match some Hirogen. She started to learn the discipline and the art of the hunt and started working on her dedication and precision.
Service Record N/A