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Sat Jun 12th, 2021 @ 11:57am

Petty Officer 3rd Class Dante Fox

Name Dante Fox

Position Damage Control Specialist

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 185 LBS
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Dante stands about six feet tall at 185lbs. He's about medium muscle build. He's physically fit but no Dwayne Johnson. He has short hair. Light facial hair.


Father Julius Fox Jr
Mother Evelyn Adams-Fox
Brother(s) Jamal Fox
Sister(s) Camille Fox
Other Family Dog, Anchor

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dante is a calm and measured individual who is very disciplined at work. He does not like being in dangerous environments but sees such environments as a conduit for successful work. Additionally, he will always attempt to get the job done regardless of how he feels of a situation.

Outside of that, he loves to play with his dog, Anchor. He's a rottweiler and always keeps him in check and honest. He enjoys spending time at the gym or taking a job around the ship. He keeps his shelf stocked with books - he appreciates keeping his mind sharp with a good book. Lastly, he appreciates a good team motivated in getting the mission completed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+Works well under pressure.
+Disciplined when at work.
+Good Listener.
+Very supportive of other people's goals.
+'The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few' attitude.

-Over invested
-Occasional leaps before look but always for the mission.
-Slightly a loner because of how involved he likes to keep himself busy but tries to get out there from time to time.
Ambitions He is currently writing two books he hopes to one day get published. One, involving what he does for a living. The second is a horror fiction on board a desolate space station. A side hobby of his.

As far as his career, he wants to continue working in his field and see where it takes him. He has no immediate ambitions.
Hobbies & Interests Read old novels and books.
Maintaining his fitness at the ship's fitness center.
Spending time with his dog, Anchor
Loves his work in Engineering.

Personal History Dante was born on Earth. Specifically, Nova Scotia in the eastern region of Canada - North America.

The rest of his family also serves in Star Fleet. His father, Julius Fox served and retired a Captain of the Ambassador ship, USS Dragon. His mother, Evelyn was Chief Medical Officer on Starbase 19. She administered the sector's medical unit for biohazardous research and treatment.

When Dante was young, he would be split twice a year between his parents when they were on assignment. During the summer months, he would be with his mother. During the winter months, with his father. Splitting the family up was difficult but was necessary and unavoidable for a working family.

He loved reading old novels. His favorite were old Stephen King novels filled with horror and suspense. He also loved reading some of the memoirs of famous black Americans like James Baldwin, Booker T Washington, and Frederick Douglas. How, people who looked like him, helped create the fabric of that country. Generally speaking, he just loves reading about history. He hopes to one day be a successful writer himself. Right now, it’s just a hobby and isn't taking it too seriously.

Both his parents retired in the same year, and both went back to Nova Scotia to settle down. In the same year, Fox joined Star Fleet Academy. Advice and learned lessons from his parents through experience of their own, supplemented time away from the academy.

Half-way through his academic career, both his parents passed in a tragic transportation accident while vacationing in France. The transport shuttle malfunctioned crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. No survivors. Upon hearing the news, Dante temporarily withdrew from the academy to focus on healing his family, especially with his brother and sister. He also had to settle his parent's estate. He wasn't one to stick around one place for longs periods of time, so he left the dealings with the estate to his sister.

Also, during his time away from the academy, he read the journals and public information available to him from his parents. He thought it would give him better insight into their careers. He learned his mother was working with other Star Fleet Medical experts on developing, in her own words, "a cure for the everything". Further reading into her journals and case notes, she explained she had seen thousands of patients over her twenty-year career. The suffering and anguish she had experienced must have been a toll to carry. Some of her patients, a young 12-year-old boy who developed type-3 smallpox. A Klingon Captain who encountered the phage, a new infection that had just reached the Alpha Quadrant from the Delta. A whole entire infected with the respiratory infliction, Lyma. The "cure for everything" project had been in development for years before his mother came onto the project but she knew she wanted to continue the project and be a part of it.

After rejoining the Academy, Fox majored in Engineering Studies. He graduated sixth in his class. He knew joining Starfleet was something bigger than himself. The countless voyages. The people he would be helping along the way. The stories he read about this mother only solidified his purpose and decision to join Starfleet. For him, it was the right thing to do.
Service Record If you don't mind, I would like to fill this out later pending a granting of a rank so I can make the timeline consistent.