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Tue Feb 23rd, 2021 @ 5:44am

Lieutenant Daniel Bauer

Name Daniel Bauer

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Aqua
Physical Description Although not physically imposing, Daniel does have presence in a room. He is charming, funny, and everyone appears to enjoy listening to his strong German accent. He usually combs his hair in a certain direction, and doesn’t mind that he is starting to thin out a little towards the crown of his head.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Simon Bauer
Mother Lydia Bauer
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daniel has never been a loner in life. He’s always had friends, and very rarely encountered any friction with anyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Daniel is a brilliant engineer, something that came to him naturally from a very young age. He is incredibly well educated in almost every known Human, Klingon and Vulcan mechanics.
Part of Daniel’s weakness however, is not knowing when to stop. Pushing for something he truly believes in and has strong conviction towards. This has landed him in trouble with his superiors on occasion.
Ambitions His main ambition in life was to meld his two passions together: engineering and serving Starfleet. However, in the long-term he can see himself in a position of command eventually, possibly assigned to a research ship. He also hasn’t ruled out a teaching position at Starfleet Academy in his twilight years.
Hobbies & Interests Daniel is fascinated with engineering history, stretching back to the 16th century. In particular, he enjoys studying 20th century engineering and industrial breakthroughs. When off duty, he can usually be found in his office in engineering, or in his quarters, reading old books and manuals from around those time periods.

Personal History Daniel was born on Earth. He grew up in the city of Dresden in Germany.

Daniel had a relatively unremarkable childhood; hitting all normal developmental milestones. He attended Charles Tucker III High School, achieving above average grades. At 18 years of age, he was admitted into Dresden University to study engineering. He dreamed of being a world-renowned engineer one day, and made it his main goal in life at that time. Getting into Dresden University was one of the proudest moments of his life.

Following three years of training, Daniel achieved his dream of being a fully qualified engineer. Following his graduation ceremony, Daniel applied to Starfleet Academy for the engineering officer training programme. He was accepted almost immediately due to his previous education, and started his studies there at the age of 21.

Following his graduation at the age of 25, he was posted on the USS Indefatigable as relief engineering officer. Following two years service, he transferred to Starbase 210 as Assistant Engineering Officer.

Remaining on the Starbase for three years, his next posting would be the USS Tropular as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

Following a relatively short time on the Tropular, only two years, he transferred to Starfleet Engineering on Earth as an Advanced Engineering Researcher. He remained here for four years, and found it to be his most enjoyable role yet. However, Daniel yearned to be back on a starship, so when there was an opening on the USS Arcadia as Chief Engineering Officer, Daniel knew he had to apply.
Service Record Starfleet Academy, Cadet
Engineering Course

USS Indefatigable, Ensign
Relief Engineering Officer

Starbase 210, Lieutenant JG
Assistant Engineering Officer

USS Tropular, Lieutenant
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Starfleet Engineering, Lieutenant
Advanced Engineering Researcher

USS Arcadia, Lieutenant
Chief Engineering Officer